Forming Questions and Answers – Inverse Rate Curves for Steel

This set of Metal Forming Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Inverse Rate Curves for Steel”.

1. HPF steel is normalized at what temperature?
a) 800°C
b) 900°C
c) 1000°C
d) 1100°C
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Answer: b
Explanation: The HPF steel has to be taken to high magnitudes of temperatures. The HPF steel or the hot press forming steel gets normalized at 900°C.

2. What is the Vicker’s hardness of steel before the HPF process?
a) 150 Hv
b) 160 Hv
c) 170 Hv
d) 180 Hv
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Answer: c
Explanation: The HPF process in steels is considered to be a very important process, it involves heating the steel to high temperatures. The Vickers hardness of steel before HPF process is 170 Hv.

3. What is the Vickers hardness of steel after the HPF process?
a) 362 Hv
b) 462 Hv
c) 562 Hv
d) 662 Hv
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Answer: b
Explanation: The HPF process is a very essential process. The Vickers hardness of the material is found to change after this process is done. The Vickers hardness of steel after HPF process is 462 Hv.

4. What is the amount of carbon used in HPF steel?
a) Less than 0.37%
b) Less than 0.27%
c) Less than 0.47%
d) Less than 0.57%
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Answer: b
Explanation: The carbon content which is used in HPF steel is very less in percentage composition. The amount of carbon used in terms of percentage weight is less than 0.27%.

5. What is the amount of silicon used in HPF steel?
a) Less than 0.30%
b) Less than 0.20%
c) Less than 0.40%
d) Less than 0.50%
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Answer: d
Explanation: The silicon content which is used in HPF steel is very less in percentage composition. The amount of silicon used in terms of percentage weight is less than 0.50%.

6. What is the amount of boron used in HPF steel?
a) Less than 0.003%
b) Less than 0.007%
c) Less than 0.009%
d) Less than 0.057%
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Answer: a
Explanation: The boron content which is used in HPF steel is extremely less in percentage composition. The amount of boron used in terms of percentage weight is less than 0.003%.

7. What is the amount of tungsten used in HPF steel?
a) Less than 0.03%
b) Less than 0.02%
c) Less than 0.04%
d) Less than 0.05%
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Answer: d
Explanation: The tungsten content which is used in HPF steel is very less in terms of percentage composition. The amount of tungsten used in terms of percentage weight is less than 0.05%.

8. What is the amount of nitrogen used in HPF steel?
a) Less than 0.03%
b) Less than 0.02%
c) Less than 0.04%
d) Less than 0.05%
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Answer: b
Explanation: The nitrogen content which is used in HPF steel is very less in percentage composition. The amount of nitrogen used in terms of percentage weight is less than 0.02%.

9. In an inverse rate curve for steel, steel is heated uniformly.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In an inverse rate curve for steel, the steel is not just heated uniformly, also its temperature is recorded.

10. In an HPF steel, the amount of manganese used is 3% by weight.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The manganese content which is used in HPF steel is comparatively more than other substances in percentage composition. The amount of manganese used for HPF steel is less, approximately about, 1.5% to 2.0%.

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