Sequential Logic Design Questions and Answers – Modeling Flip-Flops Using VHDL Processes

This set of Sequential Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Modeling Flip-Flops Using VHDL Processes”.

1. Write the VHDL architecture “behaviour” for the given entity of the positive edge triggered D flip-flop using behavioral modeling. The clock is clk, the input is D, the outputs are Q and Q_n. Q_n is the complement of Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity DFF is
port (clk, D: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_n:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;


architecture behaviour of DFF is
signal QINT: std_logic;   
Q <= QINT;
Q_n <= not QINT;
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
   QINT <= D;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is 
if rising_edge(clk) then
    QINT <= D;
end if;
end process;
end behaviour;


architecture behaviour of DFF is
signal QINT: std_logic;   
Q <= QINT;
Q_n <= not QINT;
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
   QINT <= D;
end if; 
end behaviour;


architecture behaviour of DFF is
signal QINT: std_logic;   
Q <= QINT;
Q_n <= not QINT;
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
   QINT <= D;
end if; 
end process;
View Answer
Answer: a

architecture behaviour of DFF is   -- declare architecture behaviour
signal QINT: std_logic;     -- intermediate signal QINT   
begin     -- start of architecture code
Q <= QINT;    -- output Q is assigned the value from QINT 
Q_n <= not QINT;   -- output Q_n is assigned the complement of the value from Q_n 
process (clk) is   -- declare a process sensitive to the clock clk 
begin  -- start process
if rising_edge(clk) then      -- positive edge triggered clock, so trigger on the rising edge 
   QINT <= D;      -- if rising edge of the clock is detected, the signal QINT is assigned the value of D
end if;         -- end of if condition
end process;       -- end process 
end behaviour;       -- end architecture behaviour

2. Write the VHDL behavioural code of a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop which has a synchronous reset input. The reset is active HIGH. The clock is clk, the inputs are D and reset, and there is a single output Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The VHDL behavioural code for a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop, with a single output Q which has an Active HIGH synchronous reset input is given by:

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is  -- declare architecture behaviour
begin   -- start of architecture code
process (clk) is  -- declare a process sensitive to the clock clk since the reset is synchronous
begin  -- start process
if rising_edge(clk) then  --  positive edge triggered clock, so trigger on the rising edge 
    if reset = '1' then   -- if reset is asserted,  Q is reset to 0
        Q <= '0'; 
    else  -- if reset is not asserted, Q is assigned the value of D
        Q <= D;
    end if; 
end if;  
end process;   
end behaviour;

3. Write the VHDL behavioural code of a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop which has an asynchronous reset input. The reset is active HIGH. The clock is clk, the inputs are D and reset, and there is a single output Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if reset = '1' then
   Q <= '0'; 
else if rising_edge(clk)  then
   Q <= D;
end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The VHDL behavioural code for a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop, with a single output Q which has an Active HIGH asynchronous reset input is given by:

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is  -- declare architecture behaviour
begin   -- start of architecture code
process (clk, reset) is  -- declare a process sensitive to the clock clk and reset
begin  -- start process
if reset = '1' then  -- if reset is asserted,  then Q is reset to 0
    Q <= '0'; 
else if rising_edge(clk)  then -- if reset is not asserted and the rising edge of the clock is detected then 
    Q <= D;  -- Q Is assigned the value of D
end if; 
end if;  
end process;   
end behaviour;

4. Write the VHDL behavioural code of a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop which has a synchronous reset input. The reset is active LOW. The clock is clk, the inputs are D and reset, and there is a single output Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
   if reset = '0' then
       Q <= '0'; 
       Q <= D;
   end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '0' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '1' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '0' then
        Q <= '0'; 
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The VHDL behavioural code for a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop, with a single output Q which has an Active LOW synchronous reset input is given by:

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is  -- declare architecture behaviour
begin   -- start of architecture code
process (clk) is  -- declare a process sensitive to the clock clk since the reset is synchronous
begin  -- start process
if rising_edge(clk) then  --  positive edge triggered clock, so trigger on the rising edge 
    if reset = '0' then   -- if reset is asserted,  Q is reset to 0
        Q <= '0'; 
    else  -- if reset is not asserted, Q is assigned the value of D
        Q <= D;
    end if; 
end if;  
end process;   
end behaviour;

