Linear Integrated Circuit Questions and Answers – Peaking Amplifier

This set of Linear Integrated Circuit Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Peaking Amplifier”.

1. How the peaking response is obtained?
a) Using a series LC network with op-amp
b) Using a series RC network with op-amp
c) Using a parallel LC network with op-amp
d) Using a parallel RC network with op-amp
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Answer: c
Explanation: The peaking response is the frequency response that peaks at a certain frequency. This can be obtained by using a parallel LC network with the op-amp.

2. The expression for resonant frequency of the op-amp
a) fp = 1/[2π×√(LC)].
b) fp = (2π×√L)/C
c) fp = 2π×√(LC)
d) fp = 2π/√(LC)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The resonant frequency is also called as peak frequency, which is determined by the combination of L and C.
fp = 1/(2π√LC).

3. From the circuit given below find the gain of the amplifier
Find the gain of the amplifier for the given circuit
a) 1.432
b) 9.342
c) 5.768
d) 7.407
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Answer: d
Explanation: Frequency, fp= 1/[2π×√(LC)] =1/[2π√(0.1µF×8mH)]=1/1.776×10-4= 5.63kHz.
=> XL = 2πfpL = 2π×5.63kHz×8mH = 282.85.
The figure of merit of coil, Qcoil= XL/R1= 282.85/100Ω = 2.8285.
∴ Rp = (Qcoil)2 ×R1 = (2.8285^2)×100Ω= 800Ω.
The gain of the amplifier at resonance is maximum and given by
AF =-(RF||Rp)/R1 = -(10kΩ||800)/100Ω =-740.740/100 = -7.407.

4. The parallel resistance of tank circuit and for the circuit is given below.Find the gain of the amplifier?
Find the gain of the amplifier which has parallel resistance of tank circuit
a) -778
b) -7.78
c) -72.8
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The gain of the amplifier at resonance is the maximum and given by,
AF =-(RF||Rp)/ R1 =-[(Rp×RF)/ (RF+Rp)] /R1 = -[ (10kΩ×35kΩ)/ (10kΩ+35kΩ)] /1kΩ
=> AF =- 7.78kΩ/1kΩ= -7.78.

5. The band width of the peaking amplifier is expressed as
a) BW = (fp× XL)/ (RF+Rp)
b) BW =[ fp×(RF+Rp)× XL ] / (RF×Rp)
c) BW =[ fp×(RF+Rp)] / (RF×Rp)
d) BW = [fp×(RF+Rp) ]/ XL
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Answer: b
Explanation: The bandwidth of the peaking amplifier,
BW = fp/Qp, where Qp – figure of merit of the parallel resonant circuit = (Rf||Rp)/Xl = (Rf×Rp)/[(Rf+Rp)× Xl] => BW = [fp×(Rf+Rp)× Xl] / (Rf×Rp).
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6. Design a peaking amplifier circuit to provide a gain of 10 at a peak frequency of 32khz given L=10mH having 30Ω resistance.
Find the peaking amplifier circuit from the given diagram
Find the peak frequency from the given diagram
Find the internal resistance of the inductor from the given diagram
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given L=10mH and the internal resistance of the inductor R=30Ω. Assume R1=100Ω. The gain times peak frequency= 10×32kHz=320kHz
fp= 1/2π√LC
=> C = 1/[(2π)2× (fp)2×L]= 1/ [(2π)2×(320)2×10mH] = 1/252405.76 = 3.96µF ≅4µF.
Qcoil = xL/R =(2πfpL)/R =(2π×320kHz×10mH)/30 = 20096/30 =669.87
=> Rp= (Qcoil)2×R = (669.88)2×30 = 13.5MΩ
To find Rf,
AF= (RF×Rp)/[R1×(RF+Rp)] =>RF = (Af ×Rp ×R1)/ (Rp -AF ×R1)
RF = (-10×13.5×106×100) / (13.5×106-(10×100))=1000Ω
=> RF = 1kΩ.
Thus the component values are R1=100Ω, RF= 1kΩ, L=10mH at R=30Ω and C = 4µF.

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