Bioprocess Engineering Questions and Answers – Graph Paper with Logarithmic C…

This set of Bioprocess Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Graph Paper with Logarithmic Coordinates”.

1. Is the Power law related to the straight line in the log-log plot?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A straight line on log-log graph paper corresponds to the equation:
Y = BxA
In y = In B + A In x
If A is positive, y = 0 when x = 0, If A is negative, when x = 0, y is infinite;
If the log-log graph paper is drawn so that the ordinate and abscissa scales are the same, i.e. the distance measured with a ruler for a 10-fold change in the y variable is the same as for a 10-fold change in the x variable, A is the actual slope of the line. A is obtained by taking two points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) on the line, and measuring the distances between Y2 and Y1 and X2 and X1 with a ruler:
The Power law related to the straight line in the log-log plot

2. What is the lag time for the fermentation from the provided graph and data?
A Lafayette student obtained the following data in the laboratory fermenting yeast to alcohol at 38˚.

Time(hr) Cell Conc.(g/ltr) Glucose Conc.(g/ltr) Alcohol Conc.(g/ltr)
0 0.882 5.14 0.00
0.250 0.899
0.500 0.883
0.750 0.894
1.00 0.879
1.25 0.936
1.50 0.980
1.75 1.00
2.00 1.04
2.25 1.05
2.50 1.09
2.75 1.13
3.00 1.12
3.25 1.13
3.50 1.14
3.75 1.12 3.25 1.31

The Fermentation produced 1000 g of a solution containing 0.13% alcohol.


The Fermentation produced 1000 g of a solution containing 0.13% alcohol
a) 2 hours
b) 0.5 hours
c) 1 hour
d) 3 hours
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Answer: c
Explanation: From the graph, the lag time is about 1 hour before the fermentation process shows noticeable growth.

3. What is the specific growth rate (µ) and the doubling time (td) for the data from the graph?

Time(hr) Cell Conc.(g/ltr) Glucose Conc.(g/ltr) Alcohol Conc.(g/ltr)
0 0.882 5.14 0.00
0.250 0.899
0.500 0.883
0.750 0.894
1.00 0.879
1.25 0.936
1.50 0.980
1.75 1.00
2.00 1.04
2.25 1.05
2.50 1.09
2.75 1.13
3.00 1.12
3.25 1.13
3.50 1.14
3.75 1.12 3.25 1.31
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The Fermentation produced 1000 g of a solution containing 0.13% alcohol.

The specific growth rate µ & the doubling time is 0.118 hours & 5.9 hours
a) (0.118 hours, 5.9 hours)
b) (0.119 hours, 5.9 hours)
c) (0.151 hours, 5.9 hours)
d) (0.119 hours, 5.9 hours)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The regression results show that μ = 0.118 hr-1. The doubling time,
td = ln(2)/μ
= 0.693/0.118
= 5.9 hrs.

4. Calculate the yield of cells and alcohol on glucose from the provided graph and data?

Time(hr) Cell Conc.(g/ltr) Glucose Conc.(g/ltr) Alcohol Conc.(g/ltr)
0 0.882 5.14 0.00
0.250 0.899
0.500 0.883
0.750 0.894
1.00 0.879
1.25 0.936
1.50 0.980
1.75 1.00
2.00 1.04
2.25 1.05
2.50 1.09
2.75 1.13
3.00 1.12
3.25 1.13
3.50 1.14
3.75 1.12 3.25 1.31

The Fermentation produced 1000 g of a solution containing 0.13% alcohol.


The Fermentation produced 1000 g of a solution containing 0.13% alcohol
a) (i) 0.124g cells/g glucose, (ii) 0.897g alcohol/g glucose
b) (i) 0.127g cells/g glucose, (ii) 0.694g alcohol/g glucose
c) (i) 0.145g cells/g glucose, (ii) 0.890g alcohol/g glucose
d) (i) 0.126g cells/g glucose, (ii) 0.693g alcohol/g glucose
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Answer: d
Explanation: (i) Yield of cells on glucose = -Δ(conc. cells) / Δ(conc. glucose)
= -(0.882-1.12)/(5.14-3.25)
= 0.126 g cells/g glucose .
(ii) Yield of alcohol on glucose = – Δ(conc. alcohol)/Δ(conc. glucose)
= -(0.00-1.31)/(5.14-3.25)
= 0.693 g alcohol/g glucose.

