This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Introduction to Software and Hardware Implementation”.
1. Which of the following allows the reuse of the software and the hardware components?
a) platform based design
b) memory design
c) peripheral design
d) input design
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Explanation: The platform design allows the reuse of the software and the hardware components in order to cope with the increasing complexity in the design of embedded systems.
2. Which of the following is the design in which both the hardware and software are considered during the design?
a) platform based design
b) memory based design
c) software/hardware codesign
d) peripheral design
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Explanation: The software/hardware codesign is the one which having both hardware and software design concerns. This will help in the right combination of the hardware and the software for the efficient product.
3. What does API stand for?
a) address programming interface
b) application programming interface
c) accessing peripheral through interface
d) address programming interface
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Explanation: The platform-based design helps in the reuse of both the hardware and the software components. The application programming interface helps in extending the platform towards software applications.
4. Which activity is concerned with identifying the task at the final embedded systems?
a) high-level transformation
b) compilation
c) scheduling
d) task-level concurrency management
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Explanation: There are many design activities associated with the platforms in the embedded system and one such is the task-level concurrency management which helps in identifying the task that needed to be present in the final embedded systems.
5. In which design activity, the loops are interchangeable?
a) compilation
b) scheduling
c) high-level transformation
d) hardware/software partitioning
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Explanation: The high-level transformation is responsible for the high optimizing transformations, that is, the loops can be interchanged so that the accesses to array components become more local.
6. Which design activity helps in the transformation of the floating point arithmetic to fixed point arithmetic?
a) high-level transformation
b) scheduling
c) compilation
d) task-level concurrency management
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Explanation: The high-level transformation are responsible for the high optimizing transformations, that is, for the loop interchanging and the transformation of the floating point arithmetic to the fixed point arithmetic can be done by the high-level transformation.
7. Which design activity is in charge of mapping operations to hardware?
a) scheduling
b) high-level transformation
c) hardware/software partitioning
d) compilation
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Explanation: The hardware/software partitioning is the activity which is in charge of mapping operations to the software or to the hardware.
8. Which of the following is approximated during hardware/software partitioning, during task-level concurrency management?
a) scheduling
b) compilation
c) task-level concurrency management
d) high-level transformation
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Explanation: The scheduling is performed in several contexts. It should be approximated with the other design activities like the compilation, hardware/software partitioning, and task-level concurrency management. The scheduling should be precise for the final code.
9. Which of the following is a process of analyzing the set of possible designs?
a) design space exploration
b) scheduling
c) compilation
d) hardware/software partitioning
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Explanation: The design space exploration is the process of analyzing the set of designs and the design which meet the specification is selected.
10. Which of the following is a meet-in-the-middle approach?
a) peripheral based design
b) platform based design
c) memory based design
d) processor design
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Explanation: The platform is an abstraction layer which covers many possible refinements to a lower level and is mainly follows a meet-in-the-middle approach.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Embedded System.
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