Embedded Systems Questions and Answers – Emulation Techniques

This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Emulation Techniques”.

1. What does ICE stand for?
a) in-circuit emulation
b) in-code EPROM
c) in-circuit EPOM
d) in-code emulation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ICE or in-circuit emulation is one the traditional method used to emulate the processor in the embedded system so that the software can be downloaded and can be debugged in situ in the end application.

2. Which of the following is a traditional method for emulating the processor?
a) SDS
b) ICE
c) CPU simulator
d) Low-level language simulator
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Answer: b
Explanation: The SDS is one of the simulation tool used in the embedded systems. CPU simulator and the low-level simulator are the other kinds of the simulator used in the embedded system design.

3. Which of the following does not have the ability to get hundred individual signal cables into the probe in the emulation technique?
a) OnCE
b) BDM
c) ICE
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Answer: c
Explanation: The in-circuit emulation does not have the ability to get a hundred individual signal cables into the probe. This problem comes under the physical limitation of the probe, that is as the density of the processor increases the available sockets which provide good electrical contacts is becoming harder which causes a restriction to the probe.

4. What does JTAG stand for?
a) joint tag address group
b) joint test address group
c) joint test access group
d) joint test action group
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Answer: d
Explanation: The JTAG is a joint test action group which is an electronics industry association which developed the interfacing port that is standardised for testing the devices.

5. Which of the following allows access to all the hardware within the system?
a) debugger
c) onboard debugger
d) simulator
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Answer: b
Explanation: The JTAG can access all the hardware within the system. They provide a way of taking over the pins of a device and allows the different bit patterns to be imposed on the pins which allow other circuits to be tested with the imposed pins.

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6. Which of the following works by using a serial port?
a) Simulator
c) BDM
d) OnCE
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Answer: b
Explanation: The JTAG works by using a serial port and clocking data into a shift register and the output of the shift register drives the pins under the control of the port.

7. What is meant by OnCE?
a) on-chip emulation
b) off-chip emulation
c) one-chip emulation
d) once-chip emulation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The OnCE is an on-chip emulation which is a debugging facility used in the digital signal processor chips.

8. Which debugging facility is used in the Motorola’s DSP 56x0x family?
b) ICE
c) OnCE
d) BDM
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Answer: c
Explanation: The on-chip emulation provides a debugging facility in the DSP chips. The OnCE is developed for Motorola’s DSP 56x0x family.

9. Which facility provides the provision of the debug ports in the ICE technique?
a) simulator
b) emulator
c) debug support
d) jtag
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Answer: c
Explanation: The debugging support to the processor enables the processor to be a single stepped and breakpoint under remote control from a host or the workstation. This facility can provide the provision of the debug ports.

10. How the additional registers are accessed in the OnCE?
a) parallel port
b) serial port
c) jtag
d) address register
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Answer: b
Explanation: The on-chip emulation can access additional registers by using a special serial port within the device that provides control over the processor and access to its internal registers.

11. Which of the following emulators can provide its own in circuit emulation facility?
a) Simulator
b) Debugger
c) SDS
d) OnCE
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Answer: d
Explanation: Every system can provide its own in circuit emulation facilities by hooking the port to an interface port in a workstation or in the PC while connecting the OnCE port to an external connector.

12. What does BDM stand for?
a) background debug mode
b) basic debug mode
c) basic debug microcode
d) background decode mode
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Answer: a
Explanation: The BDM or background debug mode is similar to the on-chip emulator with a slight difference. BDM is provided on the Motorola MC683xx series of processors and for the 8-bit microcontroller like MC68HC12 etc.

13. Which emulator is used in MC68HC12?
b) BDM
c) On-CE
d) SDS
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Answer: b
Explanation: The BDM or the background debug mode is provided on the Motorola MC683xx series of processors and for several 8-bit microcontrollers. One such microcontroller is the MC68HC12.

14. Which of the following takes the processor, when the processor enters the BDM mode?
a) address code
b) high-level microcode
c) low-level microcode
d) data code
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the processor enters into the BDM mode, low-level microcode takes the processor which allows the breakpoint to be set, registers to be accessed and so on.

15. Which of the following has the additional circuitry which supports the background debug mode?
a) memory
b) input
c) peripheral
d) processor
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Answer: d
Explanation: The processor has the additional circuitry which can provide special support for the background debug mode and is under the control of the remote system connected to its BDM port.

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