Machine Drawing Questions and Answers – Types of Section

This set of Machine Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Section”.

1. When the interior of an object is complicated, which of the following view is used?
a) Front view
b) Side view
c) Top view
d) Sectional view
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the interior of an object is complicated, the number of dashed is overlap by the continuous lines due to their same position. For that reason sectional view is used. Top view or front view here may or may not be useful.

2. What is the type of sections from given option?
a) Full section
b) Side section
c) Top section
d) Front section
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Answer: a
Explanation: Various types of sections which are used in section view are as following:
1 – Full section
2 – Half section
3 – Revolved section
4 – Removed section
5 – Broken out section
6 – Auxiliary section
7 – Assembly section.

3. When the cutting plane cuts the entire object the section is known as _______
a) Full section
b) Half section
c) Revolved section
d) Removed section
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the cutting plane cuts the entire object the section is known as a full section. This method of sectioning is mostly used in sectioning work. It gives the total object details in one section.

4. Straight cutting plane in one line can be used if ___________
a) all the hidden objects are not in one line
b) all the hidden objects are in one line
c) the single line nor offset sectioning is useful and shape of the object is inclined
d) it is used for combined objects
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Answer: b
Explanation: Straight cutting plane in one line can be used if all the hidden objects are in one line. Offset cutting planes can be used if the hidden objects are in one line. Straight cutting planes are not useful for the combined objects.

5. Inclined and offset cutting planes can be used if __________
a) all the hidden objects are not in one line
b) all the hidden objects are in one line
c) the single line nor offset sectioning is useful and shape of the object is inclined
d) it is used for combined objects
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Answer: d
Explanation: Inclined and offset cutting planes can be used for combined objects. Inclined cutting planes can be useful when neither single line nor offset sectioning is useful. And also it is useful when the shape of the object is inclined.
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6. For the object which is symmetrical about the central axis; from which method of section it can be drawn __________
a) Full section
b) Half section
c) Revolved section
d) Removed section
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Answer: b
Explanation: Half section method of sectioning is useful for objects symmetrical about the central axis. For half section consider the two planes which are perpendicular to each other containing the center line of the object. Other methods are not useful for the objects symmetrical about the vertical axis.

7. When the section is to be drawn for a small area of the object, a ________section is used.
a) full section
b) half section
c) revolved section
d) removed section
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the section is to be drawn for a small area of the object, a revolved section is used. The section is at a right angle to the axis of the object and can be placed or drawn anywhere.

8. Crane hook is to drawn by _________method.
a) full section
b) half section
c) removed section
d) revolved section
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Answer: d
Explanation: The cross section of the arm of a pulley is shown by the revolved section method which is not showing by the other sectioning method. For a crane hook, revolved sections are shown at different locations as the section is changing continuously along the axis. Means crane hook is not drawn or shown by the other method.

9. The section in which the sectional views are not drawn there itself, but at a place adjacent to it is known as _________
a) removed section
b) broken out section
c) auxiliary section
d) assembly section
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Answer: a
Explanation: The section in which the sectional views are not drawn there itself, but at a place adjacent to it is known as a removed section. In this section, the turbine blade and different cross section are to be drawn by this method. Each view is designated by a pair of letters such as A-A, B-B, etc.

10. The cutting plane cut the small portion after before the is cut by the full or half section, the section is known as __________
a) removed section
b) broken out section
c) auxiliary section
d) assembly section
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the cutting plane for full length or half length of the object removes the external features, then the cutting panes used for a small portion. The portion is called a partial section or broken out section. If you take a full section, some external details are removed.

11. The section which cuts the object at an angle is called ________
a) removed section
b) broken out section
c) auxiliary section
d) assembly section
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Answer: c
Explanation: Auxiliary views are drawn when the cutting plane at an angle. It shows the detail of the inclined feature. The section which cuts the object at an angle is called an Auxiliary view.

12. The section which draws the section of assembly drawing is called as ____________
a) removed section
b) broken out section
c) auxiliary section
d) assembly section
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Answer: d
Explanation: A sectional view of the assembly is called the assembly section. This view gives the details when all the parts are assembled together. Assembly drawing is a combined drawing of all the parts joined together at proper places.

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