Cell Biology Questions and Answers – Cytoplasmic Membrane Systems – Golgi Complex

This set of Cell Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Cytoplasmic Membrane Systems – Golgi Complex”.

1. Golgi complex has a cisternae of diameter _________
a) 0.5-1 mm
b) 0.5-1 nm
c) 0.5-1 pm
d) 0.5-1 μm
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Golgi complex was discovered by Camillo Golgi for which he was awarded Nobel Prize in 1908. It consists of flattened, disk-like membranous cisternae of diameter 0.5 to 1 μm.

2. Cis-Golgi network (CGN) is closer to the endoplasmic reticulum than the trans-Golgi network (TGN).
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cis-Golgi network is the entry face closes to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and trans-Golgi network is the opposite face to the ER. The CGN primary functions to sort out the proteins that are to be sent back to ER and those that proceed further in the Golgi complex.

3. Which of the following parts of Golgi complex directs the proteins to their final intracellular destinations?
a) tubules
b) cis-Golgi network
c) trans-Golgi network
d) medial cisternae
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Answer: c
Explanation: Trans-Golgi network (TGN) is the final station in the Golgi complex where the proteins are sorted out based on their final intracellular destinations.

4. Which protein families do not mechanically support the Golgi complex?
a) Keratin
b) Actin
c) Spectrin
d) Ankyrin
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Golgi complex is mechanically supported by a scaffold or a peripheral membrane skeleton consisting of a variety of protein families – ankyrin, actin, spectrin.

5. Newly synthesized membrane proteins enter the cis face of the Golgi complex and leave from the trans face.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The newly synthesized membrane and lysosomal proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum enter the Golgi complex through the cis face and reach the trans face, getting modified throughout the way.

6. Which of the following is located at the trans end of the Golgi stack?
a) ascorbic acid
b) methanoic acid
c) sialyl-transferase
d) dehydrogenase
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Answer: c
Explanation: The enzyme sialyl-transferase is located at the trans face of the Golgi stack and it places sialic acid at the terminal position of the glycoprotein chains.

7. Which of the following is not completely synthesized in the Golgi complex of a cell?
a) Pectins
b) Hemicellulose
c) N-linked oligosaccharides
d) O-linked oligosaccharides
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pectins and hemicelluloses found in the plant cell wall as well as O-linked oligosaccharides are synthesized completely in the Golgi complex. The synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharides begins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER).

8. How many models of movement of materials through the Golgi complex exist?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: There two models with contrasting views on the movement of materials through the Golgi complex namely “Cisternal maturation model” and “Vesicular transport model”.

9. What is responsible for the transport of materials from the cis cisternae to the trans cisternae of the Golgi complex?
a) active diffusion
b) passive diffusion
c) translocon
d) transport vesicles
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Answer: d
Explanation: The materials such as membrane proteins and other proteins are transported from the cis cisternae to the trans cisternae by means of vesicles that bud from the rims of cisternae stack.

10. While moving from cis cisternae to the trans cisternae, which molecule does not leave the cisternal lumen?
a) membrane proteins
b) procollagen
c) oligosaccharides
d) lysosomal proteins
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Answer: b
Explanation: Procollagen molecules are the precursors of extracellular collagen found in fibroblasts. They move from cis cisternae to the trans cisternae without ever leaving the cisternal lumen.

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