View AnswerAnswer: a
Explanation: If R1 >>RF , the gain Aoo ≅1, which makes Voo ≅ Vio . Thus, all op-amp circuit has some output offset voltage.
2. Determine the voltage gain for the circuit.
a) 1.1
b) 1.6
c) 1.2
d) 2.2
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Answer: d
Explanation: The voltage gain, AF ={1+[RF /( R1 + Rc )]} = 1+[15kΩ/(2.5kΩ+10kΩ)] = 2.2.
3. Where does the compensating network connected in an inverting amplifier.
a) Non-inverting input terminal
b) Inverting input terminal
c) Between non-inverting and output terminal
d) Between inverting and output terminal
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Answer: a
Explanation: The offset voltage compensating network is connected in the non-inverting terminal for the inverting amplifier and vice versa.
4. Why closed loop differential amplifiers are difficult to null?
a) Due to compensating network
b) Due to feedback loop
c) Due to input offset voltage
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The closed loop differential amplifiers are more difficult to null because the use of compensating network can change the common mode rejection mode.
5. How to achieve maximum CMRR in the given circuit?
a) R1 = RF
b) RF = R3 || RC + RB and R1 = R2
c) R1 = R2 and RF = R3 + RC
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: To achieve maximum CMRR in the circuit the value of R1 = R2 and RF = R3 + RC .
6. What is the advantage of compensated differential amplifier?
a) All of the mentioned
b) Slightly complex circuit
c) Does not affect CMRR
d) Balanced op-amp
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since the compensated differential amplifier uses the op-amp with offset voltage null pins. The offset null circuit does not affect the CMRR.
7. The offset voltage in the voltage follower is balanced using
a) Voltage drop across the load resistor
b) Voltage drop across feedback resistor
c) Compensating network connected to inverting input terminal
d) Compensating network connected to non- inverting input terminal
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Answer: b
Explanation: Voltage drop across the feedback resistor connect to inverting input terminal is used to cancel the offset voltage in voltage follower.
8. Find the maximum possible output offset voltage, which is caused by the input offset voltage Vio =15mv?
a) 0.075v
b) 0.75v
c) 0.75v
d) 7.5v
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aoo =[1+(RF /R1 )] =1+(10kΩ/2.5kΩ) = 5.
Voo =5*15mv = 75mv.
9. Compute the output voltage for voltage follower with offset voltage compensating network?
a) 3.6v
b) 10.8v
c) 26v
d) 33v
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Answer: b
Explanation: The output voltage is given as Vo = {1+[ RC /( Rb + (Rmax /4))]}*Vin .
Rmax =Ra /4 = 20kΩ/4 = 5kΩ.
Vo =[1+(39kΩ/(10kΩ+5kΩ))]*3v = 10.8v.
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