Structural Analysis Questions and Answers – Equivalent Lateral Force Procedur…

This set of Structural Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure for Estimating Seismic Loads-2”.

1. The below figure is an incomplete diagram of a hospital consisting of reinforced concrete frames with rigid joints. Given that SDS = 1.2g and SDI = 0.5 g and w= 400k. Find the fundamental natural period of this building?
Find the fundamental natural period of the building given that SDS = 1.2g & SDI = 0.5 g
a) 1.175
b) 1.275
c) 1.375
d) 1.475
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ta = Ct hnx, Ct will be 0.02, x will be 0.9 and hn will be 110 ft.

2. The below figure is an incomplete diagram of a hospital consisting of reinforced concrete frames with rigid joints. Given that SDS = 1.2g and SDI = 0.5 g and w= 400k. What will be the value of response modification factor (R)?
Find the fundamental natural period of the building given that SDS = 1.2g & SDI = 0.5 g
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since it is made up of reinforced concrete beam, r will be approximately 8.

3. The below figure is an incomplete diagram of a hospital consisting of reinforced concrete frames with rigid joints. Given that SDS = 1.2g and SDI = 0.5 g and w= 400k. What will be the total static lateral base shear?
Find the fundamental natural period of the building given that SDS = 1.2g & SDI = 0.5 g
a) 66g
b) 450g
c) 327.27g
d) 427.27g
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Answer: c
Explanation: Calculate v using the formula V = SDSW/(TR/I) which comes out to be 327.27g and also find Vmax and Vmin which comes out to be 66g and 450g. Thus Vmax > V > Vmin and the answer is 327.27g.

4. The below figure is an incomplete diagram of a hospital consisting of reinforced concrete frames with rigid joints. Given that SDS = 1.2g and SDI = 0.5 g and w= 400k. What will be the value of distribution coefficient k in the above question?
Find the fundamental natural period of the building given that SDS = 1.2g & SDI = 0.5 g
a) 1.4375
b) 1.4875
c) 1.3375
d) 1.3875
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Answer: a
Explanation: Calculate v using the formula V = SDSW/(TR/I) which comes out to be 327.27g and also find Vmax and Vmin which comes out to be 66g and 450g. Thus Vmax > V > Vmin and the answer is 327.27g.
K = 1+((T-.5)/2), and value of T as calculated is 1.375.

5. The below figure is an incomplete diagram of a hospital consisting of reinforced concrete frames with rigid joints. Given that SDS = 1.2g and SDI = 0.5 g and w= 400k. Find the lateral seismic load applied at 4th level.
Find the fundamental natural period of the building given that SDS = 1.2g & SDI = 0.5 g
a) 41.378
b) 65.59
c) 65.378
d) 66.378
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fx= (Wx hxk V)/(Σwi hik). Here, x = 4 and the value of denominator term is 2714.735.

6. The below figure is an incomplete diagram of a hospital consisting of reinforced concrete frames with rigid joints. Given that SDS = 1.2g and SDI = 0.5 g and w= 400k. What will be the summation of the entire individual floor lateral seismic load?
Find the fundamental natural period of the building given that SDS = 1.2g & SDI = 0.5 g
a) 4V
b) 3V
c) 2V
d) V
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Answer: d
Explanation: On summing all the term of the equation used in the above question, e will see that they cancel out each other and only the term v remains. Also, analytically sum of forces on each level should be equal to the net seismic force/load.

7. Exposure index (Cc) is intended to account for the snow that can’t be blown from the roof because of the surrounding locality.
State whether the above statement is true or false.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Exposure index (Cc) is intended to account for the snow that can be blown from the roof because of the surrounding locality.

8. If city A has clay foundation and city B has rock bed foundation, then what will be the relation between design spectral accelerations (S) of both cities?
a) SA < SB
b) SA > SB
c) SA = SB
d) Depends upon type of earthquake
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Answer: b
Explanation: Clay is weaker foundation material. So, SD1 and SDS will be larger for it than rocky base.

9. Which of the following material will have the highest value of response modification factor?
a) Reinforced concrete shear walls
b) Wood
c) Reinforced concrete frames with flexible joints
d) Structural steel frames
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Answer: d
Explanation: More ductile a material is, higher will be the value of response modification factor.

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