Immunology Questions and Answers – Parasitic Infections

This set of Immunology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Parasitic Infections”.

1. Which of the following groups of Protozoa are described as flagellates?
a) Sarcodina
b) Mastigophora
c) Ciliophora
d) Sporozoa
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Answer: b
Explanation: Protozoa are microscopic and one-celled organisms which can be free-living or parasitic in nature. If they enter a human body, they multiply rapidly within the body to cause serious infections to the body. Protozoa that are infectious to humans are divided in 4 groups namely Sarcodina (referred to as amoeba), Mastigophora (referred to as flagellates), Ciliophora (referred to as ciliates) and Sporozoa (referred to as non-motile). Mastigophora is described as flagellates because they are characterized by presence of flagella which is used for the movement. 

2. Parasites usually enter the human body through mouth or skin.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Parasites are the external factors that can cause parasitic infections once they enter the body. It is true that most common pathways for the entrance of parasites is through mouth or skin. They can be either swallowed by mouth by consuming contaminated food which cause infections in the intestinal wall. Insect bites is one way that parasites can get in contact with the skin.  

3. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for the spread of parasitic infection through the fecal-oral route?
a) Consumption of contaminated water
b) Swimming in pools that have not been disinfected or in lakes contaminated by sewage
c) Coming in contact with a virally infected person
d) Consumption of raw food (especially poultry and fish)
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Answer: c
Explanation: Parasites are usually present in contaminated water or in sewage. Parasites can also be present in poultry animals and fish and if we consume undercooked meat obtained from them, the parasite may localise in our intestine itself and start its life cycle. On the other hand, coming in contact with a virally infected person can cause viral infections. Fecal-oral transmission is a common way to contact a parasite. Infection that is spread through the fecal-oral route is acquired when a person ingests something that is contaminated by feces from an infected person. 

4. Which parasitic infection causes the most deaths globally?
a) Gut worms
b) Malaria
c) Head lice
d) Scabies
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Answer: b
Explanation: Malaria is a parasitic disease caused by infected Anopheles mosquito. It is transmitted to the human body by mosquito’s bite. The infected mosquito carries plasmodium parasite which is then transferred to the human body in order to cause Malaria. Malaria is a life-threatening disease. The most common symptoms seen in a malarial patient is fever, chills and muscle pain. 

5. Which of the following is NOT a neglected tropical disease (NTD)?
a) Lymphatic filariasis
b) Onchocerciasis
c) Guinea worm disease
d) Malaria
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Answer: d
Explanation: Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) include several viral, bacterial as well as parasitic infections which cause severe illness in more than one billion people globally. By the name it suggests that these diseases are severely found in tropical areas where people do not have access to clean water and safe ways to dispose of human waste. Malaria is a common parasitic disease which infects humans all over the world whereas Lymphatic filariasis, Onchocerciasis and Guinea worm disease are some of the parasitic diseases found in tropical areas like some places in Africa, Asia, etc.

6. Which of the following is NOT considered as a category of parasites?
a) Protozoa
b) Helminths
c) Pinworm
d) Ectoparasites
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Answer: c
Explanation: Parasites are further classified into 3 main categories: 1) Protozaoa – These are single celled organisms which can multiply or divide within the host. 2) Helminths – These are large multi-cellular organisms which include worm parasites and Pinworm is one of the types of worm belonging to Helminths. 3) Ectoparasites – These are the organisms that live on or in the host in order to infect the host.  

7. Which parasitic infection is treated and diagnosed with medication like Flagyl and Tindamax?
a) Chagas disease
b) Tapeworm
c) Scabies
d) Giardiasis
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Answer: d
Explanation: Giardia is a type of parasite which causes Giardiasis. This parasite attaches to the small intestine which results in diarrhoea. As it affects the intestine it prevents the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. It also causes indigestion. This parasite causes infection due to consumption of contaminated food. If this infection severely affects the patient, it is treated by medications like Flagyl or Tindamax. These medications contain certain chemicals that fight against Giardia to inhibit its activity.  