5. Write the VHDL behavioural code of a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop which has an asynchronous reset input. The reset is active LOW. The clock is clk, the inputs are D and reset, and there is a single output Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '0' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if reset = '0' then
    Q <= '0'; 
else if rising_edge(clk)  then
    Q <= D;
end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk, reset) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '0' then
        Q <= '0'; 
        Q <= D;
    end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
    if reset = '0' then
        Q <= '0'; 
    end if;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The VHDL behavioural code for a positive edge triggered D Flip-Flop, with a single output Q which has an Active LOW asynchronous reset input is given by:

entity DFF is
port (clk, D, reset: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity DFF;
architecture behaviour of DFF is  -- declare architecture behaviour
begin   -- start of architecture code
process (clk, reset) is  -- declare a process sensitive to the clock clk and reset
begin  -- start process
if reset = '0' then   -- if reset is asserted,  Q is reset to 0
   Q <= '0'; 
else if rising_edge(clk) then -- if reset is not asserted and the rising edge of the clock is detected then 
  Q <= D;   --Q is assigned the value of D
end if; 
end if;  
end process;   
end behaviour;

6. Write the VHDL behavioural code for a J-K Flip-Flop with a rising edge triggered clock. The inputs are J, K and clk. The outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then    
        case (JK) is
        when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
        when "01" => QINT <= '0';
        when "10" => QINT <= '1';
        when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
        when others => QINT <= 'X';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then    
        case (JK) is
        when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
        when "01" => QINT <= '1';
        when "10" => QINT <= '0';
        when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
        when others => QINT <= 'X';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then    
        case (JK) is
        when "00" => QINT <= not QINT;
        when "01" => QINT <= '0';
        when "10" => QINT <= '1';
        when "11" => QINT <= QINT;
        when others => QINT <= 'X';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then    
        case (JK) is
        when "00" => Q <= QINT;
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "10" => Q <= '1';
        when "11" => Q <= not QINT;
        when others => Q <= 'X';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: a
The state-transition table of a JK Flip Flop is:

J K Q+
0 0 Q
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 ¬Q

Based on this table the VHDL code is written.

7. Write the VHDL architecture ‘struct’ of a T Flip Flop using a JK Flip-Flop. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included. The resets of the JK Flip-Flop and T Flip-Flop are active HIGH and synchronous.
The entity of the T Flip-Flop is:

entity T_FF is
port (T, clk, reset : in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity T_FF;
The entity of the J-K Flip-Flop is:
entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;


architecture struct of T_FF is
component JK_FF 
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end component JK_FF;
jk_ff0 : jk_ff port map(J => T, K => T, CLK => CLK, reset => reset, Q => Q, Q_bar=>Q_bar);
end architecture struct;


architecture struct of T_FF is
component JK_FF 
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs  
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end component JK_FF;
jk_ff0 : jk_ff port map(J, K => T, CLK => CLK, reset => reset, Q => Q, Q_bar => Q_bar);
end architecture struct;


architecture struct of T_FF is
component JK_FF 
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end component JK_FF;
jk_ff0 : jk_ff port map(J & K => T, CLK => CLK, reset => reset, Q => Q, Q_bar => Q_bar);
end architecture struct;


architecture struct of T_FF is
component JK_FF 
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end component JK_FF;
jk_ff0 : jk_ff port map(J => T, CLK => CLK, reset => reset, Q => Q, Q_bar => Q_bar);
end architecture struct;
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: A T Flip-Flop is built from a J-K Flip-Flop by connecting the J and K inputs together to form the T input. The state-transition table of a T Flip-Flop with an Active HIGH synchronous reset is:

T Reset Q+
X 1 0
0 0 Q
1 0 ¬Q

8. Write the VHDL behavioural code for a J-K Flip-Flop with a rising edge triggered clock and a synchronous active HIGH reset. The inputs are J, K, clk and reset. The outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset = '1' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '0';
            when "10" => QINT <= '1';
            when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset = '1' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '1';
            when "10" => QINT <= '0';
            when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
       end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset = '1' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '1';
            when "10" => QINT <= '0';
            when "11" => QINT <= QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset = '1' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '0';
            when "10" => QINT <= '1';
            when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: a
The state-transition table of a J-K Flip Flop with an active HIGH synchronous reset is given by:

J K Reset Q+
X X 1 0
0 0 0 Q
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 1
1 1 0 ¬Q

Based on this table the VHDL code is written.

9. Write the VHDL behavioural code for a J-K Flip-Flop with a rising edge triggered clock and a synchronous active LOW reset. The inputs are J, K, clk and reset_n. The outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset_n: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset_n = '0' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '0';
            when "10" => QINT <= '1';
            when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset_n: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset_n = '1' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '1';
            when "10" => QINT <= '0';
            when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset_n: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset_n = '0' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '1';
            when "10" => QINT <= '0';
            when "11" => QINT <= QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
Q <= QINT;
Q_bar <= not QINT;
end behaviour;


entity JK_FF is
port (J, K, CLK, reset_n: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity JK_FF;
architecture behaviour of JK_FF is 
signal QINT:std_logic;
process (CLK) 
    variable JK : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);
    JK := J & K; 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
        if reset_n = '0' then
            QINT <= '0';
            case (JK) is
            when "00" => QINT <= QINT;
            when "01" => QINT <= '0';
            when "10" => QINT <= '1';
            when "11" => QINT <= not QINT;
            when others => QINT <= 'X';
            end case;  
        end if;
    end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
View Answer
Answer: a
The state-transition table of a J-K Flip Flop with an active HIGH synchronous reset is given by:

J K Reset n Q+
x x 0 0
0 0 1 Q
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 ¬Q

Based on this table the VHDL code is written.

