Structural Analysis Questions and Answers – Moment Distribution for Beams

This set of Structural Analysis Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Moment Distribution for Beams”.

1. Moment Distribution Method is applicable to the determinate and indeterminate structure.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Moment Distribution method developed by Hardy Cross to analyze the indeterminate structures like beams and rigid jointed frame with internal hinges also.

2. Carryover Moment is defined as ______
a) The moment applied at one end to cause unit slope at the support
b) The additional moment applied at one end to completely resist the rotation caused due to external loading
c) The moment developed or induced at one end due to a moment at another end
d) The moment applied at one end to cause unit slope at another end
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Answer: c
Explanation: Carryover Moment is defined as the moment developed or induced at one end due to a moment at another end. It is useful in calculating stiffness factor and moment distribution for a particular joint.

3. Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given propped cantilever beam is _____
Find the moment M applied at end A from the given diagram
a) +M
b) -M
c) +\(\frac{M}{2} \)
d) –\(\frac{M}{2} \)
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Answer: c
The moment applied M at the hinged end with a fixed support at another end
For a moment applied M at the hinged end with a fixed support at another end, the moment applied at the hinged end is halved while getting transferred to the fixed support and hence moment developed is of the half of the magnitude but same direction. The same direction of the moment is indicated by the positive sign and the opposite sign is denoted by a negative sign. Thus, the answer is +\(\frac{M}{2} \).

4. Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given beam is _______
Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given beam is 0
a) 0
b) +M
c) -M
d) +\(\frac{M}{2} \)
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Answer: a
Explanation: For a moment applied M at free end with hinged support at another end, as the hinged support cannot carry or resist any bending moment thus carry over moment is zero.

5. Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given cantilever beam is ________
Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for cantilever beam is -M
a) +M
b) -M
c) +\(\frac{M}{2} \)
d) –\(\frac{M}{2} \)
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Answer: b
The moment applied at the free end is completely transferred to fixed end as a free end
The moment applied at the free end is completely transferred to the fixed end as a free end cannot resist any moment. Fixed support will develop a resistive moment against the applied moment and hence would be of opposite direction. Therefore, the magnitude of the carryover moment is same and acts in the opposite direction denoted by negative direction.
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6. Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given beam is ________
Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given beam is -M
a) +M
b) -M
c) +\(\frac{M}{2} \)
d) –\(\frac{M}{2} \)
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Answer: b
The magnitude of the carryover moment is same & acts in the opposite direction
The moment applied at the free end is completely transferred to the roller end as a free end cannot resist any moment. Roller support will develop a resistive moment against the applied moment and hence would be of opposite direction. Therefore, the magnitude of the carryover moment is same and acts in the opposite direction denoted by negative direction.

7. Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given non-prismatic beam is ________
Carryover Moment at end B applied at end A for non-prismatic beam is greater than M/2
a) 0
b) M
c) Greater than M/2
d) Lesser than M/2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Moment applied at end A would be combinedly resisted by both of the support i.e. A and B. However, for the given non-prismatic member the cross section at the support is more and hence offers more resistance to the external bending moment. Thus support B resists moment greater than M/2.

8. Moment Distribution Method does not consider axial and shear effects for the displacement calculations for the given structure.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The moment distribution method developed by Hardy Cross in 1930 is useful for analysis of indeterminate beams and frames. The method considers the flexural effect and ignores any effect caused due to shear and axial loadings.

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