Finite Element Method Questions and Answers – Formulation of Forces on Shell

This set of Finite Element Method Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Formulation of Forces on Shell”.

1. On basis of Gauss curvature, which of the following is a type of shell?
a) Synclastic shell
b) Round shell
c) Flat shell
d) Intermittent shell
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Answer: a
Explanation: By keeping Gauss curvature in mind, Synclastic shell falls under the classification of shells. These shells are doubly curved and have similar curvature in both the directions. For such shells, the value of Gauss curvature is always positive. A dome is an example of a synclastic shell.

2. Which of the following defines an anticlastic shell?
a) Value of Gauss curvature is zero
b) Value of Gauss curvature is negative
c) Has similar curve in both directions
d) It is flat in one direction
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Answer: b
Explanation: An anticlastic shell is also based on classification via Gauss Curvature. It is doubly curved shell that has each of its curves in the opposite directions. For such shells, the value of Gauss curvature is always negative. Hyperboloids, Condoids etc are examples of anticlastic shells.

3. Which of the following is not an advantage of using shells instead of flat plates?
a) Applied load is transformed as in plane(membrane forces)
b) They possess aesthetic advantages
c) Time dependency for construction
d) Very thin, resulting in material and cost savings
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Answer: c
Explanation: When any load is applied on a shell, it is transferred as membrane forces due to its shape. Because of this, all shells are very thin; resulting in cost and material optimization. Due to its structural shape, it gives the structures many aesthetic advantages over its flat plate counterparts. These are some of the many advantages that are catered to, by making use of shells.

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