Finite Element Method Questions and Answers – Pre Processing – Mesh Generation

This set of Finite Element Method Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Pre Processing – Mesh Generation”.

1. Which of the following schemes was suggested by Zienkiewicz and Philips?
a) Complex geometry is divided into 8 noded quadrilaterals
b) Complex geometry is divided into 6 noded quadrilaterals
c) Complex geometry is divided into 8 noded triangles
d) Complex geometry is divided into 6 noded triangles
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Answer: a
Explanation: Zienkiewicz and Philips put forth a mesh generation scheme which helped simplify the mesh generation procedure. In this scheme, the complex geometries are divided into eight node quadrilaterals. These individual elements are then viewed in the form of a rectangular block pattern.

2. What is the first step of the Node numbering procedure?
a) Initialization of array by defining +1 at each location
b) Initialization of array by defining -1 at each location
c) Initialization of array by defining 0 at each location
d) Definition of array by initializing random numbers at each location
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the first step of node numbering procedure, the array is initialized by putting -1 at each of its location. Following this all void blocks are covered, and 0 is assigned to every block that doesn’t have any mode. In this way, existence of neighboring blocks is easily configured.

3. Which of the following defines a mesh plot?
a) Vector representation of the mesh lines
b) Scalar representation of the mesh lines
c) Graphical representation of the mesh lines
d) Numerical representation of the mesh lines
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Answer: c
Explanation: Also referred to as mesh plotting, this procedure enables us to get a pictorial representation of the mesh lines and their generation. It comes across as a fishnet shaped lattice of vertical and horizontal lines covering the three dimensional body under consideration.

4. What is the purpose of using the PLOT2D function?
a) Plotting one dimensional meshes
b) Plotting three dimensional meshes
c) Plotting multi dimensional meshes
d) Plotting two dimensional meshes
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the name suggests, PLOT2D is used for plotting two dimensional meshes. The mesh plotting procedure helps us to scan each element and draw their respective boundaries by making use the required connectivity information.

5. In simple problems, with very few numbers of elements and nodes, it is difficult to prepare data using the text editor.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given statement is false. For simple problems; those with small number of elements and nodes, it is more than convenient to prepare data using the text editor. No external function is required in the case of such problems.
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6. What are the outputs of a MESHGEN function?
a) Nodal co-ordinates and element connectivity
b) Loading graphs
c) Stress-strain curves
d) 2D mesh lines
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Answer: a
Explanation: The output of a MESHGEN program generally consists of the nodal co-ordinates and element connectivity of the structure under consideration. This function is used for comparatively larger problems which have a good amount of elements and nodes present in them.

7. Which of the following properties does not influence selection of type of elements used in meshing?
a) Geometry shape and size
b) Analysis type
c) User age
d) Time allotted for project completion
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Answer: c
Explanation: Geometry definition is an integral part of element selection, as the size and shape need to be intact at the time of analysis. Type of analysis determines whether a particular type of element is required for performing calculations or not. Based on time allotted for project, user can choose between a more precise element and a meager one. User age is not necessary for determining the type of element required for meshing the structure under consideration.

8. What are the different types of meshing procedures?
a) Vector approach and scalar approach
b) Numerical approach and integral approach
c) Discrete approach and Continuous approach
d) Geometry approach and finite element approach
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Answer: d
Explanation: The two different types of meshing procedure available are the geometry approach and the finite element approach. In geometry approach, mesh is associated with the geometry. If the geometry is modified, mesh is also updated accordingly. In the Finite element approach, the mesh is non associative; boundary conditions are limited to nodes and elements only.

9. Why is the background mesh used?
a) Accurately control distribution of geometrical characteristics of new mesh
b) Accurately control distribution of load characteristics of new mesh
c) Accurately control distribution of vector characteristics of new mesh
d) Accurately control distribution of scalar characteristics of new mesh
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Answer: a
Explanation: The background mesh is used to accurately control the distribution of geometrical characteristics of new mesh. Mesh parameters, like element size are assigned to the nodes of the background mesh. These are linearly interpolated to any point inside the domain or boundary of the structure under consideration.

10. Which of the following is a characteristic of mesh quality enhancement?
a) Enhance load application
b) Improve shape of mesh elements
c) Enhance mesh visibility
d) Enhance mesh visualization
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mesh quality enhancement is used to improve the shape of mesh elements; particularly in the later stages of the mesh generation procedure. This technique is not required for simple problems; but for meshing that requires strong grades with elements of different types and varying sizes.

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