Embedded Systems Questions and Answers – Types of Buffers

This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Buffers”.

1. Which of the buffers has a single piece of linear contiguous memory?
a) circular buffer
b) linear buffer
c) directional buffer
d) double buffer
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Answer: b
Explanation: The linear buffer is contiguous memory which is a single piece memory that is controlled by the pointers whose address increments linearly.

2. Which buffer will lose data when it is full?
a) linear buffer
b) circular buffer
c) directional buffer
d) double buffer
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Answer: a
Explanation: The linear buffer has a single piece of contiguous memory which is controlled by the pointers whose address increments linearly and it will lose data when it is full and fail to provide data when it is empty.

3. Which of the following buffers loses the incoming data when it is full?
a) circular buffer
b) double buffer
c) linear buffer
d) directional buffer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The linear buffer will lose the incoming data when full such that the data it contains become older, which is known as the overrun condition.

4. Which state of the linear buffer will provide old data, when it is empty?
a) overrun
b) critical timing
c) peak overshoot
d) underrun
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the linear buffer, when it is empty it will provide the old data, usually the last entry so that the processor will continue to process the incorrect data potentially, and this condition is known as underrun.

5. Which state of the linear buffer loses its incoming data when full?
a) underrun
b) overrun
c) critical time
d) pointer
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the overrun condition, the linear buffer will lose the incoming data when the buffer is filled and the data it contains become older.

6. Which technique can solve the errors in the linear buffer?
a) low water mark
b) high water mark
c) low and high water mark
d) pointer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The errors in the linear buffering include the loss of data especially during the regular sampling which can be avoided by the pointers that are checked against certain values and this result is used for fetching more data. These points are known as the low water mark and the high water mark.

7. Which of the following is similar to the high and low water marks at the coast?
a) minimum and maximum water level
b) low and high water mark
c) small and big water mark
d) medium and high water mark
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Answer: b
Explanation: There are some errors in the linear buffering which includes the loss of data especially in the regular sampling. This can be avoided by the pointers that are checked against certain values and the result is used to fetch more data. These points are known as the low water mark and the high water mark. It is named so because it is similar to the high and low water marks seen at the coast which indicates the maximum and minimum levels that the tidal water will fall and rise.

8. Which of the following determines the number of entries in the buffer?
a) low water mark
b) high water mark
c) low and high water mark
d) small and big water mark
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Answer: a
Explanation: The number of entries below the low water mark determines the number of entries the buffer has and the amount of time which is available to fill the buffer before empties and the condition is known as underrun.

9. Which of the following determines the number of empty entries?
a) low water tank
b) high water tank
c) small water tank
d) big water tank
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Answer: b
Explanation: The high water tank measures the number of empty entries, that is the number of empty entries above the high water tank determines the length of time which is available to stop the filling of the buffer and it can prevent the data loss through overrunning.

10. In which case, the buffer is used by two software task?
a) single buffer
b) linear buffer
c) double buffer
d) directional buffer
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the single buffer, the buffer is used by two software tasks to insert or extract information. The problem with this buffer is that the water level is above or below, and the free space that is used to fill the buffer does not lie in the correct location.

11. Which buffer is important for the signal data?
a) double buffer
b) single buffer
c) linear buffer
d) directional buffer
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Answer: d
Explanation: The directional buffer is used for the signal data or for the data which is sampled periodically. The data must be kept in the same order in order to preserve it in chronological order.

12. Which of the following uses two buffers?
a) linear buffer
b) single buffer
c) double buffer
d) directional buffer
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Answer: c
Explanation: The double buffer uses buffers as its name suggest, one buffer is for filling and the other buffer is for extraction.

13. Which of the following uses a single low water tank and a next data pointer?
a) single buffer
b) double buffer
c) directional buffer
d) linear buffer
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Answer: a
Explanation: The single buffer uses a single low water tank and a next data pointer. The next data pointer is used for accessing the next entry that should be extracted.

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