This set of Embedded Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Classification of Scheduling Algorithm”.
1. Which classification is based on the extension to standard operating systems?
a) software and hardware deadline
b) aperiodic deadline
c) periodic deadline
d) static and dynamic deadline
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Explanation: The real-time scheduling can be classified into various criteria. The fundamental classification is the software and hardware deadline which is based on the extension to standard operating systems.
2. Which of the following defines the task which must be executed at every defined unit of time?
a) aperiodic task
b) periodic task
c) job
d) process
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Explanation: The periodic task is the one which must be executed in a defined unit of time say ‘p’ where p is called the period.
3. Which of the task are not periodic?
a) periodic task
b) unpredictable task
c) aperiodic task
d) job
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Explanation: The aperiodic task is the one in which the task is not periodic but the periodic task is the one in which are the task are periodic. Each execution of a periodic task is known as the job.
4. Which of the following is an aperiodic task requesting the processor at unpredictable times?
a) job
b) aperiodic task
c) sporadic
d) periodic task
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Explanation: The aperiodic tasks request the processor at unpredictable times if and only if there is a minimum separation between the times at which they request the processor which is called sporadic.
5. Which of the scheduling algorithm are based on the assumption that tasks are executed until they are done?
a) periodic task
b) aperiodic task
c) non-preemptive scheduling
d) preemptive scheduling
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Explanation: The nonpreemptive scheduling is based on the assumptions that the tasks are executed until the task is done whereas the preemptive scheduling is used if the task has long execution times or for a short response time.
6. Which of the following schedulers take decisions at run-time?
a) preemptive scheduler
b) non preemptive scheduler
c) dynamic scheduler
d) static scheduler
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Explanation: The dynamic schedulers take decisions at run-time and they are quite flexible but generate overhead at run-time whereas static scheduler is the ones in which the scheduler take their designs at the design time.
7. Which scheduler takes their designs at design time?
a) preemptive scheduler
b) non preemptive scheduler
c) dynamic scheduler
d) static scheduler
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Explanation: The static scheduler take their designs at the design time and it also generates tables of start times which are forwarded to a simple dispatcher but the dynamic scheduler takes a decision at the run-time.
8. Which scheduler generates tables and forward to the dispatcher?
a) static scheduler
b) dynamic scheduler
c) aperiodic scheduler
d) preemptive scheduler
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Explanation: The static scheduler generates tables of start times which are forwarded to a simple dispatcher and it can be controlled by a timer which makes the dispatcher analyze the table.
9. Which of the following systems are entirely controlled by the timer?
a) voltage triggered
b) time triggered
c) aperiodic task scheduler
d) periodic task scheduler
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Explanation: The systems which are entirely controlled by a timer are known as entirely time-triggered systems. A temporal control structure is associated with the entirely time-triggered system which is encoded in a TDL, task descriptor list.
10. What does TDL stand for?
a) task descriptor list
b) task design list
c) temporal descriptor list
d) temporal design list
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Explanation: TDL is a task descriptor list which contains the cyclic schedule for all activities of the node and the temporal control structure is encoded by the task descriptor table.
11. Which scheduling algorithm can be used in mixed software/hardware systems?
a) simple algorithm
b) complex algorithm
c) uniprocessor algorithm
d) multiprocessor algorithm
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Explanation: The complex algorithm is used in mixed software/hardware systems. It can be used to handle multiple processors.
12. Which algorithm can distinguish homogeneous multiprocessor system and heterogeneous multiprocessor system?
a) complex algorithm
b) simple algorithm
c) scheduler algorithm
d) preemptive algorithm
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Explanation: The simple algorithm can be used in handling single processors and the complex algorithm is used in mixed both in software and the hardware systems. It can also be used to distinguish homogeneous multiprocessor system and heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. The complex algorithm can be used to handle multiple processors whereas.
13. Which of the following scheduling test can be used to show that no scheduling exist?
a) sufficient test
b) necessary test
c) complex test
d) simple test
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Explanation: The necessary and sufficient conditions are used in the schedulability test. For necessary condition, the test is based only on the necessary conditions and it also can be used to show that no schedule exists. The sufficient condition indicates that no schedule exists even if there exists one.
14. Which scheduling test is used to indicate that no scheduling exist even if there exist one?
a) complex test
b) simple test
c) sufficient test
d) necessary test
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Explanation: The sufficient condition indicates that no schedule exists even if there exist one and the necessary condition indicates that no schedule exists even if a schedule exists.
15. Which algorithm can be used to schedule tasks at run-time?
a) online scheduler
b) offline scheduler
c) multiprocessor scheduler
d) uniprocessor scheduler
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Explanation: The online scheduling algorithm schedule tasks at run-time which is based on the information regarding the task whereas offline algorithms schedule tasks take a priori knowledge about the execution times, arrival times and deadlines into account.
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