This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “DMA-II”.
1. Which of the following is also known as implicit address?
a) dual address model
b) single address model
c) 1D model
d) 2D model
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Explanation: The single address model is also known as implicit model because the second address is implied and is not directly given, that is, the source address is not supplied.
2. Which address mode uses two addresses and two accesses to transfer the data between the peripheral and the memory?
a) dual address model
b) 1D model
c) 2D model
d) 3D model
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Explanation: The dual address mode supports two addresses and two accesses for transferring data between a peripheral or memory and another memory location.
3. Which of the following address mode uses a buffer to hold data temporarily?
a) 1D model
b) 2D model
c) dual address model
d) 3D model
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Explanation: The dual address mode supports two addresses and two accesses for transferring data between a peripheral or memory and another memory location, which also consumes two bus cycles and a buffer within the DMA controller to hold data temporarily.
4. Which of the following model can implement a circular buffer?
a) dual address mode
b) 1D model
c) 2D model
d) 3D model
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Explanation: The 1D model can implement a circular buffer which makes an automatic reset to bring the address back to the beginning.
5. Which of the following uses an address and a counter to define the sequence of addresses?
a) dual address mode
b) 2D model
c) 1D model
d) 3D model
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Explanation: The 1D model of the DMA controller uses an address location and a counter to define the address sequence which is used during the DMA cycles.
6. Which of the following is used to calculate an offset to base address?
a) single address mode
b) dual address mode
c) 1D model
d) 2D model
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Explanation: An address stride is specified which can be used for calculating the offset to the base address at the terminal of count. This address stride is used in the 2D model of the DMA controller.
7. Which can provide an address stride?
a) single address mode
b) dual address mode
c) 1D model
d) 2D model
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Explanation: In the 2D model of the DMA controller, an address stride is specified which can be used for calculating the offset to the base address at the terminal of count.
8. How is the count register can be splitted?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Explanation: In the 2D model of the DMA controller, in addition to the address stride there is a count register which can be split into two, in which one register is used to specify the count for the block and the second register is used to define the total number of blocks or the bytes to be transferred.
9. Which of the following has the ability to change the stride automatically?
a) 1D model
b) 2D model
c) 3D model
d) dual address mode
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Explanation: In the 3D model of the DMA controller, it have the ability to change the address stride automatically so that blocks of different sizes and stride can be created.
10. Which is used to prioritise multiple requests?
a) dual address mode
b) single address mode
c) arbitration
d) chaining
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Explanation: The arbitration is used to provide priority for multiple access. This uses a priority scheme which may offer fair priority to the one channel, or a high priority to the other channel and so on. Such condition is otherwise known as round-robin condition in which the priority is equally divided.
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