Structural Analysis Questions and Answers – Shear and Moment Diagrams for a Frame-2

This set of Structural Analysis Questions and Answers focuses on “Shear and Moment Diagrams for a Frame-2”.

1. Direction of shear force will always be towards x axis in this frame.
Direction of shear force will always be towards x axis in the frame
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Direction of shear force is always perpendicular to that of beam. In this frame, orientations of beams are different and so will be that of shear forces. One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle.

2. What will be the value of shear force at point A, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) 110
b) 120
c) 130
d) 140
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Answer: d
Explanation: Firstly, balance out moment about point A which will give a horizontal force -5KN at support A. Then, balance horizontal force on the entire system which will give a reaction of -240KN at support A. Now, take component of both these forces and shear will come out.

3. What will be the shape of the Shear Force Diagram (SFD) of beam AB, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) Triangular
b) Rectangular
c) Trapezoid
d) Arbitrary curve
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since the loading is uniform but not parallel to beam, it will yield an arbitrary curve.

4. How many points of discontinuities will be there in the SFD of beam BD, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since there is one discreet loading at point C on beam BD, there will be one point of discontinuity in the SFD.

5. What will be the shape of the SFD of beam BD, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) Triangular with discontinuity
b) Rectangular with discontinuity
c) Trapezoid with discontinuity
d) Arbitrary curve
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Answer: b
Explanation: The loading on beam BD is discreet, so the SFD will be rectangular with a discontinuity at point C.

6. What will be the shape of the Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) of beam AB, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) Triangular
b) Rectangular
c) Trapezoid
d) Arbitrary curve
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since the shape of the SFD for beam AB is triangular, integrating this will result in a curve for the BMD.

7. What will be the shape of the BMD of beam BD, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) Triangular
b) Rectangular
c) Arbitrary quadrilateral
d) Arbitrary curve
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Answer: c
Explanation: The SFD for beam BD is rectangular, and one end of the BMD is zero, leading to an arbitrary quadrilateral shape for the BMD.

8. At what point will the slope of the Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) of beam AB be 0, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) A
b) B
c) In between
d) Never
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Answer: c
Explanation: The slope of the BMD will be 0 at a point in between since the shear force at that point becomes zero.

9. At what point will the slope of the Bending Moment Diagram (BMD) of beam BD be 0, where point A is a pin support, point D is a roller-type support, and a uniform horizontal load of 80 kN/m is acting on beam AB, with AB = 5m, BC = 2m, and CD = 2m?
One beam is parallel to x axis while the other one is inclined at some angle
a) A
b) B
c) In between
d) Never
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Answer: d
Explanation: The shear force never becomes zero in beam BD, so the slope of the BMD never becomes zero.

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