This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Coprocessor of Intel”.
1. Which of the following is a coprocessor of 80386?
a) 80387
b) 8087
c) 8089
d) 8088
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Explanation: 80386 have 80387 as a floating point arithmetic coprocessor which can perform various floating point calculations.
2. Name the processor which helps in floating point calculations.
a) microprocessor
b) microcontroller
c) coprocessor
d) controller
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Explanation: The coprocessor can perform signal processing, floating point arithmetics, encryption etc.
3. Which is the coprocessor of 8086?
a) 8087
b) 8088
c) 8086
d) 8080
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Explanation: 8087 is the coprocessor for both 8086 and 8088. 8089 is also a coprocessor of 8086 and 80888.
4. Which of the following is a coprocessor of Motorola 68000 family?
a) 68001
b) 68011
c) 68881
d) 68010
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Explanation: The 68881 coprocessor of Motorola provides floating point arithmetics.
5. Which of the following processors can perform exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions?
a) 8086
b) 8087
c) 8080
d) 8088
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Explanation: 8087 is a coprocessor which can perform all the mathematical functions including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric etc. 8086, 8080 and 8088 are microprocessors which require the help of a coprocessor for floating point arithmetic.
6. How many stack register does an 8087 have?
a) 4
b) 8
c) 16
d) 32
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Explanation: The 8087 coprocessor does not have a main register set but they have an 8-level deep stack register from st0 to st7.
7. Which of the following processor can handle infinity values?
a) 8080
b) 8086
c) 8087
d) 8088
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Explanation: 8087 is a coprocessor which can handle infinity values with two types of closure known as affine closure and projective closure.
8. Which coprocessor supports affine closure?
a) 80187
b) 80287
c) 80387
d) 8088
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Explanation: 80287 uses an affine closure for infinity values whereas 80387 and 80187 support projective closure for infinity values.
9. Which one is the floating point coprocessor of 80286?
a) 8087
b) 80187
c) 80287
d) 80387
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Explanation: 80286 supports 80287 as its floating point coprocessor which helps in floating point calculations.
10. How many pins does 8087 have?
a) 40 pin DIP
b) 20 pin DIP
c) 40 pins
d) 20 pins
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Explanation: All 8087 models have a 40 pin DIP which is operated in 5V.
11. What is the clock frequency of 8087?
a) 10 MHz
b) 5 MHz
c) 6 MHz
d) 4 MHz
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Explanation: 8087 have 5 MHz as its clock frequency because the coprocessor must have the same clock frequency as that of the main processor.
12. How are negative numbers stored in a coprocessor?
a) 1’s complement
b) 2’s complement
c) decimal
d) gray
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Explanation: In a coprocessor, negative numbers are stored in 2’s complement with its leftmost sign bit of 1 whereas positive numbers are stored in the form of true value with its leftmost sign bit of 0.
13. How many bits are used for storing signed integers?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 16
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Explanation: Signed integers in a coprocessor are stored as a 16-bit word, 32-bit double word or 64-bit quadword.
14. Which of the processor has an internal coprocessor?
a) 8087
b) 80287
c) 80387
d) 80486DX
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Explanation: 8087 is an external IC designed to operate with the 8088/8086 processor but 80486DX is an on-chip coprocessor that is, it does not require an extra integrated chip for floating point arithmetics.
15. What are the two major sections in a coprocessor?
a) control unit and numeric control unit
b) integer unit and control unit
c) floating point unit and coprocessor unit
d) coprocessor unit and numeric control unit
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Explanation: Control unit interfaces the coprocessor with its main microprocessor whereas numeric control unit can execute the coprocessor instructions.
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