Casting Questions and Answers – Rotory Melting Furnace

This set of Metal Casting Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Rotory Melting Furnace”.

1. Where was the rotary melting furnace originated?
a) Germany
b) Italy
c) U.S.A
d) England
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Answer: a
Explanation: The concept of the rotary melting furnace was first developed in Germany, and later because of its success, was adopted by the U.S.A and other countries of Europe.

2. What is the shape of a rotary melting furnace?
a) Spherical
b) Cylindrical
c) Cuboidal
d) Hemi-spherical
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Answer: b
Explanation: The rotary melting furnace is a cylindrical shell made up of steel shell. The rotary melting furnace is used for rotating or rocking purposes.

3. What is the speed of rotation of a rotary melting furnace?
a) 0.5 rpm
b) 1 rpm
c) 2 rpm
d) 3 rpm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The rotary melting furnace is used for rotating and rocking purposes. This furnace makes a complete rotation about itself every minute, hence the speed of rotation of a rotary melting furnace is 1 rpm.

4. After how many heats, should the refractory lining be renewed?
a) 50-100
b) 100-200
c) 200-300
d) 300-400
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Answer: c
Explanation: The refractory lining must be renewed, as the constant heating processes may cause it to damage. After approximately, 200 to 300 heats, the refractory lining should be renewed for a smooth operation.

5. In the given figure of a rotary melting furnace, what does the question mark depict?
Refractory lining of a rotary melting furnace below the steel shell
a) Burner
b) Exhaust box
c) Refractory lining
d) Molten metal
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Answer: c
Explanation: In this given figure of a rotary melting furnace, the question mark is depicting the refractory lining, which is just below the steel shell. This lining has to be renewed after a certain usage.

6. In the given figure of a rotary melting furnace, what does the question mark depict?
Steel shell of a rotary melting furnace in the outer body in cylindrical shape
a) Steel shell
b) Exhaust box
c) Refractory lining
d) Molten metal
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Answer: a
Explanation: The question mark is depicting the steel shell, which is the outer body of the furnace. The shape of this furnace is typically cylindrical.

7. In the given figure of a rotary melting furnace, what does the question mark depict?
The figure representing exhaust box of a rotary melting furnace
a) Steel shell
b) Exhaust box
c) Refractory lining
d) Molten metal
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

8. In the given figure of a rotary melting furnace, what does the question mark depict?
Exhaust box of a rotary melting furnace
a) Steel shell
b) Exhaust box
c) Refractory lining
d) Molten metal
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Answer: d
Explanation: In this given figure of a rotary melting furnace, the question mark is depicting the molten metal, which is then being heated and further treated for the production of malleable cast iron.

9. In the given figure of a rotary melting furnace, what does the question mark depict?
Molten metal of a rotary melting furnace for the production of malleable cast iron
a) Exhaust box
b) Burner
c) Refractory lining
d) Molten metal
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here the question mark is depicting the burner. This burner is situated at the opening of the furnace at its mouth. The burner simply burns the fuel and air mixture for heating operations.

10. The rotary furnace can have a capacity of 80 tons.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A typical rotary melting furnace cannot have a capacity of 80 tons, the reason being, its minimum capacity to be 1 ton, and maximum capacity to be up to only 50 tons.

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