This set of Dairy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Milk Quality Farm – 4”.
1. The only persons regulated by federal orders are _____
a) Farmers
b) Truckers
c) Handlers
d) Retail store owners
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Explanation: In Federal order provisions, dairy processors are referred to as handlers and dairy farmers are known as producers. Handlers are regulated by federal orders.
2. The increased use of bulk cooling and storage equipment has made _____ bacteria the primary organisms in raw milk.
a) Psychrophilic
b) Coliform
c) Staphylococcus
d) Streptococcus
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Explanation: Psychrophiles or cryophiles (adj. cryophilic) are extremophilic organisms that are capable of growth and reproduction in cold temperatures, ranging from −20 °C to +10 °C. The growth of psychrophilic bacteria has tremendously increased due to bulk cooling and storage.
3. _____ is the cause of the rancid flavor in milk.
a) Feeding high moisture corn
b) Feeding haylage
c) Storing milk in the sunlight
d) Extreme agitation of raw milk
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Explanation: Racidilty is the result of fat oxidation. In milk, it is caused due to excessive agitation of raw milk which leads to a breakdown of fat molecule exposing them to oxidation.
4. Which of the following does not promote metallic/oxidized off flavor in milk?
a) Hypochlorite sanitizer
b) Sunlight
c) Fluorescent light
d) Copper
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Explanation: Milk with a cardboardy or metallic taste is more common in milk during the winter and early spring. The off- flavor can be detected in raw milk, but sometimes not until two days after collection. Hypochlorite doesn’t promote metallic off flavor in milk.
5. Whole milk contains _____ percent protein.
a) 1.5-2.5
b) 2.5-3.5
c) 3.5-4.0
d) 4.0-4.5
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Explanation: Whole milk is rich in protein. It contains around 3.5-4.0 percent protein.
6. Which of the following is not an objective of milk evaluation?
a) Determining the presence of desirable characteristics
b) Determining one brand of milk from another
c) Determining if one sample differs from another
d) Determining the presence and magnitude of undesirable characteristics
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Explanation: Brand differentiation is not one of the objectives of milk evaluations. Its objective includes determining the presence of desirable characteristic etc.
7. Mastitis infecting microorganisms almost invariably gain entrance to the mammary gland via the _____
a) Caudal base
b) Blind quarter
c) Streak canal
d) Feed
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Explanation: Mastitis is a cow disease in a cow. It is due to microorganisms that enter mammary gland via streak canal.
8. A _____ cup is a cup with fine wire mesh on top used to detect the presence of abnormal milk.
a) Striated
b) Mesh
c) Streak
d) Strip
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Explanation: The strip cup is used to detect mastitis. Method involves squirting the first stream of milk from each teat into strip cup then inspecting for flakes, lumps, and other signs of abnormal milk.
9. A _____ needs to be applied to the teat end in order for a milking machine to remove milk.
a) Massaging action
b) Pulsation
c) Vacuum
d) Pressure
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Explanation: A vacuum is applied to the teat end. This helps to remove milk from the milking machine.
10. Which of the following four primary taste sensations is correctly matched with the causal agent?
a) Salty-sugar
b) Bitter-quinine
c) Sweet-lactic acid
d) Sour-table salt
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Explanation: Quinine content gives the characteristic bitter flavor. More the quinine content more the bitter flavor.
11. Some streptococci that produce lactic acid also produce certain aldehydes, which impart a _____ flavor.
a) Malty
b) Bitter
c) Salty
d) Metallic
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Explanation: Certain aldehydes give malty flavor. They are produced by streptococci that produce lactic acid.
12. By using a _____ with plastic beads of varying density, nonfat solids in milk can be rapidly estimated.
a) Lactometer
b) Hydrometer
c) Humidoscope
d) Polyscope
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Explanation: A hydrometer is an instrument that measures the specific gravity (relative density) of liquids—the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water. a hydrometer with plastic beads varying density would help in estimation of non fat solids.
13. The two main proteins in milk are ____ and ____
a) Lactose, Lactalbumin
b) Casein, Lactalbumin
c) Ascorbic, Thiamin
d) Colgate, Casein
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Explanation: Casein and lactalbumin are main protein present in milk. Milk is a good source of protein.
14. Vitamin _____ was first discovered in milk fat and is important to eyesight.
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
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Explanation: Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is also a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision.
15. Milk contains all the known vitamins and is an especially good source of ___
a) Cyanocobalmin
b) Riboflavin
c) Ascorbic Acid
d) Thiamine
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Explanation: Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2, is a vitamin found in food and used as a dietary supplement. Milk is also a good source of riboflavin.
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