Embedded Systems Questions and Answers – Commercial Operating Systems-II

This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Commercial Operating Systems-II”.

1. Which can provide efficient downloading and debugging communication between the host and target system?
a) pSOS+
b) pSOS+ kernel
c) pHILE+ file system
d) pNA+ network manager
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Answer: d
Explanation: The pNA+ network manager can provide efficient downloading and debugging communication between the host and target system.

2. Which of the following is a system level debugger which provides the low-level debugging facilities and the system debugging?
a) pROBE+ system level debugger
b) pNA+ network manager
c) pHILE+ file system
d) pNA+ network manager
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pROBE+ system level debugger which can provide the system debugging and the low level debugging.

3. How is the pROBE+ system level debugger communicate with the outside world?
a) peripheral output
b) serial port
c) LCD display
d) LED
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Answer: b
Explanation: The pROBE+ system level debugger can communicate with the outside world through the serial port or by installing pNA+, a TCP/IP link can be used instead.

4. Which of the following is a complementary product to pROBE+ system level debugger?
a) pSOS+ kernel
b) pSOS+
c) XRAY+ source level debugger
d) pSOS+m
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Answer: c
Explanation: The XRAY+ source level debugger is a complementary product to pROBE+ system level debugger as it can use the debugger information and combine with the C source and other functions on the host that can provide an integrated debugging.

5. Which of the following supports the MS-DOS file?
a) pNA+ network manager
b) pSOS+ kernel
c) pSOS+ m
d) pHILE+ file system
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Answer: d
Explanation: The pHILE+ file system supports the MS-DOS file structure and the product can provide input and output file.
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6. Who developed the OS-9?
a) Microwave
b) Microwave and Motorola
c) Motorola and IBM
d) Microwave and IBM
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Answer: b
Explanation: The OS-9 is developed by Motorola and Microwave as a real-time operating system. The operating system is developed for MC6809 which is an 8-bit processor.

7. Who had developed VRTX-32?
a) Microtec Research
b) Microwave
c) Motorola
d) IBM
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Answer: a
Explanation: The VRTX-32 is developed by Microtec Research which is a high-performance real-time kernel.


8. Which provides the library interface to allow C programs to call standard I/O functions?
a) RTL
b) TNX
c) IFX
d) MPV
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Answer: a
Explanation: The RTL is run-time library support for Microtec and the Sun compilers and can provide the library interface to allow the C programs to call the standard I/O functions.

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