5. Which of the following is correct to bacterial growth curve?
a) Representation of the asexual reproduction of the bacteria
b) Representation of the sexual reproduction of the bacteria
c) Representation between sexual and asexual reproduction of bacteria
d) Representation of the mutation of the bacteria
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Answer: a
Explanation: The representation is of the Bacterial growth which is the asexual reproduction, or cell division, of a bacterium into two daughter cells, in a process called binary fission. Providing no mutational event occurs, the resulting daughter cells are genetically identical to the original cell.

6. Bacillus cereus divides every 30 minutes. You inoculate a culture with exactly 100 bacterial cells. After 3 hours, how many bacteria are present and what is the generation number and time?
a) (24,000), (3 generations), (30 minutes per generation)
b) (64,000), (6 generations), (30 minutes per generation)
c) (24,000), (6 generations), (60 minutes per generation)
d) (64,000), (3 generations), (60 minutes per generation)
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Answer: b
Explanation: Number of cells:
In 3 hours, B.cereus will divide 6 times. Therefore, n=6.
26 = 64 or 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2.
Number of generations:
Number of generations = [log (cells at the end of incubation)]-[log (cells at the beginning of incubation)]/0.301.
Therefore, [(log 6400) – (log 100)]/0.301 = (3.81-2)/0.301 = 6 generations.
Generation time:
60 min×3 hours / 6 generations = 30 minutes per generation.

7. In below mentioned options which one defines correctly the semi-log graph?
The semi-log graph with 1- cycle semi logarithmic paper
a) 10-cycle semi-logarithmic paper
b) 6- cycle semi-logarithmic paper
c) 2- cycle semi-logarithmic paper
d) 1- cycle semi logarithmic paper
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Answer: d
Explanation: In one-cycle semi-logarithmic paper, the vertical scale goes from 1 to 10 and within the One order of magnitude (101) whereas, in others the magnitude varies like in 2 – cycle there is the magnitude of two i.e. (102) and likewise other options have different magnitudes according to their number of cycles.

8. Estimate the correct straight line in the log-linear scale?
a) (If the population is growing exponentially, the curve will be concave up), (If the growth is slower than exponential, you will see a straight line), (If the growth is faster than exponential, the curve will be concave down)
b) (If the population is growing exponentially, the curve will be concave down), (If the growth is slower than exponential, you will see a straight line), (If the growth is faster than exponential, the curve will be concave up)
c) (If the population is growing exponentially, you will see a straight line), (If the growth is slower than exponential, the curve will be concave down), (If the growth is faster than exponential, the curve will be concave up)
d) (If the population is growing exponentially, you will see a straight line), (If the growth is slower than exponential, the curve will be concave up), (If the growth is faster than exponential, the curve will be concave down)
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Answer: c
Functions plotted on the linear scale:
Figure 1:
The log-linear scale with functions plotted on the linear scale

Figure 2:
The log-linear scale with functions plotted on the log-linear graph

Functions plotted on the log-linear graph:

Figure 3 :
Graph grows faster than exponentially since the curve is concave down

Figure 4 :
Graph grows slower than exponentially since the curve is concave down

From the above graphs mentioned, Figures 2 and 4 grows exponentially while the function in Figures 1 and 3 grows slower than exponentially since the curve is concave down.

