This set of Surveying Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Surveyor’s Compass”.
1. Surveyor’s compass is instrument for measuring angles.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Surveyor’s compass is an instrument for the direct measurement of direction. Instruments for measurement of angles are sextant and theodolite.
2. Which of the following is not the most convenient and portable instrument for direct measurement of directions?
a) Prismatic compass
b) Surveyor’s compass
c) Theodolite
d) Sextant
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Explanation: Surveyor’s compass is the not most convenient and portable form of magnetic compass. Prismatic compass can be used as a hand instrument or can be fitted on a tripod also.
3. Which of the following is a part of surveyor’s compass?
a) Agate cap
b) Prism cap
c) Brake pin
d) Jewel bearing
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Explanation: Prism cap, prism, brake pin, spring brake, pivot, agate cap etc are parts of the prismatic compass. Jewel bearing is one of the part of surveyor’s compass.
4. In surveyor’s compass needle is of edge bar type.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Edge bar type of needle is in surveyor’s compass. The needle is of broad needle type and needle doesn’t act as an index in case of a prismatic compass.
5. In which of the following compass needle acts as an index?
a) Prismatic compass
b) Surveyor’s compass
c) Theodolite
d) Sextant
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Explanation: In case of surveyors compass needle acts as an index. In the case of a prismatic compass needle doesn’t acts as index.
6. In which of the following compass graduated card is attached to the box and not to the ring?
a) Prismatic compass
b) Surveyor’s compass
c) Theodolite
d) Sextant
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Explanation: The graduated card ring is attached with the needle in case of a prismatic compass. In case of surveyor’s compass, the graduated card is attached to the box and not to the needle.
7. Which of the following instruments cannot be used without a tripod?
a) Prismatic compass
b) Surveyor’s compass
c) Theodolite
d) Sextant
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Explanation: Surveyor’s compass cannot be used without a tripod. Prismatic compass can be used with or without a tripod.
8. In surveyor’s compass, graduations are in a Q.B system.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In Surveyor’s compass, the graduations are in a Q.B system, having 0° at north and south and 90° at east and west. East and West are interchanged.
9. In which of the following compass graduations are engraved erect?
a) Prismatic compass
b) Surveyor’s compass
c) Theodolite
d) Sextant
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Explanation: In case of surveyor’s compass graduations are engraved erect. Prismatic compass graduations are engraved inverted.
10. In which of the following compass sighting and reading taking cannot be done simultaneously from one position of the observer?
a) Prismatic compass
b) Surveyor’s compass
c) Theodolite
d) Sextant
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Explanation: In case of surveyor’s compass, reading is taken by directly seeing through the top of the glass. Sighting and reading taking cannot be done simultaneously from one position of the observer.
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