This set of Bioprocess Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Major Classes of Interactions in Mixed Cultures”.
1. Which of the following defines the given statement – “An association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm”?
a) Neutralism
b) Mutualism
c) Commensalism
d) Amensalism
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Explanation: Commensalism, in biology, a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the latter.
2. Which of the following defines the given statement – “Any relationship between organisms of different species in which one organism is inhibited or destroyed while the other organism remains unaffected”?
a) Neutralism
b) Mutualism
c) Commensalism
d) Amensalism
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Explanation: One type of relationship that has been classified by biologists and ecologists is amensalism. Amensalism is any relationship between organisms of different species in which one organism is inhibited or destroyed while the other organism remains unaffected.
3. Which of the following defines the given statement – “Two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual benefits from the activity of the other”?
a) Neutralism
b) Mutualism
c) Commensalism
d) Amensalism
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Explanation: Mutualism is the way two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual benefits from the activity of the other. Similar interactions within a species are known as co-operation.
4. Symbiosis is a Short term interaction.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Biological interactions are effects that organisms have on each other, whether
▪ Short-term interactions, especially predation
▪ Long-term interactions, now called symbiosis, which includes commensalism, parasitism, and mutualism.
5. Which of the following is an endosymbiotic in nature?
a) Nucleus
b) Vacuole
c) Chloroplast
d) Ribosome
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Explanation: Endosymbiotic theory that attempts to explain the origins of eukaryotic cell organelles such as mitochondria in animals and fungi and chloroplasts in plants was greatly advanced by the seminal work of biologist Lynn Margulis in the 1960s.
6. Mutualistic symbiosis is a type of mutualism.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Mutualistic Symbiosis is a type of mutualism in which individuals interact physically, or even live within the body of the other mutualist. Frequently, the relationship is essential for the survival of at least one member.
7. Competition is having in between two organism:
a) Negative effects on both
b) Positive effects on both
c) On one positive and on other negative
d) No one is either positively or negatively affected
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Explanation: Competition is an indirect interaction between two populations that has negative effects on both. In competition, each population competes for the same substrate. Two populations or microorganisms with similar nutrient requirements usually compete for a number of common, required nutrients when grown together.
8. Which of the following is correct according to an exclusion principle?
a) Both the organism competing for the resource exist
b) The organism with slowest growth rate will displace the other
c) The organism with fastest growth rate will displace the other
d) Both organism will equally survive
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Explanation: The competitive exclusion principle, sometimes referred to as Gause’s Law of competitive exclusion or just Gause’s Law, states that two species that compete for the exact same resources cannot stably coexist. The organisms with the fastest growth rate will displace the others from the culture. This is known as the exclusion principle.
9. For Protocooperation species the interaction is not necessary.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Protocooperation is where two species interact with each other beneficially; they have no need to interact with each other – they interact purely for the gain that they receive from doing this. It is not at all necessary for protocooperation to occur; growth and survival is possible in the absence of the interaction.
10. Symbiosis and mutualism are same.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Symbiosis and mutualism are not the same. Symbiosis implies a relationship when two organisms live together. A symbiotic relationship may be mutualistic, but it may also be neutralistic, parasitic, commensalistic, and so on.
11. Competition and commensalism can occur at the same time.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Note that these interactions can, and often do, exist in combination. For example, A and B may compete for glucose as a nutrient, but A requires a growth factor from B to grow. In such a case, both competition and commensalism would be present.
12. Lichens are ____________
a) A fungal-Bacterial association
b) A fungal-yeast association
c) A Bacterial-yeast association
d) A fungal-algal association
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Explanation: Lichens are a fungal-algal symbiosis (that frequently includes a third member, a cyanobacterium). The mass of fungal hyphae provides a protected habitat for the algae, and takes up water and nutrients for the algae. In return, the algae (and cynaobacteria) provide carbohydrates as a source of energy for the fungus.
13. Which of the following is not an example of Mutualistic Symbiosis?
a) Fungal-algal symbiosis
b) Algae and the corals
c) Mushroom and fly
d) Racoon and poison ivy
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Explanation: Resource-resource mutualism -A relationship where one resource is traded for another. Corals and the symbiotic algae .The algae get inorganic nutrients from the corals, and the corals get sugars that are by-products of photosynthesis from the algae. When a coral ‘bleaches’ it is actually kicking out the zooxanthellae that live in it, so all you see is the coral’s skeleton, which is white.
14. Which one is the correct interaction sign for Amensalism?
a) +/+
b) 0/0
c) 0/+
d) 0/-
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Explanation: Type of Interaction Sign Effects Mutualism +/+ both species benefit from interaction Obligate Mutualism +/+ obligatory; both populations benefit Commensalism +/0 one species benefits, one unaffected Neutralism 0/0 populations do not affect one another Amensalism 0/- One species is disadvantaged/one species unaffected.
15. Which one is the correct interaction sign for Commensalism?
a) +/+
b) 0/0
c) +/0
d) 0/-
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Explanation: Type of Interaction Sign Effects Mutualism +/+ both species benefit from interaction Obligate Mutualism +/+ obligatory; both populations benefit Commensalism +/0 one species benefits, one unaffected Neutralism 0/0 populations do not affect one another Amensalism 0/- One species is disadvantaged/one species unaffected.
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