Structural Analysis Questions and Answers – Influence Lines for Beams

This set of Structural Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Influence Lines for Beams”.

1. If on ILD analysis peak force comes out to be 2 KN, then what will be the peak force if loading is 2KN?
a) 1 KN
b) 2 KN
c) 3 KN
d) 4 KN
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Answer: d
Explanation: Peak force will be load multiplied by earlier peak load i.e. 2*2.

2. What will be the equation of the ILD of shear force at point C for the CB part of the beam, where AC = 1m and CB = 3m?
Find the equation of ILD of shear force at point C for CB part
a) 0.75 – 0.375X
b) 0.75 – 0.475X
c) 0.85 – 0.375X
d) 0.75 – 0.1375X
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Answer: a
Explanation: Just assume force at any point between BC and conserve moment about point B.

3. What will be the equation of the ILD of shear force at point C for the AC part of the beam, where AC = 1m and CB = 3m?
Find the equation of ILD of shear force at point C for CB part
a) .25X – 1.25
b) .25X – 2.25
c) .25X – .25
d) .25X + .25
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Answer: c
Explanation: Just assume force at any point between AC and conserve moment about point A.

4. If a concentrated load is to be applied on the below-shown beam such that the shear at point C becomes maximum, where should the load be applied?
Find the equation of ILD of shear force at point C for CB part
a) At A
b) At B
c) At C
d) Midway between A and C
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Answer: c
Explanation: If we draw ILD according to the above given equations, we will see that peak of ILD comes at point C.

5. If a concentrated load of 50 kN is applied at point C, then what will be the shear developed at point C?
Find the equation of ILD of shear force at point C for CB part
a) 17.5 KN
b) 27.5 KN
c) 37.5 KN
d) 47.5 KN
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Answer: c
Explanation: Position of ILD at point C is 0.75 (peak). So, shear developed will be 0.75 multiplied by 50KN.

6. What will be the shear developed at point C if a uniform load of 10 kN/m is applied between point B and C?
Find the equation of ILD of shear force at point C for CB part
a) 10.25 KN
b) 11.25 KN
c) 12.25 KN
d) 13.25 KN
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case of uniform load, area of ILD curve multiplied by uniform load gives the shear.

7. If both, a load of 50 kN at point C and a uniform load of 10 kN/m between CB act, then what will be the shear generated at point C?
Find the equation of ILD of shear force at point C for CB part
a) 48.75
b) 50.75
c) 46.75
d) 52.75
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Answer: a
Explanation: Net shear generated will be the sum of individually generated shear which has been already calculated earlier.

8. What will be the ILD equation for shear at point B in a beam with AB = 2m, BC = 3m, and CD = 3m, where B is a pin support and D is a roller support?
Find the ILD equation for ILD of shear at point B
a) 1.33 – 0.116625X
b) 2.33 – 0.16625X
c) 3.33 – 0.16625X
d) 1.33 – 0.16625X
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Answer: d
Explanation: Apply a unit load at any point at a distance X and conserve the moment about point D. The resulting equation represents the shear force at point B.

9. What will be the ILD equation for shear at point C for the AB part of the beam with AB = 2m, BC = 3m, and CD = 3m, where B is a pin support and C is an arbitrary point on the beam?
Find the ILD equation for ILD of shear at point B
a) -0.33 + 0.165X
b) -0.33 + 0.265X
c) -0.43 + 0.165X
d) -0.33 + 0.365X
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Answer: a
Explanation: Apply a unit load between points A and B and conserve the moment about point B. The equation represents the shear force at point C for the AB part of the beam.

10. What will be the ILD equation for shear at point D in a beam with AB = 2m, BC = 3m, and CD = 3m, where B is a pin support and D is a roller support?
Find the ILD equation for ILD of shear at point B
a) -.43 + 0.16625X
b) -.33 + 0.16625X
c) -.53 + 0.16625X
d) -.33 + 0.216625X
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Answer: b
Explanation: Apply a unit load at any point and conserve the moment about point B. This yields the equation for the shear force at point D.

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