This set of Dairy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Regulations – 2”.
1. If the CMT has a somatic cell count of 1,200,000 to 5,000,000 what is the interpretation?
a) Serious mastitis
b) Subclinical mastitis
c) Negative (healthy)
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: 1,200,000 – 5,000,000 count of CMT interprets Serious Mastitis Infection. Such cow milk is not preferred.
2. What does HACCP stand for?
a) High Altitude Computer Control Protocol
b) High Aptitude Critical Consideration and Punctuality
c) Help Animals in Confined Conditions and Preserves
d) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
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Explanation: Hazard analysis and critical control points ( HACCP ) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and physical hazards in production processes.
3. Milk must be held at 191 degrees F for ___________________ to be considered pasteurized.
a) 30 minutes
b) 1 second
c) 2 seconds
d) 5 minutes
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Explanation: Pasteurization is the heat treatment in order to kill pathogenic microorganisms from milk. The milk should be held at 191 F for 1 sec.
4. According to HACCP, what is a receiving station?
a) Where supplies are received
b) Where trucks receive milk
c) Anywhere raw milk is received, handled, stored, etc
d) Where cows enter to be milked
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Explanation: HACCP gives a proper definition for receiving station. Receiving station is a place where raw milk is received, handled, stored, etc.
5. How often will HACCP inspect each Dairy Farm?
a) A minimum of every 6 months
b) A minimum of once each year
c) A minimum of once each month
d) A minimum of every 2 years
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Explanation: The implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) rule and FSIS’ laboratory testing programs are two areas that help ensure the safety of the meat, poultry, and egg products supply. The inspection is done every six months.
6. When sanitizing milking equipment with water, the temperature must be a minimum of 170 degrees F and the utensils are to be under the flow of water for ____________ minutes.
a) 10
b) 15
c) 1
d) 5
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Explanation: In general, equipment should be rinsed with lukewarm 100 to 180°F water immediately after milking to prevent drying of milk solids on surfaces. The utensils should be under the flow of water for at least 5 minutes.
7. Milk protein allergies are a form of milk intolerance. This generally occurs only in infants and is usually outgrown by?
a) 6 month of age
b) 12 months of age
c) 18 months of age
d) 24 months of age
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Explanation: Fortunately, most babies outgrow milk allergies by their second year.
8. Low levels of the enzyme lactase may lead to lactose intolerance. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include ALL of the following EXCEPT?
a) Headaches
b) Nausea
c) Diarrhea
d) Abdominal cramps
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Explanation: The symptoms of lactose intolerance typically occur between 30 minutes and two hours after eating or drinking a milk or dairy product, and may include: abdominal cramps, Bloating, gas, diarrhea and nausea.
9. The maximum moisture content of Cheddar cheese is?
a) 12%
b) 23%
c) 30%
d) 39%
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Explanation: Cheddar cheese is a special variety of cheese. Moisture content of cheese can be a maximum of 39%.
10. An example of an extra hard cheese is?
a) Parmesan
b) Muenster
c) Ricotta
d) Brie
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Explanation: Extra-Hard is a term used to describe a group of various cheeses that are hard and brittle.
These cheeses get so hard because they are low-fat and low-moisture. In addition to grating well, they are usually aged up to 3 years to develop a sharp flavour. Parmesan is an example of extra hard cheese.
11. To add the mold to the blue cheese it is mainly?
a) Injected into the cheese
b) Grown on the cheese
c) Mixed in the whey mixture
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Blue or bleu cheese has the mold Penicillium added to it so that the final product is spotted or veined throughout with blue, blue-gray, or blue-green mold. Some blue cheeses are injected with spores before the curds form.
12. What is the average fat content of Brie?
a) 15%
b) 30%
c) 45%
d) 65%
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Explanation: Brie is labeled as 45 percent fat, fat comprises only 30 percent of the entire cheese. In general, Brie is a healthy food choice that is lower in fat than most cheeses and is also naturally low in carbohydrates.
13. Cream cheese is different from cottage cheese because?
a) Cream cheese is an acid curd and cottage cheese is not
b) Cream cheese is made from cows’ milk and cottage cheese is not
c) Cream cheese requires a started culture of bacteria and cottage cheese does not
d) All rest options are true for both Cream cheese and cottage cheese
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Explanation: Cream cheese, soft, smooth, unripened cheese made either with cream or with a mixture of milk and cream. Cream cheese is similar to cottage cheese but is higher in fat content, cottage cheese being made from skim or nonfat milk. Also Cream cheese requires a started culture of bacteria and cottage cheese does not.
14. Gouda can be described by all of the following except?
a) Semi-hard
b) Yellow colored
c) Rind coating
d) Tart flavor
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Explanation: Gouda is a Dutch yellow cheese made from cow’s milk. It is a semi-hard cheese with rind coating.
15. Monterey Jack cheese has a maximum moisture content of ___________%
a) 24
b) 36
c) 44
d) 60
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Explanation: Monterey Jack is a semi-soft to semi-firm cheese due to its intermediate moisture content and its colour can be described as creamy to buttery white. It has an MC of 44%.
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