Immunology Questions and Answers – Terminology, Types and Cancer Immunotherapy

This set of Immunology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Terminology, Types and Cancer Immunotherapy”.

1. What does ‘CAR’ in CAR T-cell therapy stand for?
a) Chimeric antigen receptor
b) Chimeric antibody receptor
c) Cell-cell antigen receptor
d) Cell-cell antibody receptor
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Answer: a
Explanation: CAR T-cell therapy is a type of immunotherapy which is used for treating cancer. CAR T-cell is a short form for chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. It is also called as adoptive cell transfer therapy (ACT). With the help of CAR T-cell therapy, T cells of our body are activated to attack the cancer cells.  The chimeric antigen receptor induces with the T cells and immune system senses these activated T cells due to which the entire immune response goes in favour of these T cells.

2. Which of the following is NOT a flu-like symptom as a side effect of immunotherapy?
a) Fever
b) Chills
c) Sinus congestion
d) Diarrhoea
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Answer: d 
Explanation: Immunotherapies work well without side effects in some patients but there are cases where severe side effects are caused due to these ongoing medical therapies. Some of them which come under flu-like symptoms are as follows: fever, sinus, dizziness, cold and cough. If this gets severe, medical attention is needed. It is very important to stay hydrated after immunotherapies in order to avoid other side effects.

3. Which of the following are types of adrenal cortex tumour?
a) Adenomas and Carcinomas 
b) Adenomas and Cancerous adrenal
c) Carcinomas and Benign adrenal 
d) Benign adrenal and Carcinoma
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Answer: a 
Explanation: Adrenal cortex tumour is mainly of two types and they are as follows: 1) adenomas (this type is also called as benign or non-cancerous) and 2) carcinomas (this type is termed as malignant or cancerous). There have been great advancements in the study of tumour and the recent study has come up with a solution to identify whether the tumour is cancerous or not. This study suggests adrenal tumour is assumed to be cancerous when it has spread to the lymph nodes or other organs or tissues.  

4. What is another name for eye cancer?
a) Locular Melanoma
b) Ocular Melanoma
c) Auricle Melanoma
d) Myocardium Melanoma
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Answer: b
Explanation: Eye cancer is a very rare cancer which can most probably affect adults. The scientific term used for eye cancer is Ocular Melanoma. The most observable symptom of eye cancer is presence of dark spot on the iris. The other symptoms include blurry vision, change in shape of the pupil as well as a dusty vision. This cancer can be removed by surgery if the spread of the cancer is not severe. But in serious cases, removal of eyeball is necessary is order to prevent its spread throughout the body. 

5. In a condition like Porcelain Gallbladder, with what do the walls of gall bladder get covered?
a) Tumour cells
b) Calcium deposits
c) Gallstones
d) Bile filled sacs
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cancer of Gallbladder is known as Porcelain Gallbladder. This cancer can be identified by examining the changes in the lining of the gallbladder. Porcelain Gallbladder by its name itself suggests that it is related to calcium deposits. If the lining of gallbladder gets covered by calcium deposits, it results in cancer. 

6. Which therapy uses the cells made by our own immune system against cancer?
a)  TCR therapy
b) CAR-T cell therapy
c) TIL therapy 
d) Monoclonal therapy
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Answer: c
Explanation: TIL therapy (tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes) is one type of ACT therapy. Unlike CAR T cells or TCRs, TIL white blood cells are not reprogrammed in the lab. These cells are made by our own immune system. If these cells accidently get inside the cancer cells, this indicates that our body tries fighting cancer voluntarily. In such a case, TIL therapy is used where doctors take up the TILs from the body and grow them in large amount in lab. They make these cells strong and turn up their fighting ability against cancer and then these cells are induced in the body in the area of tumour cells. 

7. CAR T-cell therapy treats which kind of cancer?
a) Breast cancer
b) Blood cancer
c) Lung cancer
d) Skin cancer
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Answer: b
Explanation: CAR T-cell therapy is used majorly for treating blood cancer. It plays a very important role in treating acute lymphoblastic lymphoma in children and adults up to 25 years of age, adults with B-cell lymphoma whose cancer is irresponsive of chemotherapy. It also helps in treating the people suffering from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. This therapy fights cancer but can also cause side effects in some people like high fever, low blood pressure, etc.