9. What are the mean values of each given data set?
The mean value calculated as sum divided by numbers of measures is 20.1 & 20.0
Mean values: (Small culture, Bulk culture)
a) (19.0,20.0)
b) (20.0,19.0)
c) (20.0,20.1)
d) (20.1,20.0)
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Answer: d
Explanation: MEAN-
Small culture-
For parallel series of small cultures, the sum of T1-Resistant colonies is:
1+0+0+5+124+0+0+0+71+0 = 201
The mean value is then calculated as the sum divided by the numbers of measures taken:

\(\frac{200 \,T1-Resistant \,colonies}{10 \,samples}\) = 20.1 T1-Resistant colonies/sample
Bulk culture-
For the samples taken from the 10-ml bulk culture, the sum of T1-Resistant colonies is:
24+20+16+25+18+21+18+17+22+19 = 200
The mean value is then calculated as this sum divided by the number of samples taken:
\(\frac{200 \,T1-Resistant \,colonies}{10 \,samples}\) = 20.0 T1-Resistant colonies/sample

10. What is the variance for the small culture and bulk culture data sets?
Find the variance of each data set with variance yields
a) (1239,8.0)
b) (1823,8.9)
c) (8.9,1823)
d) (8.0,1239)
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Answer: b
Explanation: In variance there is small culture and bulk culture.

Small culture-
The sum of values in the (X-x̅)2 column = Ƹ(X-x̅)2 = 16,403
Since there are 10 samples in this data set, n=10. Placing these values into the formula for calculating the variance yields,
Variance = \(\frac{Ƹ(X-x̅)^2}{n-1} = \frac{16.403}{10-1}\)
= \(\frac{16.403}{9}\)
= 1823

Bulk culture-

The sum of values in the (X-x̅)2 column = Ƹ(X-x̅)2 = 80
Since there are 10 samples in this data set, n=10. Placing these values into the formula for calculating the variance yields,
Variance = \(\frac{Ƹ(X-x̅)^2}{n-1} = \frac{80}{10-1}\)
= \(\frac{80}{9}\)
= 8.9

11. The manipulated variable levels Continuous (i.e. time in years) or Clumped into groups( i.e. 0-5 years, 6-10 years) is represented as _________
a) Continuous- Scatter plot/line, Clumped- Histogram
b) Continuous- Histogram, Clumped- Scatter plot/line
c) Continuous- Pie chart, Clumped- Scatter plot/line
d) Continuous- Pie chart, Clumped- Histogram
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Answer: a
Explanation: HISTOGRAM :
Histograms are similar to bar graphs except the data represented in histogram is usually in groups of continuous numerical (quantitative) data. In this case, the bars do touch. Histograms are often used to show frequency data.
Example- Average mean temperature between the years 1900 and 2000
The points are plotted on the grid, but they are not joined point to point. A best fit line may be added to a scatter plot to show a trend. Line graphs are only used when both variables are quantitative. These graphs are useful for showing if a correlation exists between two variables, especially when it is not possible to alter either of the variables (i.e. in descriptive studies).
Example – Reaction rate at various enzyme concentrations.

12. On which plot the Best fit-line is represented?
a) Histogram plot
b) Scatter plot
c) Probability plot
d) Dot plot
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Answer: b
Explanation: A line of best fit (or “trend” line) is a straight line that best represents the data on a scatter plot. This line may pass through some of the points, none of the points, or all of the points.

13. From the following table which one is the dependent and independent variable and what type of graph would you choose for this data?
Find the dependent & independent variable & the type of graph in given diagram
a) Dependent – Bubbles per minute Plant A, Independent- Bubbles per minute Plant B, Graph- Pie chart
b) Dependent – Depth (in meters), Independent- Bubbles per minute Plant A, Graph- Line plot
c) Dependent – Depth (in meters), Independent- Bubbles per minute Plant B, Graph- Line plot
d) Dependent – Bubbles per minute Plant A and Plant B, Independent- Depth (in meters), Graph- Line plot
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dependent variable-
Bubbles per minute – the amount of bubbles produced will depend on how deep the plant is in the water. The variable that DEPENDS on another variable is the dependent variable.
Independent variable-
The depth in meters – you are controlling the depths at which you place the plants and observing what happens to the number of bubbles. Typically the variable you have control over is the independent variable.
Line – we are measuring the change in bubble production over time. (Why not a bar? – There are some gradual changes that may be lost depending on our scale. Also, lines are often more simple to read and less confusing).

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