This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cupola”.
1. Which of the following cannot be operated through cupola furnace?
a) Cast irons
b) Copper alloys
c) Bronze
d) Zinc
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Explanation: Among the following, zinc cannot be operated through cupola furnace, whereas the irons, copper base alloys and some kinds of bronzes are operated using a cupola furnace.
2. Which instrument is attached at the top of cupola?
a) Air blast
b) Coke bed
c) Wind box
d) Spark arrester
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Explanation: A spark arrester is positioned at the top of the cupola furnace, below which starts the stack zone, or the cupola furnace is open at the top.
3. What should the height of a cupola furnace?
a) 5m
b) 6m
c) 7m
d) 8m
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Explanation: The height of a cupola furnace commonly about 6m, whereas the cupolettes have a height of approximately 2.5m to 4m. There is a spark arrester attached to the top of the cupola.
4. The bottom of the cupola is made up of which material?
a) Pig iron
b) Cast iron
c) White iron
d) Grey iron
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Explanation: The bottom being the legs of the cupola are made up of cast irons, also the doors for bottom opening of cupola are made of cast iron only.
5. The volume of air passing in cupola is calculated using which device?
a) Area meter
b) Surface meter
c) Volume meter
d) Pressure meter
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Explanation: The air flows in the cupola, passing through the combustion zone. This volume of air can be calculated using a device called as Volume meter.
6. What is the maximum capacity of a cupolette?
a) 0.25 ton
b) 0.5 ton
c) 0.75 ton
d) 1 ton
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Explanation: Small cupolas are called as cupolettes. The capacity of a cupolette ranges from 0.5 ton to 1 ton. These cupoletes have a height of about 4.5 meters to 6 meters.
7. Cupola produces metal of uniform quality.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Cupola does not have a specific time duration of the operation. Hence, there is no uniform quality in the production of metal.
8. What is the purpose of auxiliary tuyeres?
a) Raise solidification efficiency
b) Drop solidification efficiency
c) Raise melting efficiency
d) Drop melting efficiency
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Explanation: Auxiliary tuyeres are basically used for providing to increase melting efficiency. They are fitted in one or more number of rows.
9. For how much time is the cupola fired before pouring?
a) 2 hours
b) 3 hours
c) 4 hours
d) 5 hours
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Explanation: The process of lighting is starting the cupola and firing it for about 3 hours, a little before the metal is needed for pouring.
10. A cupola is cylindrical in shape.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: A cupola is basically a cylindrical metal shell which is either welded or riveted to the boiler plate. It is mainly open at the top.
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