PLC Program to Implement D Flip Flop

This is a PLC Program to Implement D Flip Flop.

Problem Description

Implementing D Flip Flop in PLC using Ladder Logic programming language.

Problem Solution
  • This latch has only 1 input denoted as D.
  • D latch is the simple gated S-R latch with a NAND inverter connected between its S and R inputs.
  • In S-R Flip Flop when S=R=0 or S=R=1, the outputs Q and Q^ either don’t change or they are invalid (indeterminate) due to race condition.
  • This disadvantage of S-R latch can be overcome by using the D latch.
  • As we can see in the diagram below, S and R inputs will always be the complements of each other. Hence S = R = 0 or S = R = 1 condition will never occur. This will avoid the problems associated with S-R=0-0 and S-R=1-1 conditions.
  • Truth table can be obtained as given below

Truth Table for the D Latch

Inputs	Outputs	        Comment
D	Qn+1	Q^n+1	
0	0	1	Reset Condition
1	1	0	Set Condition

Realization of D Latch using Logic Gates

PLC Program

Here is PLC program to Implement D Flip Flop, along with program explanation and run time test cases.

List of Inputs and Outputs
D (Set)	 =	I:1/0	(Set Input)
D (Reset)=	I:1/0	(Reset Input)
Qn+1     =	O:2/0	(Q Output)
Q^n+1    =	O:2/1	(Q^ Output)
Bit 0    =	B3:0/0	(Bit 0 output)
Bit 1    =	B3:0/1	(Bit 1 output)

Ladder Diagram to obtain output

Program Description
  • By definition, a condition of Qn+1 = 1 and Q^n+1 = 0 is Set and a condition of Qn+1 = 0 and Q^ n+1 = 1 is Reset.
  • As we can see from the circuit diagram as well as in the ladder diagram, the only difference between S-R latch and D Latch is that it uses it uses inverted value of S.
  • So as we can see in the ladder diagram, R is replaced by inverted input of D (Set) I:1/0 and denoted as D (Reset) I:1/0.
  • During power up, Q^n+1 (O:2/1) will go high because of its order scan cycle follows.
  • In a D latch, we can simply say that when we activate the D input I:1/0 sets the circuit, and when we de-activate the D input I:1/0 resets the circuit.
  • Both signal states can never be set to high as the Reset input is replaced by Inverted input of D I:1/0, so Race Condition is eliminated.
  • Slight delay may occur in inputs and resulting changes in outputs due to PLC’s program scan time which is unobtrusive.
Runtime Test Cases
Inputs	Outputs	        Comment
D	Qn+1 Q^n+1	
0	0    1          Reset Condition
1	1    0	        Set Condition

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