10. Write the VHDL architecture ‘struct_and_dataflow’ for a T Flip-Flop using a D Flip-Flop. The resets of both the T and D flip-flops are synchronous and active HIGH. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included. Q-bar is the complement of Q.
The entity of the T Flip-Flop is

entity T_FF is
port (T, clk, reset : in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar: out std_logic);
end entity T_FF;
The entity of the D Flip-Flop is
entity DFF is
port (D, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q: out std_logic);
end entity DFF;


architecture struct_and_dataflow of T_FF is
signal d_int: std_logic;  
component DFF
port (D, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q: out std_logic);
end component DFF;  
d_ff0: dff port map(D => d_int, clk => clk, reset => reset, Q => Q);
d_int <= T xor Q;
Q_bar <= not Q;
end architecture struct_and_dataflow;


architecture struct_and_dataflow of T_FF is
signal d_int: std_logic;  
component DFF
port (D, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q: out std_logic);
end component DFF;  
d_ff0: dff port map(D => d_int, clk => clk, reset => reset, Q => Q);
d_int <= T or Q;
Q_bar <= not Q;
end architecture struct_and_dataflow;


architecture struct_and_dataflow of T_FF is
signal d_int: std_logic;  
component DFF
port (D, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q: out std_logic);
end component DFF;  
d_ff0: dff port map(D => d_int, clk => clk, reset => reset, Q => Q);
d_int <= T xor Q;
end architecture struct_and_dataflow;


architecture struct_and_dataflow of T_FF is
signal d_int: std_logic;  
component DFF
port (D, CLK, reset: in std_logic; -- inputs
    Q: out std_logic);
end component DFF;  
d_ff0: dff port map(D => d_int, clk => clk, reset => reset, Q => Q);
d_int <= T and Q;
Q_bar <= not Q;
end architecture struct_and_dataflow;
View Answer
Answer: a
The logic diagram for the given question is:

The D input is Q ⊕ T. So Q + = Q ⊕ T = T.Q’ + T’.Q, which is the characteristic equation of the T flip-flop. Since the characteristic equation uses an Exclusive OR operation, an XOR gate is used, as shown in the above figure. Based on this logic diagram the VHDL code is written.

11. Write the VHDL architecture “behaviour” for the given entity of the transparent D latch using behavioral modeling. The enable is en, the input is D, the output is Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity D_latch is
port (en, D: in std_logic;
    Q:out std_logic);
end entity D_latch;


architecture behaviour of D_latch is
process (en) is
if rising_edge(en) then
    Q <= D;
end if;
end process;   
end behaviour;


architecture behaviour of D_latch is
process (en) is 
if (en) then
    Q <= D;
end if;
end process;
end behaviour;


architecture behaviour of D_latch is
process (en, D) is
if en =1then
    Q <= D;
end if; 
end behaviour;


architecture behaviour of D_latch is
process (D) is
if (en) then
    Q <= D;
end if; 
end process;
View Answer
Answer: c

architecture behaviour of D_latch is   -- declare architecture behaviour
begin     -- start of architecture code
process (en, D) is   -- declare a process sensitive to the enable input and data input 
begin  -- start process
if en =1then      -- a transparent latch, so trigger on the level 
   Q <= D;      -- signal Q is assigned the value of D if en is equal to 1
end if;         -- end of if condition
end process;       -- end process 
end behaviour;      -- end architecture behaviour

12. Write the VHDL architecture “behaviour” for the given entity of an SR Latch using behavioural modelling. The inputs are S and R. Both inputs are Active HIGH. The outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity SR_latch is
port (S, R: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_latch;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
begin  -- start process
    SR := S & R;
    case (SR) is
    when "00" => Q <= Q;
    when "10" => Q <= '1';     
    when "01" => Q <= '0';
    when "11" => Q <= 'X';
    when others => Q <= 'Z';
    end case;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
begin  -- start process
    SR := S & R;
    case (SR) is
    when "00" => Q <= Q;
    when "10" => Q <= '1';     
    when "01" => Q <= '1';
    when "11" => Q <= 'X';
    when others => Q <= 'Z';
    end case;  
end process; 