8. Which of the following biopsy is NOT done to detect and diagnose Liver Cancer?
a) Needle biopsy
b) Laparoscopic biopsy
c) Surgical biopsy
d) Punch biopsy
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Answer: d
Explanation: Needle biopsy, laparoscopic biopsy and surgical biopsy are three major biopsies done in order to detect and diagnose Liver cancer. Biopsy is a process in which a sample of tissue is removed in order to test it for cancer detection. In this way, Needle biopsy involves needle injected through the skin of abdomen to the liver to remove a sample of liver tissue. On the other hand, laparoscopic biopsy involves laparoscopy methods and lastly, surgical biopsy involves removal of entire tumour by surgical methods.   

9. Which of the following is the most important risk factor that can cause skin cancer?
a) UV rays
b) Infected person’s touch
c) Sunrays 
d) X-rays
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Answer: a
Explanation: Skin cancer can be majorly caused by coming in contact with UV rays. Basal and squamous cell gets affected due to UV rays which causes skin cancer. UV rays damage the DNA inside the skin cells. The source of UV rays can be from the sun or artificial source like tanning beds. The UV rays makes the skin lose its ability to remain intact. As a result, wrinkles, leathery skin and spots can be seen. 

10. What is the range of thyroid cancer stages?
a) Stages I to III
b) Stages I to IV
c) Stages I to V
d) Stages I to VI
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Answer: b
Explanation:  Thyroid cancer stage ranges from stage I to stage IV. The lower the stage number, lesser the cancer spreads. Higher number of stage (i.e., stage IV) means cancer has spread more and can be fatal in serious cases. Each person’s cancer differs depending on the immunity of each person. Stage I cancer can be healed as the spreading rate is quite slow. However, at stage IV, it spreads till lymph nodes which damage the nodes and hence starts targeting the immune system.

11. Which of the following is NOT a cancer treatment under the category “Monoclonal Antibodies”?
a) Naked monoclonal antibodies
b) Conjugated monoclonal antibodies
c) Bispecific monoclonal antibodies
d) Supplementary monoclonal antibodies
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Answer: d
Explanation: An antibody is a molecule that marks proteins in our body as invaders. It then recruits other parts of the immune system to destroy any cells that contain those proteins. Researchers can also make such antibodies in the laboratories. Such antibodies are termed as monoclonal antibodies. There are 3 major treatments that come under this category. They are as follows: 1) Naked monoclonal antibodies (this is the most common treatment and they direct the immune system to attack cancer cells), 2) Conjugated monoclonal antibodies (they have a chemotherapy drug or a radioactive particle attached to them and they go target the cancer cells directly) and 3) Bispecific monoclonal antibodies (they bind two different proteins at once. Some of these proteins attach to cancer cells while some to immune system cells) 

12. Which of the following is NOT an Immune checkpoint inhibitor?
a) PD1
b) CTLA4 
c) PDL1
d) PDL2
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Answer: d
Explanation: In order to remain healthy, our immune system has to spot the invading bacteria or virus or the cells that affects our body. To keep this process in control, our immune system has molecular brakes called as checkpoints. Cancer cells sometimes attack these checkpoints. To avoid this attack by cancer cells, immune checkpoint inhibitors are designed to release these checkpoints from the control of cancer cells. For example: PD1, PDL1 and CTLA4 inhibitors target their respective checkpoints that are found on the T cells. 

13. Which of the following interferon treats hairy cell leukaemia?
a) IFN-alpha 
b) IFN-beta
c) IFN-gamma
d) IFM-delta
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Answer: a
Explanation: Interferons are a type of cytokine that change the way the immune system works. An interferon named IFN-alpha treats various types of cancers like hairy cell leukaemia, chronic myelogenous leukaemia, follicular non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, skin T cell lymphoma, kidney cancer and Melanoma. IFN-alpha is produced in the leukocytes infected by virus or toxic cells. 

14. Which of the following organ/part of the body is NOT linked with cancer caused by high-risk type of human papillomavirus (HPV)?
a) Cervix
b) Vagina
c) Vulva
d) Anal area
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Answer: d
Explanation: HPVs are a large group of related viruses. Different HPV types can cause different types of warts in different parts of the body. These warts can be cancerous (termed as high-risk HPVs) or may not be cancerous (termed as low risk HPVs). Low risk HPVs affect male genital organs and the anal area but cannot cause cancer while high risk HPVs cause cancer of the cervix, vagina and vulva of women while cancer of penis in men. 

15. Wilm’s tumour is related to which organ of the body?
a) Lungs
b) Liver
c) Kidney
d) Brain
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Answer: c
Explanation: The cancer of kidney is known as Wilm’s tumour. This type of cancer is very rare and mainly occurs in children. It is also known as nephroblastoma. The early symptoms include swelling of the abdomen and pain. Other signs may include blood in urine, high blood pressure, etc. It is more common in girls than in boys. It can also occur due to genetic errors in some cases.  

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