This set of Welding Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Arc Welding Equipment”.
1. What is the capacity of an automatic welding machine?
a) 100 to 200A
b) 300 to 400A
c) 500 to 700A
d) 800 to 3000A
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Explanation: An automatic welding machine has a high amount of capacity. Its capacity ranges in between 800 to 300A. This type of machine is not portable and is suitably used for heavy welding processes.
2. What is the capacity of a light manual welding machine?
a) 100 to 200A
b) 300 to 400A
c) 500 to 700A
d) 800 to 3000A
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Explanation: A light manual welding machine has one of the lowest capacity among all types of welding machines. Its capacity ranges in between 100 to 200A. This machine is portable and is best suited for light welding processes.
3. What is the current required in an Oxygen’s INDARC 400 (S) transformer?
a) 20 amp to 100 amp
b) 40 amp to 250 amp
c) 50 amp to 400 amp
d) 60 amp to 500 amp
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Explanation: In an Oxygen’s INDARC 400 (S) transformer, there is a hand wheel provided which is used for varying the output, for altering the air gap in the core and results in regulating the current in between 50 amperes to 400 amperes.
4. What is the efficiency of an A.C. welding transformer?
a) 0.6
b) 0.7
c) 0.8
d) 0.9
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Explanation: A.C welding is currently gaining considerable ground. The efficiency of an alternating current welding transformer varies from 0.8 to 0.85 and the efficiency of A.C. outfits is in the range of 0.3 to 0.6.
5. What is the amount of electric energy required per kg in dc welding operation?
a) 1-4 kWh
b) 3-7 kWh
c) 4-9 kWh
d) 6-10 kWh
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Explanation: The amount of electrical energy consumed required per kg for a D.C. welding operation, is 6 kWh to 10 kWh. Direct current provides the advantage of distribution of the heat needed inside the arc.
6. Which material is not used for making non-consumable electrodes?
a) Carbon
b) Graphite
c) Sodium
d) Tungsten
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Explanation: Non-consumable electrodes, are those electrodes which do not get consumed as the welding operation proceeds. These electrodes are primarily made up of materials like carbon, graphite and tungsten.
7. Which of the following characteristic does not define a coated electrode?
a) Maintenance of arc
b) Protection from oxygen
c) Protection from nitrogen
d) Preventing other elements into molten metal
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Explanation: A coated electrode is a further classification of a consumable electrode. The purpose of the electrode is to maintain the arc, to shield the molten metal from oxygen and nitrogen present in the air and to provide other alloying elements into the molten metal.
8. What is the amount of carbon contained by a soft steel wire?
a) 0.1% to 0.18%
b) 0.15% to 0.22%
c) 0.18% to 0.26%
d) 0.2% to 0.27%
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Explanation: A soft steel wire contains about 0.1% to 0.18% of carbon. Soft steel wire also has other contents in it like phosphorous and sulphur in it. The amount of phosphorous is soft steel is around 0.0025%.
9. What is the percentage of carbon present in low alloy steel?
a) 0.15%
b) 0.2%
c) 0.25%
d) 0.3%
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Explanation: The amount of carbon that is present in a soft steel wire is around 0.1% to 0.18% and the amount of carbon in terms of percentage composition in low alloy steels is 0.25%.
10. The presence of arc blower makes good quality welds.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: A flow of large amount of current causes the generation of arc blower. The space around the arc and the metal always experience magnetic fields, causing the currents to get squared. This results in an unstable behavior by the arc blower, which is therefore not desirable for good welds.
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