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
begin  -- start process
    SR := S & R;
    case (SR) is
    when "00" => Q <= Q;
    when "10" => Q <= '0';     
    when "01" => Q <= '1';
    when "11" => Q <= 'X';
    when others => Q <= 'Z';
    end case;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R) is   
begin  -- start process
    case (S) is
    when "00" => Q <= Q;
    when "10" => Q <= '1';     
    when "01" => Q <= '0';
    when "11" => Q <= 'X';
    when others => Q <= 'Z';
    end case;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;
View Answer
Answer: a
The truth table of the SR Latch, with 2 outputs Q and Q_bar is given below:

S R Q Q_bar
0 0 Latch Latch
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 Metastable Metastable

Based on the truth table the VHDL code is written for behavioural modeling.

13. Write the VHDL architecture “struct” for the given entity of an SR Latch using structural modelling. The inputs are S and R. Both inputs are Active HIGH. The outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. Use NOR gates. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity SR_latch is
port (S, R: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_latch;


architecture struct of SR_latch is 
Q <= Q_bar nor R;
Q_bar <= Q nor S; 


architecture struct of SR_latch is   
process (S, R) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
begin  -- start process
    SR := S & R;
    case (SR) is
    when "00" => Q <= Q;
    when "10" => Q <= '1';     
    when "01" => Q <= '0';
    when "11" => Q <= 'X';
    when others => Q <= 'Z';
    end case;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;


architecture struct of SR_latch is 
Q <= Q_bar or R;
Q_bar <= Q or S; 


architecture struct of SR_latch is 
Q <= Q_bar and R;
Q_bar <= Q and S; 
View Answer
Answer: a
The logic diagram of an SR Latch is given below.

This SR Latch is designed using 2 cross-coupled NOR gates. S stands for SET input and R stands for RESET Input. Based on the above logic diagram the structural VHDL code of the SR Latch is written.

14. Write the VHDL architecture “behaviour” for the given entity of an SR Latch with an enable input using behavioural modelling. The inputs are S, R and enable. All inputs are Active HIGH. The outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity SR_latch is
port (S, R, enable: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_latch;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R, enable) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if enable = '0' then
        Q <= Q;
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '1';     
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R, enable) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if enable = '1' then
        Q <= Q;
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '1';     
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R, enable) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if enable = '0' then
        Q <= Q;
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '0';     
        when "01" => Q <= '1';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;  
end process; 
Q_bar <= not Q;


architecture behaviour of SR_latch is   
process (S, R, enable) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if enable = '0' then
        Q <= Q;
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '1';     
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
     end if;  
end process;
View Answer
Answer: a
The truth table of the SR Latch with enable and 2 outputs Q and Q_bar is given below:

S R Enable Q Q_bar
x x 0 No change No change
0 0 1 Latch Latch
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 Metastable Metastable

Based on the truth table the VHDL code is written for behavioural modeling.

15. Write the VHDL code for an SR Flip-Flop using behavioural modelling. The inputs S and R are active HIGH and the clock clk is triggered on the rising edge. The 2 outputs are Q and Q_bar. Q_bar is the complement of Q. The entity is SR_ff and the architecture is behaviour. Assume that the IEEE library and std_logic_1164 package are included.

entity SR_ff is
port (S, R, clk: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_ff;
architecture behaviour of SR_ff is  
process (clk) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if rising_edge(clk) then
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '1';     
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
Q_bar <= not Q;


entity SR_ff is
port (S, R, clk: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_ff;
architecture behaviour of SR_ff is  
process (clk) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if clk =1then
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '1';     
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
Q_bar <= not Q;


entity SR_ff is
port (S, R, clk: in std_logic;
    Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_ff;
architecture behaviour of SR_ff is  
process (clk) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if rising_edge(clk) then
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '1';     
        when "01" => Q <= '0';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;


entity SR_ff is
port (S, R, clk: in std_logic;
     Q, Q_bar:out std_logic);
end entity SR_ff;
architecture behaviour of SR_ff is  
process (clk) is   
variable SR: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
    SR := S & R;
    if rising_edge(clk) then
        case (SR) is
        when "00" => Q <= Q;
        when "10" => Q <= '0';     
        when "01" => Q <= '1';
        when "11" => Q <= 'X';
        when others => Q <= 'Z';
        end case;  
    end if;
end process;
Q_bar <= not Q;
View Answer
Answer: a
The truth table of the SR flip-flop with 2 outputs Q and Q_bar is given below, all the changes occur on the active edge of the clock:

S R Q Q_bar
0 0 Previous state Previous state
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 Metastable Metastable

Based on the truth table the VHDL code is written for behavioural modeling.

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