Surveying Questions and Answers – Plane Table – Resection Method

This set of Surveying Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plane Table – Resection Method”.

1. Before conducting the resection procedure, orientation must be performed.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Resection is done after the table has been properly oriented. If there is any mistake in orientation, the entire process will go wrong and may end up repeating again.

2. Which of the following processes is employed in case of a small scale?
a) Trisection
b) Intersection
c) Radiation
d) Resection
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Answer: d
Explanation: Resection is based on the orientation of the table which needs much more care for handling the process. Covering a large area by the resection method makes it a tedious process. So, it is adopted for small scale.

3. Which of the following indicates the procedure for plotting of points occupied by the plane table?
a) Resection
b) Bisection
c) Trisection
d) Intersection
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Answer: a
Explanation: Both resection and traversing are done so as to obtain the station points. Those are used for placing the plane table and locating the remaining points.

4. The rays which are drawn from unknown location to a known location can be determined as ____________
a) Trisectors
b) Bisectors
c) Resectors
d) Intersectors
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Answer: c
Explanation: Resection method involves in the usage of resectors. Resectors are the rays which can be drawn from an unknown location to a known location. So, a relation can be established between the points.

5. Which among the following contains more amounts of errors in its procedure?
a) Orientation by compass
b) Orientation by back sighting
c) Orientation by three point problem
d) Orientation by two point problem
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since compass gives a rough output and the orientation done by it isn’t accurate enough. So the orientation by compass is employed in case of small scale works where speed of the work is considered.
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6. In which of the following methods, graphical method is employed?
a) Back sight orientation
b) Compass orientation
c) Two point problem
d) Three point problem
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Answer: d
Explanation: Three point method has been further classified as mechanical method, Lehman’s method and graphical method. Each of them will be employed based on the type of work being done and the visibility of points.

7. The figure indicates which of the following procedures?
The figure indicates Three point problem
a) Two point problem
b) Three point problem
c) Compass orientation
d) Back sight orientation
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Answer: b
Explanation: As it can be clearly seen that the station point can visualize three individual points, which makes it fall under the category of three point problem.

8. Which of the following must be done correctly in order to prevent further errors?
a) Usage of alidade
b) Back sighting
c) Orientation
d) Traversing
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Answer: c
Explanation: resection method is employed for having a clear idea about the station points. So, it requires proper orientation of the table to continue further. Error in orientation can be corrected by following the classification methods.

9. Which of the following is not a classification of the resection method?
a) Orientation by compass
b) Orientation by back sighting
c) Orientation by three point problem
d) Orientation by fore sighting
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Answer: d
Explanation: Resection method involves in determining plane table station points which makes the entire process depended on the orientation of the table. It has been classified into Orientation by compass, Orientation by back sighting, Orientation by three point problem, Orientation by two point problem.

10. Which among the following procedures is used in case of visibility of points is more from table station?
a) Three point problem
b) Two point problem
c) Compass orientation
d) Back sighting orientation
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Answer: a
Explanation: Though two point and three point will come under the same category, the work employed will be different. In three point problem at a time three points will be covered which makes the work to complete in a quick manner when compared to two point problem.

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