This set of Bioprocess Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Process Constraints: Genetic Instability”.
1. Tissue engineering is developed invitro.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Tissue engineering has a primary focus on developing in vitro bioartificial tissues, typically based on cells derived from donor tissue. These tissues can be used as transplants to improve biological function in the recipient. An alternative form of tissue engineering is in vivo alteration of cell growth and function.
2. Hyaline is characterized by its ____________
a) White appearance
b) Glassy appearance
c) Red appearance
d) Crystal appearance
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Explanation: A hyaline substance is one with a glassy appearance. In histopathological medical usage, a hyaline substance appears glassy and pink after being stained with haematoxylin and eosin — usually it is an acellular, proteinaceous material. An example is hyaline cartilage, a transparent, glossy articular joint cartilage.
3. Hyaline is always associated with cartilage.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Some mistakenly refer to all hyaline as hyaline cartilage; however, hyaline applies to other material besides the cartilage itself. Arterial hyaline is seen in aging, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and in association with some drugs (e.g. calcineurin inhibitors). It is bright pink with PAS staining.
4. What do you mean by Extracorporeal?
a) Outer layer of the tissue
b) Outside of the body
c) Inner layer of the tissue
d) Inside of the body
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Explanation: An extracorporeal is a medical procedure which is performed outside the body.
5. Tissue engineering increases the risk of fatality of the experimental animals.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Use of artificial tissue constructs is for toxicological and pharmacological testing of potential new drugs. In this case the artificial tissue or combination of tissues acts as a surrogate, reducing the need to use animals for such testing.
6. The neurotransmitters are classified into:
a) Two broad categories
b) Three broad categories
c) Six broad categories
d) Eight broad categories
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Explanation: There are two broad categories of neurotransmitters: Small-molecule neurotransmitters and Neuropeptides.
7. Pressure ulcers affects mainly the _______
a) Nephron
b) Lungs
c) Skin
d) Kidney
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Explanation: Pressure ulcers, also known as pressure sores, pressure injuries, bedsores, and decubitus ulcers, are localized damage to the skin and/or underlying tissue that usually occur over a bony prominence as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/or friction. The most common sites are the skin overlying the sacrum, coccyx, heels or the hips, but other sites such as the elbows, knees, ankles, back of shoulders, or the back of the cranium can be affected.
8. Cadaver skin is the Permanent covering for wound.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Allograft, cadaver skin or homograft is human cadaver skin donated for medical use. Cadaver skin is used as a temporary covering for excised (cleaned) wound surfaces before autograft (permanent) placement.
9. What does Cadaver means?
a) Ancient live body
b) Live body
c) Artificial body
d) Deceased body
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Explanation: A cadaver, also called corpse (singular) in medical, literary, and legal usage, or when intended for dissection, is a deceased body.
10. The scaffold of bone is also done.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: This type of bone graft is based on the concept of bone tissue engineering, which focused on creating a device that enhances bone repair and regeneration by incorporating bone progenitor cells and growth factors to stimulate cells into a scaffold made of various natural or synthetic biomaterials or their combination.
11. In cryopreservation organs cannot be conserved.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Cryo-preservation or cryo-conservation is a process where organelles, cells, tissues, extracellular matrix, organs or any other biological constructs susceptible to damage caused by unregulated chemical kinetics are preserved by cooling to very low temperatures.
12. Chondrocyte is the cell which secretes ________
a) Liver cells
b) Bone cells
c) Cartilage cells
d) Heart cells
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Explanation: Chondrocyte is a cell which has secreted the matrix of cartilage and become embedded in it.
13. What type of tissue is articulate cartilage?
a) Muscle
b) Epithelial
c) Connective
d) Nervous
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Explanation: Articular cartilage is a thin layer of specialized connective tissue with unique viscoelastic properties. Its principal function is to provide a smooth, lubricated surface for low friction articulation and to facilitate the transmission of loads to the underlying subchondral bone.
14. What do you mean by Arthrotomy?
a) Opening of joints
b) Opening of skin
c) Opening of liver
d) Opening of heart
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Explanation: Arthrotomy, also known as Arthroplasty, is an open joint procedure done under general anesthesia in the hospital. The recovery is significantly longer, three to eight weeks, and more painful than the TMJ Arthrocentesis or TMJ Arthroscopy.
15. Carticel uses other body cells to recover damage.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Carticel also known as ACI (Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation) uses your body’s own cartilage cells to treat your knee cartilage injury. These cells can help form new cartilage in the knee which is very similar to the old cartilage in the body.
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