Computer Organization Questions and Answers – Interrupts – 2

This set of Basic Computer Organization Questions and Answers focuses on “Interrupts – 2”.

1. When dealing with multiple devices interrupts, which mechanism is easy to implement?
a) Polling method
b) Vectored interrupts
c) Interrupt nesting
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this method, the processor checks the IRQ bits of all the devices, whichever is enabled first that device is serviced.

2. The interrupt servicing mechanism in which the requesting device identifies itself to the processor to be serviced is ___________
a) Polling
b) Vectored interrupts
c) Interrupt nesting
d) Simultaneous requesting
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

3. In vectored interrupts, how does the device identify itself to the processor?
a) By sending its device id
b) By sending the machine code for the interrupt service routine
c) By sending the starting address of the service routine
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: By sending the starting address of the routine the device ids the routine required and thereby identifying itself.

4. The code sent by the device in vectored interrupt is _____ long.
a) upto 16 bits
b) upto 32 bits
c) upto 24 bits
d) 4-8 bits
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

5. The starting address sent by the device in vectored interrupt is called as __________
a) Location id
b) Interrupt vector
c) Service location
d) Service id
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

6. The processor indicates to the devices that it is ready to receive interrupts ________
a) By enabling the interrupt request line
b) By enabling the IRQ bits
c) By activating the interrupt acknowledge line
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the processor activates the acknowledge line the devices send their interrupts to the processor.

7. We describe a protocol of input device communication below:
i) Each device has a distinct address.
ii) The BUS controller scans each device in a sequence of increasing address value to determine if the entity wishes to communicate
iii) The device ready to communicate leaves its data in the I/O register
iv) The data is picked up and the controller moves to the step a
Identify the form of communication best describes the I/O mode amongst the following.
a) Programmed mode of data transfer
b) DMA
c) Interrupt mode
d) Polling
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Answer: d
Explanation: In polling, the processor checks each of the devices if they wish to perform data transfer and if they do it performs the particular operation.

8. Which one of the following is true with regard to a CPU having a single interrupt request line and single interrupt grant line?
i) Neither vectored nor multiple interrupting devices is possible.
ii) Vectored interrupts is not possible but multiple interrupting devices is possible.
iii) Vectored interrupts is possible and multiple interrupting devices is not possible.
iv) Both vectored and multiple interrupting devices are possible.
a) iii
b) i, iv
c) ii, iii
d) iii, iv
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

9. Which table handle stores the addresses of the interrupt handling sub-routines?
a) Interrupt-vector table
b) Vector table
c) Symbol link table
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

10. _________ method is used to establish priority by serially connecting all devices that request an interrupt.
a) Vectored-interrupting
b) Daisy chain
c) Priority
d) Polling
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the Daisy chain mechanism, all the devices are connected using a single request line and they’re serviced based on the interrupting device’s priority.

11. In daisy chaining device 0 will pass the signal only if it has _______
a) Interrupt request
b) No interrupt request
c) Both No interrupt and Interrupt request
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In daisy chaining since there is only one request line and only one acknowledges line, the acknowledge signal passes from device to device until the one with the interrupt is found.

12. ______ interrupt method uses register whose bits are set separately by interrupt signal for each device.
a) Parallel priority interrupt
b) Serial priority interrupt
c) Daisy chaining
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.

13. ______________ register is used for the purpose of controlling the status of each interrupt request in parallel priority interrupt.
a) Mass
b) Mark
c) Make
d) Mask
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.

14. The added output of the bits of the interrupt register and the mask register is set as an input of ______________
a) Priority decoder
b) Priority encoder
c) Process id encoder
d) Multiplexer
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a parallel priority system, the priority of the device is obtained by adding the contents of the interrupt register and the mask register.

15. Interrupts initiated by an instruction is called as _______
a) Internal
b) External
c) Hardware
d) Software
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.

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