Surveying Questions and Answers – Hydrographic Survey – Marine Survey

This set of Surveying Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Hydrographic Survey – Marine Survey”.

1. Which of the following survey is adopted while inspecting a vessel and the systems of boats?
a) Marine survey
b) Rain gauge survey
c) River gauge survey
d) Land survey
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Answer: a
Explanation: Marine survey involves in the inspection of the vessel and the systems of the boats. This involves an overall inspection which is done for having a better journey in the boat and also helps in the underground construction works.

2. Which of the following devices can be used in marine survey?
a) RS
b) GPS
c) GIS
d) RMS digital multi-meter
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Answer: d
Explanation: The marine survey involves certain high technological devices like, RMS digital multi-meter, bore scopes, ultrasonic testing instruments and thermo-imaging camera.

3. The time range of marine survey can be given as ________
a) 3-18 hrs
b) 2-8 hrs
c) 3-8 hrs
d) 13-18 hrs
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Answer: c
Explanation: In general, the entire process of marine survey will take 3-8 hrs. During this period, it undergoes certain important measurements which are later used in the determination of the survey output.

4. Time range of the marine survey will depend on _________
a) Strength of signal
b) Size of boat
c) Atomic clock
d) GPS location
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Answer: b
Explanation: The time of completion of the marine survey depends up on the size of boat and its condition. If the boat is clean and simple, the time range will reduce and will have a great positive effect on the result.

5. Yacht survey involves in ________
a) Detailed inspection of the boat
b) Detailed inspection of the boat
c) Detailed inspection of the boat
d) Detailed inspection of the boat
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Answer: a
Explanation: Yacht survey or the boat survey is simply the detailed inspection of the boat, which must be done by an experienced surveyor. The vessels used in case of boat are surveyed for having a better scope.
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6. Which of the following will not come under the marine surveying category?
a) Cargo survey
b) Water survey
c) Yacht survey
d) Machinery survey
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Answer: b
Explanation: Marine surveying involves certain classifications which can be given as yacht survey, machinery survey and cargo survey. All these are under the roof of marine surveying, which done to improve the benefit of the instrument or object used.

7. Which of the following indicates the necessity of the marine surveying?
a) To have an idea about the still water features
b) To have an idea about the water features
c) To have an idea about the ground water features
d) To have an idea about the underwater features
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Answer: d
Explanation: The main purpose of conducting marine surveying is to have an idea about the underwater features, which are used while under water construction and it is also applied in case of boat designing.

8. The problems occurred in the boat can be mitigated by _________
a) Rain survey
b) Vehicle survey
c) Marine survey
d) Water survey
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Answer: c
Explanation: Marine survey involves yacht survey, which completely involves about the designing and functioning of the boat. This can clear the problems occurred in boat functioning and makes it sustain further.

9. Cargo surveying involves in ___________
a) Calculation of the cargo’s efficiency
b) Calculation of the cargo’s volume
c) Calculation of the cargo’s area
d) Calculation of the cargo’s turbulence
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cargo surveying is a specialized branch of marine surveying, which focuses on the measurement and calculation of the cargo’s volume for stowage purposes and verify its condition by recording all visible damages.

10. Marine surveying is a necessary in case of boat designing.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Marine survey involves certain features which are capable of determining the boat functioning and its capabilities. The main purpose of marine surveying includes the processing of an errorless functioning boat, which can be used while underground surveying.

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