Embedded Systems Questions and Answers – Fast Interrupts

This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fast Interrupts”.

1. Which processors use fast interrupts?
a) DSP processor
b) RISC processor
c) CISC processor
d) Harvard processor
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Answer: a
Explanation: The fast interrupts are used in the DSP processors or in microcontrollers in which a small routine is executed without saving the context of the processor.

2. Which interrupts generate fast interrupt exception?
a) internal interrupt
b) external interrupt
c) software interrupt
d) hardware interrupt
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Answer: b
Explanation: The external interrupts generates the fast interrupt routine exception in which the external interrupt is synchronised with the processor clock.

3. What is the disadvantage of the fast interrupts?
a) stack frame
b) delay
c) size of routine
d) low speed
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Answer: c
Explanation: The disadvantages associated with the fast interrupt is the size of routine which can be executed and the resources allocated. In this technique, it allocates a couple of address registers for the fast interrupt routine.

4. Which of the following does not have a stack frame building?
a) hardware interrupt
b) software interrupt
c) non-maskable interrupt
d) fast interrupt
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Answer: d
Explanation: The fast interrupt does not have stack frame building and it does not possess any such delays. This can be considered as the advantage of the fast interrupts.

5. What is programmed to generate a two instruction fast interrupt?
a) software
b) application
c) timer
d) sensor
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Answer: c
Explanation: The SCI timer generates the two instruction fast interrupt. This increment the register R1.
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6. Which of the following can auto increment the register R1?
a) SCI timer
b) interrupt
c) software interrupt
d) non-maskable interrupt
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Answer: a
Explanation: The SCI timer is used to generate the two instruction fast interrupt that can increment the register R1 which acts as a simple counter.

7. Which of the following forces a standard service routine?
a) READY interrupt
b) IRQA interrupt
c) NMI
d) software interrupt
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Answer: b
Explanation: The SCI timer is used to generate the two instruction fast interrupt which increments the register R1 that acts as a simple counter which times the period between the events. The events itself generates an IRQA interrupt, that forces the service routine.

8. Which of the following can be used as a reset button?
a) NMI
b) internal interrupt
c) external interrupt
d) software interrupt
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Answer: a
Explanation: The non-maskable interrupt is used to generate an interrupt to try and recover control and therefore, the NMI can be used as a reset button.

9. Which of the following is connected to a fault detection circuit?
a) internal interrupt
b) external interrupt
c) NMI
d) software interrupt
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Answer: c
Explanation: The non-maskable interrupt is used to generate an interrupt which can be connected to a fault detection circuit like watchdog timer or parity checker.


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