Dairy Engineering Questions and Answers – Tanks

This set of Dairy Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Tanks”.

1. The maximum size of silo used in dairy is?
a) 150000 litres
b) 100000 litres
c) 10000 litres
d) 100 litres
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tanks in a dairy are used for a number of purposes. The sizes range from 150000 litres for the silo tanks in the reception department down.

2. The minimum size of silo used in dairy is?
a) 150000 litres
b) 100000 litres
c) 10000 litres
d) 100 litres
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Answer: a
Explanation: The sizes range from 150000 litres for the silo tanks in the maximum category down to approximately 100 litres for the smallest tanks.

3. Main category of silos is?
a) Storage tank
b) Process tank
c) Storage and process
d) Steel tank
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Answer: c
Explanation: Tanks can generally be divided into two main categories according to function as storage tanks and process tanks.

4. Tank used for “collection and reception of milk” is called ______
a) Storage tank
b) Process tank
c) Mixing tank
d) Balance tank
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Answer: a
Explanation: Silo tanks for milk reception belong to the storage category and have been described under “Collection and reception of milk”.

5. Storage tank inner shell is made of which of the following material?
a) Copper
b) Steel
c) Stainless steel
d) Aluminum
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Answer: c
Explanation: They vary in size from 25 000 to about 150 000 litres and the wetted surfaces are of stainless steel. They are often placed outdoors to save on building costs. In these cases, the tanks are insulated.

6. Storage tank are double shelled.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Storage shell has a double shell with a minimum of 70 mm mineral-wool insulation in between. The outer shell can be of stainless steel, but for economic reasons it is usually made of mild steel and coated with anti-corrosion paint.

7. The number and size of silo tanks depend on which of the following?
I) Milk intake per day
II) Number of days per working week
III) Number of hours per working week
IV) Types of product manufactured
a) I) and II)
b) II) and III)
c) III) and IV)
d) I), II), III) and IV)
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Answer: d
Explanation: The number and size of the silo tanks are determined by such factors as the milk intake per day, the number of days per working week, the number of hours per working day (1, 2 or 3 shifts), the number of different products to be manufactured and the quantities involved.

8. Which of the following tank are used to create buffer storage?
a) Process tank
b) Intermediate storage tank
c) Mixing tank
d) Balance tank
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Answer: b
Explanation: Intermediate storage tanks are used to store a product for a short time before it continues along the line. These tanks are used for buffer storage, to level out variations in flow. After heat treatment and cooling, the milk is pumped to a buffer tank, and from there to filling.

9. Intermediate storage tank can be used during process halt.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Storage tank, if filling is interrupted, the processed milk is buffered in the tank until the operation can be resumed. Similarly, milk from this tank can be used during a temporary processing stoppage.

10. Tank used for mixing an ice cream formulation is?
a) Process tank
b) Mixing tank
c) Balance tank
d) Storage tank
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mixing tank, as the name implies, these tanks are used for mixing different products and for the admixture of ingredients to the product. The tanks may be of the insulated type or have a single stainless steel shell.

11. What is the use of agitator in tanks?
a) To mix
b) To heat
c) To cleanse
d) To impart flavor
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Answer: a
Explanation: An agitator is a device or mechanism used to put something into motion by shaking or stirring. There are several types of agitation machines, including washing machine agitators and magnetic agitator. Agitators can come in many sizes and varieties, depending on the application.

12. Role of insulation in the tank is?
a) Maintain temperature due to weather fluctuation
b) Chilling
c) Freezing
d) Heating
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Answer: a
Explanation: Insulation may refer to as thermal insulation, materials used to reduce the rate of heat transfer. Hence insulation in silo tank helps to maintain temperature fluctuation due to weather changes.

13. Ripening tanks of butter cream come under which of the following categories?
a) Process tank
b) Mixing tank
c) Balance tank
d) Storage tank
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Answer: a
Explanation: In process tanks, the product is treated for the purpose of changing its properties. They are widely used in dairies, e.g. ripening tanks for butter cream and for cultured products such as yoghurt, crystallization tanks for whipping cream.

14. Tank which aid in keeping product at same level is called _______
a) Process tank
b) Mixing tank
c) Balance tank
d) Storage tank
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Answer: c
Explanation: The balance tank keeps the product at a constant level above the pump inlet. In other words, the head on the suction side is kept constant.

15. Process tank has a scraper which aid in which kind of products?
a) Viscous
b) Dry
c) Powder
d) Milk
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Answer: a
Explanation: Scraper is a tool or device used for scraping matter from a surface. Also, Scraper in process tank is used to mix viscous products.

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