Structural Analysis Questions and Answers – Classification of Coplanar Trusses

This set of Structural Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Classification of Coplanar Trusses”.

1. Simple trusses consist entirely of triangle.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It can consists of any other shaped intermediate parts, as long as it is stable.

2. Trusses and frames are different as:-
a) Trusses can bend, frames can’t
b) Both can bend
c) None of them can bend
d) Trusses can’t but frame can
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Answer: d
Explanation: Trusses can’t bend but, frames can. Due to this, frames can have bending moments.

3. What is the major difference between truss and beam?
a) Beam can’t transmit load in vertical direction while truss can
b) Truss can’t transmit load in vertical direction while beam can
c) Beam can’t transmit load in axial direction while truss can
d) Truss can’t transmit load in axial direction while beam can
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Answer: b
Explanation: Due to its geometry, all bending loads get converted to compressive or tensile load in trusses.

4. A truss formed by joining two or more simple trusses is called:-
a) Simple
b) Compound
c) Complex
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Truss formed by joining two or more simple trusses is called compound trusses.

5. If a truss has two more members surpassing each other, then it is:-
a) Simple
b) Compound
c) Complex
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Trusses falling into neither simple nor compound are categorized into complex trusses.
B= no. of bars of the truss
R= total no. of external support reaction
J= total no. of joints.

6. If B = 5, R = 3 and J = 4, then the truss is:-
a) Statically determinate
b) Statically indeterminate
c) Stable
d) Unstable
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Answer: a
Explanation: B + R = 8 = 2*J. So, truss is statically determinate. Without further insight, we can’t predict stability.

7. If B = 5, R = 4 and J = 4, then the truss are:-
a) Statically determinate
b) Statically indeterminate
c) Stable
d) Unstable
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Answer: b
Explanation: B + R = 9 > 2*J. So, truss is statically indeterminate. Without further insight, we can’t predict stability.

8. If B = 4, R = 3 and J = 4, then the truss is:-
a) Statically determinate
b) Statically indeterminate and stable
c) Stable
d) Unstable
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Answer: d
Explanation: B + R = 7 < 2*J. So, the truss will be unstable.

9. A simple truss will be always internally stable.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A simple truss starts with a triangle which is internally stable. Then we add rigid elements to it, so there is no scope of relative movement/deformation.

10. If a truss is internally unstable, then we should use it when it is:-
a) Statically determinate
b) Statically indeterminate
c) Statically determinate or statically indeterminate
d) We must never use it
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Answer: d
Explanation: If a truss is internally unstable then its use must always be avoided.

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