1. Advance Structural Analysis and Matrix Methods
1."Recent Advances in Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis and Design" by J Tinsley Oden
“Recent Advances in Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis and Design” Book Review: The book provides economic justification for numerical control (NC) and outlines subject headings for a training course aimed at part-programmers who need to produce control tapes for NC machine tools. The glossary included in the book is comprehensive. It includes survey papers followed by technical papers covering important topics such as “Some New Developments in Matrix Force Analysis”, “Finite Element Formulation of Geometrically Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity”, “Finite Element Method in Fluid Flow Analysis”, and several others. Each chapter concludes with problem sets for students to solve. The book begins by introducing readers to basic topics such as framed structures, Cartesian coordinate systems, nodes, and elements. It is an easy-to-read textbook that is suitable for senior undergraduates and postgraduate students of civil engineering who are taking an introductory course in matrix methods of structural analysis. It is also useful for structural engineers seeking to efficiently use structural analysis software tools.
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2."Glass Science and Technology: Advances in Structural Analysis" by D R Uhlmann and N J Kreidl
“Recent Advances in Structural Integrity Analysis – Proceedings of the International Congress” Book Review: The book is aimed at engineers, researchers, and postgraduates working in various industries including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, power plants, mining, and marine. It covers a range of topics including Fracture Fatigue and Creep, Investigation of Fracture Mechanism, Effect of Vertex Singularities on displacement and strain fields, Effect of plasticity hardening exponent and creep exponent on crack tip stress, Multi-Scale Modelling, Bio-Materials and Composites, Mesoscale analysis of CFRP pressure vessel, Environmental Effects, and more. Each chapter concludes with a summary and acknowledgments, making it convenient for students to review the material.
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3."Aluminium Structural Analysis: Recent European advances" by P S Bulson
“Aluminium Structural Analysis: Recent European advances” Book Review: The book comprehensively covers the latest advancements in the Structural Analysis of Aluminium Components. It begins with a chapter on loading, safety, and design philosophies, and further discusses topics such as fatigue and fractures. The book also features a series of chapters dedicated to recent research advancements, including beams, beam columns, and plate girders. Each chapter provides a background on design rules, giving readers a clear understanding of the subject matter. By the end of the book, designers will have the confidence to embrace progressive ideas and support them with accurate and comprehensive structural analysis.
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4."Recent Advances in Structural Integrity Analysis - Proceedings of the International Congress" by Lin Ye
“Recent Advances in Structural Integrity Analysis – Proceedings of the International Congress” Book Review: This book is targeted towards engineers, postgraduate students, marine industry professionals, and researchers. Additionally, students from biomedical and chemical backgrounds may also benefit from reading this book. It covers complex mechanisms of damage accumulation and failure, accurate technologies for structural damage assessment, and multi-scale modeling approaches. The book delves into topics such as APCFS/SIF-2014 Congress Chairs and Committees, Fracture, Fatigue and Creep, fatigue damage of the Cu32W68 pseudo alloy, Impact and Integrity, Research on the strength of air cushion vehicle, Multi-Scale Modelling, Bio-Materials and Composites, and many other essential topics, which are explained in detail with relevant examples.
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5."Structural Analysis: A New Approach to Flow Analysis in Optimizing Compilers" by imusti
“Structural Analysis: A New Approach to Flow Analysis in Optimizing Compilers” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive explanation of Structural Analysis with easily understandable content. It elaborates on how Structural Analysis can be used to analyze the control flow of a computer program. The important techniques such as Data-Flow Analysis Elimination Technique, Rosen’s high-level data-flow analysis technique, and uniform data-flow analysis techniques are supported with examples. This book will prove to be a valuable resource for engineers, researchers, and designers looking to enhance their knowledge of Structural Analysis.
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6."Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis" by S S Bhavikatti
“Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis” Book Review: The book begins by introducing classical methods, followed by the Structural Approach to Matrix Method. With coverage of topics like Stiffness Matrix Method, readers are equipped to instruct the computer. Chapters on Non-Linear Analysis, Superposition & Direct Numerical Integration procedures, 2D Finite Elements, and logic of General Purpose Structural Analysis are also included. The book is aimed at programmers, researchers, engineers, and civil engineers seeking to gain a deeper understanding of matrix methods in structural analysis.
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7."Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis" by M B Kanchi
“Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis” Book Review: The book provides a comprehensive overview of the theory and practical applications of Structural Analysis, including how to implement analysis procedures in computers. It begins with an introduction to Kinematics, Virtual Work, and Equilibrium, and progresses to topics such as Element Flexibility and Stiffness Relations. Additionally, the book covers Non-Linear Analysis, Superposition & Direct Numerical Integration procedures, 2D Finite Element, and the logic of General Purpose Structural Analysis with supporting examples. The inclusion of numerous problems helps to develop students’ critical thinking skills.