8. Which of the following type of worm mainly causes neurological problems such as seizures?
a) Trichinosis worm
b) Pinworm
c) Tapeworm
d) Hookworm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Tapeworm is a type of flatworm which can enter the human body by consuming contaminated drinking water. It lays eggs in the water resulting in contamination of water. Raw and undercooked meat is another way tapeworm can find its way into the human body. Tapeworms are long organisms and can live up to 30 years in humans. The early symptoms of tapeworm seen in humans include lumps, allergic reactions and fever. However, if the infection gets serious, it can also cause neurological problems like seizures which can further result in genetic disorders, brain injury and traumas. 

9. Which of the following parasite is transmitted through contaminated soil?
a) Tapeworm
b) Hookworm
c) Leeches
d) Thorny-headed worms
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hookworms are transmitted from contaminated soil or even through feces. The most common way to make a contact with Hookworms is by walking bare feet on soil which is contaminated. If the contaminated soil consists of Hookworm, then it can enter the body by interaction with skin. They further travel to the small intestine as they attach themselves to the intestinal wall. The symptoms seen are itchy rashes, anaemia and fatigue. 

10. Imaging tests to detect parasitic infection does not include which of the following test?
a) MRI
b) CT scan 
c) Tape test
d) X-rays
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Answer: c
Explanation: MRI, CT scan as well as X-rays can be used to detect organ injury caused by parasites. These tests are referred to as Imaging tests as images of the organs are observed for detecting any damage or irregularity caused by parasites. On the other hand, a tape test is taken to detect the presence of parasites such as pinworms or their eggs. It involves placing clear tape around the anus and this tape can further be examined under the microscope. 

11. Which of the following is NOT the prevention factor to avoid parasitic infections?
a) Avoiding consumption of impure water
b) Cleaning up animal waste
c) Avoiding walking bare-foot in soil which is contaminated by feces
d) Avoiding person-to-person contact
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Answer: d
Explanation: The major sources through which parasites can enter the human body include consumption of contaminated water or undercooked food (especially meat), walking bare-foot in soil which is contaminated by animal feces as well as having a direct contact with the animal waste. On the other hand, person-to-person contact is a less risky way for the parasites to enter the human body because the if the person is healthy then there is no chance of parasitic infection. However, if the person is virally infected, we must stay away so as to avoid viral infections. Most parasites reside within the human body therefore, they cannot pass on to other human body just by contact. 

12. Which of the following human parasite affects the red blood cells?
a) Acanthamoebiasis
b) Babesiosis
c) Balantidiasis
d) Blastocytosis
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Answer: b
Explanation: Babesiosis is a parasitic disease that comes from parasite spread by ticks namely Babesia. It mainly affects the red blood cells and can be life-threatening. It comes in contact with human if the human is bitten by an infected deer tick. Most cases of Babesiosis occurs in the Northeast and upper Midwest of United States. 

13. Which parasitic infection is caused due to the parasite Naegleria fowleri?
a) Malaria
b) Rhinosporidiosis
c) Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM)
d) Toxoplasmosis
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Answer: c
Explanation: Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is caused due to the free-living amoebic parasite named Naegleria fowleri. It certainly affects the brain and nervous system and is nearly fetal within 10-20 days. It is transmitted through breathing in contaminated soil, swimming pools and contaminated water.

14. Which of the following parasitic infection is also termed as sleeping sickness?
a) Trypanomiasis
b) Chagas disease
c) Toxoplasmosis
d) Leishmaniasis
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Answer: a
Explanation: Trypanomiasis is caused by parasitic protozoan trypanosomes. It affects the central nervous system, blood and lymph. It majorly leads to changes in the sleeping behaviour therefore also termed as sleeping sickness as this is one of the major symptoms seen. It can even infect a fetus during pregnancy if not treated till then. This infection is usually caused in few areas of Africa.

15. Which of the following is the largest human parasite?
a) Roundworm
b) Tapeworm
c) Pinworm
d) Leech worm
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Answer: a 
Explanation: Roundworm is the largest human parasite and id of about 15-35 centimetres. This worm enters the body if humans have contact with infected stools of other humans or animals. It can also enter the body by contacting contaminated soil. After entering the body, it lives in the intestine. The most common symptoms seen are vomiting, pain in abdomen, restlessness and seeing live worms in stools. 

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