Foundation Engineering Questions and Answers – Method of Site Exploration

This set of Foundation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Method of Site Exploration”.

1. Hand auger can be used for depths up to ________
a) 7 m
b) 6 m
c) 2 m
d) 10 m
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mechanical augers are used for greater depth and Hand augers are used for depth up to 6 m.

2. Auger boring is used in __________ type of soil.
a) Cohesion less soil
b) Cohesive soil
c) Coarse-grained soil
d) Pervious soil
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Answer: b
Explanation: Augers are used in cohesive and other soft soils above the water table.

3. The type of boring, used for making deep excavations is _________
a) Cylindrical augers
b) Percussion boring
c) Rotary boring
d) Wash boring
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cylindrical augers and shell with cutting edge on teeth at the lower end can be used for making deep boring.

4. Which of the following method is adopted for fast boring?
a) Cylindrical augers
b) Percussion boring
c) Rotary boring
d) Wash boring
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Answer: d
Explanation: Wash boring is a fast and simple method for advancing holes for all types of soils.

5. Rotary boring can also be called as ___________
a) Percussion boring
b) Wash boring
c) Core boring
d) Pit boring
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rotary borings are used for rotary drilling and simultaneously obtaining the rock cores or samples. The method is then also known as core boring or core drilling.

6. Auger boring is most suitable for __________ type of work.
a) Air field pavement
b) Highway exploration
c) Dam construction
d) Buildings
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Answer: b
Explanation: Auger boring is fairly satisfactory for highway explorations at shallow depths and for exploring borrow pits.

7. Wash boring cannot be used for _________ type of soil strata.
a) Cohesive soil
b) Cohesion less soil
c) Boulder
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Wash boring cannot be used for strata containing boulders and rocks, as they cannot be penetrated by this method.

8. Mud rotary drilling belongs to _________ type of boring method.
a) Percussion boring
b) Rotary boring
c) Wash boring
d) Auger boring
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Answer: b
Explanation: A drilling mud is forced downed in rotary boring, hence the method is also known as mud rotary drilling.

9. The Instruments used in hand augers are _________
a) Post hole auger
b) Sand pump
c) Wash boring apparatus
d) Stationary piston
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Answer: a
Explanation: Helical auger and Post hole auger are the common types of Hand auger in use.

10. The type of boring method that can be used for both rock and soils are ________
a) Shell boring
b) Wash boring
c) Auger boring
d) Rotary boring
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Answer: d
Explanation: Rotary boring or rotary drilling is a very fast method of advancing hole in both rocks and soil by drill rod.

11. The commonly used geophysical method for site exploration is ________
a) Gravitational method
b) Electrical resistivity
c) Magnetic method
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The electrical resistivity and seismic refraction methods are the most commonly used for civil engineering purposes.

12. Electrical resistivity method is based on measurement of _____________
a) Specific resistance
b) Voltage
c) Potential drop
d) Current
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Answer: a
Explanation: The electrical resistivity method is based on the measurement and recording of changes in the mean resistivity or apparent specific resistance of the various soils.

13. The method used for studying of horizontal changes in the sub-soil is _______
a) Resistive soundings
b) Resistive mapping
c) Mean resistivity
d) Critical distance
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Answer: b
Explanation: For knowing the horizontal changes in the sub-soil, the electrodes kept at a constant spacing are moved as a group along the line of test. This method is known as resistive mapping.

14. The commonly used penetration test are _______
a) IS penetration test
b) Cone penetration test
c) Dutch standard test
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Standard penetration test and the cone penetration test is the two commonly used penetration test.

15. In the seismic refraction method, the waves sent along the ground surface is picked by _________
a) Geo satellite instrument
b) Geophone
c) Wave detector
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The radiating shock waves created in to the soil at the ground level are picked up by the vibration detector known as a geophone.

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