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8."Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis: Theory and Problems" by Natarajan C
“Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis: Theory and Problems” Book Review: The book discusses fundamental concepts like Determinants and Matrices, Transformation Matrices, Pin Jointed Frame, Rigid Jointed Frames, and Continuous Beams. It also includes codes for Flexibility Method and Stiffness Method to help readers easily understand their implementation. With numerical problems presented in a stepwise manner, the reader can start at a beginner level and gradually progress to a higher level of understanding the applications of each topic. The book is primarily focused on the field of Engineering and Technology, making it accessible to anyone in this field.
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9."Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis" by P N Godbole and R S Sonparote
“Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis” Book Review: The book begins by providing a foundation on Matrix operations, Methods for solving equations, and other essential concepts that a beginner must learn. It then gradually moves on to Stiffness and Flexibility matrix, followed by detailed explanations of beams, plane & space frames, grids, space truss, and plane truss, all supported with relevant examples. The book is designed to be a helpful resource for both undergraduate and graduate students of Civil Engineering.
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10."Matrix and Digital Computer Methods in Structural Analysis" by W M Jenkins
“Matrix and Digital Computer Methods in Structural Analysis” Book Review: This book is primarily aimed at Civil Engineers and covers topics such as the Flexibility Method, Stiffness Method, transforming matrix, Nodal Displacements, Finite Element, Frames, Strains, Stress, and others. It presents the matrix displacement and force methods of analysis, along with the elastic, thermal, and inertial properties of the most commonly used structural elements.
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11."Structural Analysis: With Applications to Aerospace Structures (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)" by O A Bauchau and J I Craig
“Structural Analysis: With Applications to Aerospace Structures (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications)” Book Review: This book is designed for undergraduate and graduate students studying structural analysis of aerospace structures. It provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental concepts and methods used in structural analysis, including the analysis of structural components such as beams, plates, and bars. The book covers important topics such as shear deformations, plastic deformations, thermal effects, torsion, and warping. Additionally, it offers a detailed discussion of thin-walled beams under torsion and shearing. The book also provides readers with tools and methodologies, including finite element methods, based on practical situations.
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12."Explorations in Structural Analysis" by Ronald L Breiger
“Explorations in Structural Analysis” Book Review: The main focus of this book is to emphasize the significant insight and analytical benefits of conceptualizing social structure directly, as regularities in the patterns of relationships among concrete entities. The author argues that variations in distributions measure selected consequences of the structural patterns of actual connections among individuals or organizations. While this text provides useful indicators for students to analyze social structures directly, it is important to note that these indicators are neither descriptions nor analyses of the structure itself.
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13."Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method. Linear Statics" by Eugenio Oñate
“Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method. Linear Statics” Book Review: The primary target audience of this book is undergraduate structural engineering students, though it can serve as a valuable reference for professionals in the field. The book comprehensively covers the theoretical and computational aspects of linear static analysis of structures, with a detailed discussion on Finite Element Method (FEM) for structural analysis. The book covers topics such as plane elasticity, axially loaded bars, 3D solids, and axisymmetric solids. Each structural model’s background theory is explained, with numerous scientific diagrams and real-life case studies that aid in simplifying concepts.
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2. Structure Analysis by Diffraction Methods
1."Analysis of Structures: Strength and Behaviour" by T S Thandavamoorthy
“Analysis of Structures: Strength and Behaviour” Book Review: The book extensively covers the fundamental concepts, analytical techniques, and basic definitions that serve as the building blocks of structural analysis. Moreover, it incorporates contemporary subjects such as safety auditing of structures, experimental stress analysis, and offshore structures, among others. The book is designed with numerous worked-out examples and illustrations to facilitate a clear understanding of the subject matter.
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2."Structural Analysis - Vol. 2" by S S Bhavikatti
“Structural Analysis – Vol. 2” Book Review: The book primarily focuses on the analysis of indeterminate structures and covers special topics such as curved beams and unsymmetrical bending. It provides an introduction to advanced methods of analysis, namely the matrix method and plastic analysis. The book is intended for civil engineering students who are required to analyze and design structures. Each chapter contains a summary, and numerous examples and illustrations are provided throughout the book to aid in understanding.
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3."Structural Analysis and Design of Multivariable Systems: An Algebraic Approach" by Leang-San Shieh and Stephen Barnett
“Structural Analysis and Design of Multivariable Control Systems: An Algebraic Approach” Book Review: The main focus of this book is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the analysis and design of multivariable control systems using state-space representations and matrix fraction descriptions. The book explains fundamental concepts such as latent structures, solvents, and divisors and their relationship with the non-singular characteristic-matrix. It also covers topics like model reduction, modal control design, pole assignment design, cascade and parallel realizations of multiport networks. The book contains computational algorithms and numerical examples for better understanding. This book is intended for graduate students who have a background in modern control theory.
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