Advanced Machining Questions and Answers – Shaped Tube Electrolytic Machining

This set of Advanced Machining Processes Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Shaped Tube Electrolytic Machining”.

1. What is the full form of STEM in advanced machining processes?
a) Small Tool Electrode Machining
b) Small Tube Electrode Manufacturing
c) Shaped Tube Electrolytic Machining
d) Shaped Tube Electrode Machining
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Answer: c
Explanation: Full form of STEM in advanced machining processes is Shaped tube electrolytic machining.

2. Material is removed on which basis, in Shaped tube electrolytic machining?
a) Dissolution
b) Vaporization
c) Abrasion
d) Erosion
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Answer: a
Explanation: In STEM, dissolution takes place when a potential difference is applied between the anodic work piece and cathodic tool.

3. Which of the following can be used as electrolytes in STEM process?
a) Sulphuric acid
b) Nitric acid
c) Hydrochloric acids
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Electrolytes used in STEM are sulphuric acid, nitric acid and hydrochloric acids.

4. What is the percentage of electrolyte dissolved in water?
a) 1 – 5%
b) 10 – 25%
c) 40 – 70%
d) 75 – 90%
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Answer: b
Explanation: Concentration of electrolyte, used in STEM, is 10 – 25% weight in water.

5. What may be the temperature of sulphuric acid used in the STEM process?
a) 10 oC
b) 21 oC
c) 38 oC
d) 50 oC
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Answer: c
Explanation: The temperature of sulphuric acids used in the STEM process may be around 38 oC.

6. What may be the temperatures of acids used, other than sulphuric acid, in STEM?
a) 10 oC
b) 21 oC
c) 38 oC
d) 50 oC
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Answer: b
Explanation: Temperature of acids used in STEM, other than sulphuric acid, is about 21 oC.

7. What are the values of pressures used for electrolyte in STEM?
a) 10 – 100 kPa
b) 150 – 250 kPa
c) 275 – 500 kPa
d) 600 – 750 kPa
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Answer: c
Explanation: Values of pressure used in the STEM process, range between 275 – 500 kPa.

8. What are the voltage values used in the STEM process?
a) 1 – 4 V
b) 8 – 14 V
c) 16 – 24 V
d) 28 – 34 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: In STEM, voltage values used for the process to carry on, range between 8 – 14 V.

9. Compared to the forward voltages, how are the reverse voltages?
a) 0.01 – 0.1 times
b) 0.1 – 1 times
c) 1 – 10 times
d) 10 – 100 times
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reverse voltages used in STEM are 0.1 – 1 times the forward voltages, used in STEM.

10. Which of the following values, does the feed rate range between?
a) 0.01 – 0.1 mm/min
b) 0.25 – 0.5 mm/min
c) 0.75 – 3 mm/min
d) 5 – 7.5 mm/min
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Answer: c
Explanation: Feed rates used in STEM, range between 0.75 – 3 mm/min.

11. What may the hole sizes, that can be machined using STEM process?
a) 0.02 – 0.3 mm
b) 0.5 – 6 mm
c) 8 – 20 mm
d) 50 – 76 mm
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Answer: b
Explanation: The hole sizes that can be machined using STEM process, range between 0.5 – 6 mm.

12. What are the tolerance values for a 1.5 mm diameter hole, which is machined using STEM?
a) ± 0.025 mm
b) ± 0.050 mm
c) ± 0.075 mm
d) ± 0.100 mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Diametrical tolerance value increases with the increase in hole diameter, which varies as – ± 0.050 mm for 0.6 mm diameter hole, ± 0.075 mm for 1.5 mm diameter hole and ± 0.100 mm for 6 mm hole diameter.

13. Which of the following parts can be machined using STEM process?
a) Turbine blade cooling nozzles
b) Fuel nozzles
c) Starting holes for wire-EDM
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: STEM has its applications in jet engines and gas turbine parts such as cooling nozzles for turbine blades, fuel nozzles and any holes where EDM recast is undesirable.

14. Which of the following are the advantages of STEM?
a) Depth to diameter ratio of 300
b) Non parallel holes can be drilled
c) No recast layer
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Main advantages of STEM are depth to diameter ratio of 300, non-parallel holes can be drilled, no recast layer are produced, shaped and curved holes can be produced.

15. What are the limitations of STEM process?
a) Used for corrosion resistant materials
b) Hazardous waste is generated
c) Complex machining and tooling systems
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Some of the limitations of STEM are only used for corrosion resistant materials, hazardous wastes are generated, special work place environment are required, complex machining and tooling systems are required.

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