Structural Analysis Questions and Answers – Sections Method Numericals

This set of Structural Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Sections Method Numericals”.

1. Method of the section for determinate truss analysis is time effective.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Method of the section does not require the calculation of forces in the member prior to it. To compute force in any member, we cut the section and establish equilibrium conditions and hence it is time effective method.

2. To find the forces in the vertical member, preferable equilibrium equations are __________
a) ∑H = 0 & ∑M =0
b) ∑H = 0 & ∑V = 0
c) ∑H = 0, ∑V = 0 & ∑M = 0
d) ∑V = 0 & ∑M = 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: Vertical unknowns at a particular selection should be preferably solved for ∑V = 0 first and later for ∑M = 0. Vertical Member does not have possesses any horizontal component of the forces hence ∑H = 0 is irrelevant to the context.

3. What is the force in member CG?
Find the force in member from the given diagram
a) 0
b) W
c) W/2
d) W/√2
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Answer: d
Explanation: ∑V = 0 & ∑M = 0
W/2 = FCG SIN 45°
FCG = W/√2.
The force in member CG is W/√2

4. What is the force in member CD?
Find the force in member from the given diagram
a) 0
b) W (Compressive)
c) W (Tensile)
d) W/2 (Compressive)
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Answer: b
Explanation: ∑MG = 0
FCD X L + (W/2) X 2L = 0
The force in member CD is W
FCD = W (Compressive).

5. What is the force in member FG?
Find the force in member from the given diagram
a) 0
b) W/2 (Tension)
c) W/2 (Compression)
d) W (Compressive)
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Answer: b
Explanation: ∑MC = 0
FFG X L + (W/2) X L = 0
FFG = W/2.
The force in member FG is W/2

6. What is the force in member EH?
Find the force in member from the given diagram
a) 0
b) W ( Compressive)
c) W ( Tension )
d) W/2 (Compressive)
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Answer: a
Explanation: ∑MB = 0
FHE X L = 0
FHE = 0.
The force in member EG is 0

7. Find the Force in member DG.
Find the force in member
a) W (Tensile)
b) W (Compressive)
c) 0
d) W/2 (Compressive)
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Answer: b
Explanation: ∑V = 0
W + FDG = 0
FDG = W (Compressive).
The Force in member DG is W (Compressive)

8. Method of the section can always be used to calculate the force in any members.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Method of the section has its own limitation. It cannot be used to compute the force of the member attached to a joint where already forces in more than one member is unknown.

9. Methods of Section can be used to evaluate which of the following truss?
a) Methods of Section used to evaluate of the truss - option a
b) Methods of Section used to evaluate of the truss - option b
c) Methods of Section used to evaluate of the truss - option c
d) Methods of Section used to evaluate of the truss - option d
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Answer: a
Explanation: Truss A is externally and internally determinate and thus it can be evaluated by Method of Section. But Truss B and C are internally indeterminate, Truss D is externally indeterminate and Hence truss B, C, and D cannot be evaluated by Method of Section.

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