Machine Drawing Questions and Answers – Layers

This set of Machine Drawing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Layers”.

1. _______ in AutoCAD is a transparent imaginary plane on which a drawing is created.
a) Plane
b) Command
c) Layer
d) Overlay
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Answer: c
Explanation: A layer is most important properties which are used in AutoCAD on which the drawing is created. Layer is an imaginary plane. This property or facility is very important when the drawing is created for many purposes.

2. The command which is used to set a new layer is called _______
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Answer: d
Explanation: Layer command means layer properties manager which is used for a number of purposes are following
i. To set a new layer
ii. To modify an existing layer
iii. Set a layer as current, lock, or freeze a layer
You can modify the color of layer and assign the layer linetype and lineweight to a layer.

3. What is the meaning of following symbol?
The meaning of following symbol is to delete a layer
a) To modify a layer
b) To delete a layer
c) Creating a new layer
d) To lock the layer
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Answer: b
Explanation: These symbols indicate that firstly select the given layer and then highlight the layer in layer properties manager by a click on it. Click on delete option shown above for deleting the selected layer. This option is selected for the unwanted layer which is not used for the drawing.

4. What does the below symbol indicate?
The meaning of following symbol is making a layer as a current layer
a) The layer is not correct
b) Making a layer as a current layer
c) Creating a new layer
d) Deleting a layer
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a layer properties manager this option is given in the dialog box of the layer properties manager. This option indicates that the selected layer is in use. When the final drawing is draw the layer is the same means that making a selected layer as a current layer for overall drawing in AutoCAD.

5. What is the meaning of the following symbol?
The meaning of following symbol is
a) The bulb is on
b) The layer is visible
c) The layer is not visible
d) The bulb is off
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given symbol is indicating that the layer is visible in the drawing. If the bulb is not glowing, the layer is not seen in AutoCAD drawing. Therefore, it is the most important property of the layer on which the layer is shown in the drawing.

6. What is the meaning of following symbol?
The meaning of following symbol is one or more layers may cause drawing to be regenerated
a) The layer is visible
b) The layer is not visible
c) The layer has extra brightness
d) One or more layers may cause the drawing to be regenerated
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is the most important property of a layer property manager. It is the thawing command in which one over another layer may cause the drawing is to be regenerated. Freezing and thawing layers take more than the turning layers on and off.

7. Modifying a layer consist of ________________
a) Line weight and line type
b) Thawing
c) Freeze
d) Deleting a layer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modifying a layer consists of the following points:
1 – Give line weight to the layer
2 – Give line type to the layer
3 – Modifying the name of layer
4 – Modifying or change the color of the layer.

8. The below given symbol is an indication of _______
The meaning of following symbol is creating a new layer
a) The layer is not correct
b) Making a layer as a current layer
c) Creating a new layer
d) Deleting a layer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The symbol indicates creating a new layer in a drawing. The symbol shows or mentions the producing of a new layer in AutoCAD drawing. In mechanical drawings, outline is one layer, dimensioning is second, hatching is third, text in fourth and so on. According to the application, the number of layers is used.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Machine Drawing.


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