Molecular Endocrinology Questions and Answers – Posterior Pituitary – Diabetes Insipidus

This set of Molecular Endocrinology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Posterior Pituitary – Diabetes Insipidus”.

1. What is the name of a disorder in which the patient secretes a large volume of urine that is hypotonic, dilute, and tasteless?
a) Diabetes Insipidus
b) Diabetes Mellitus
c) Maple Syrup Urine Disease
d) Phenylketonuria
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Answer: a
Explanation: Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a condition in which a significant amount of urine that is hypotonic, dilute, and tasteless (‘insipid’) is secreted by the patient. The hypertonic and sweet urine of diabetes mellitus (‘honey’) is opposed to this.

2. The problems associated with which among the following conditions are not observed in patients with DI?
a) Phenylketonuria
b) Hypernatremia
c) Antidiuretica
d) Insomnia
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Answer: b
Explanation: The issues associated with extreme hypernatremia due to extensive thirst are typically not found in patients with DI. Only when the patient is unable to respond to thirst is where the hypernatremic encephalopathy becomes a possibility.

3. Which among the following is an analogue of vasopressin?
a) Kyelopressin
b) Chemopressin
c) Desmopressin
d) Leptopressin
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Answer: c
Explanation: Desmopressin is the analogue of vasopressin and it is used in clinical studies as well. This medicine helps to avoid dehydration by controlling elevated thirst and too much urination. Desmopressin is also used to control the bedwetting of children at night.

4. Diabetes Insipidus is caused by the absence of the hormone vasopressin.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: DI is caused by the lack of a vasopressin hormone or an ineffective reaction to vasopressin. The pathophysiology of excess water intake and other such factors may explain the four syndromes of DI-primary polydipsia, hypothalamic DI, pregnancy DI, and nephrogenic DI.

5. Vasopressin absence causes only water-related pathology and nothing related to blood pressure.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vasopressin absence causes only water-related pathology, not with blood pressure. Most patients have an intact system of thirst, so they do not become dehydrated, but they have polyuria and polydipsia.

6. Which among the following condition can induce Primary polydipsia?
a) Lesion in the pituitary
b) Lesion in the hypothalamus
c) Lesion in the kidney
d) Lesion in the Medullary sensor
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Answer: b
Explanation: Primary polydipsia is caused due to the excessive fluid intake without any urge to drink. This can arise due to many reasons including mental illness like schizophrenia. Structural lesions in the hypothalamus can cause primary polydipsia. Accidents like hypothalamic injury can lead to these structural lesions.

7. Which among the following is a rare autosomal recessive disease that manifests with DI, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness (DIDMOAD)?
a) Wolfram’s syndrome
b) Lesh Nyhan’s syndrome
c) Kilnower’s Syndrome
d) Westerner’s Syndrome
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Answer: a
Explanation: DI, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness (DIDMOAD) causes a rare disease known as Wolfram’s syndrome. This is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder that has severe impacts. The defects in the WFS1 gene can be used to detect this genetic disorder.

8. Which among the following tumor of the basal hypothalamic area are associated with DI?
a) Hyperalynchoma
b) Melanomahypohysea
c) Ascites Lymphoma
d) Craniopharyngiomas
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Answer: d
Explanation: DI is also associated with certain tumors, such as craniopharyngiomas and primary tumors of germ cells in infants. They usually occur in the suprasellar hypothalamic basal region. Benign brain tumors that arise near the pituitary gland are craniopharyngiomas and can cause loss of pituitary hormonal activity, vision loss and headaches.

9. Which among the following is a rare cause of a pituitary mass and DI?
a) Pituitary abscess
b) Pituitary stalk damage
c) Pituitary lesion
d) Pituitary breakage
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Answer: a
Explanation: The majority of primary DI-causing hypothalamic-pituitary tumors are relatively slow-growing, and any rapid-growing tumor in this area should be considered a potential metastatic tumor. An unusual cause of pituitary mass and DI is pituitary abscess. A uncommon yet essential condition triggered by an infectious process where purulent material accumulates inside the sella turcica is the pituitary abscess.

10. Patients with which condition is more susceptible for an increased incidence of lymphoma associated with DI?
a) Phenylketonuria
c) Myeloma
d) Adenoma
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Answer: b
Explanation: In patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or hepatitis C infection, there may be some increased occurrence of lymphoma manifesting with DI. In such patients, this is attributed to the increased prevalence of lymphoproliferative disease.

11. In which among the following conditions is DI more common?
a) Nonlymphocytic leukemia
b) Adenoma
c) Craniopharyngiomas
d) Ascites Lymphoma
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Answer: a
Explanation: In cases of non-lymphocytic leukemia, DI is obviously more common. MRI studies in leukemia patients may demonstrate infiltration or infundibular mass. Nonlymphocytic leukemia is a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies induced by primitive myeloid cell clonal proliferation.

12. What do we label the cases if a definitive cause of DI is not found?
a) Idiopathic
b) Adenopathic
c) Lymphopathic
d) Cryopathic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Most cases of DI would be called “idiopathic,” if a definitive cause of DI is not identified. Nonlymphocytic leukemia is a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies induced by primitive myeloid cell clonal proliferation.

13. Which among the following is a well recognized cause of autoimmune DI?
a) Lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis
b) Adrenolytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis
c) Myelocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis
d) Granulocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis
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Answer: a
Explanation: Lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis is actually a well-recognized cause of autoimmune DI. Lymphocytic infundibuloneurohypophysitis has been diagnosed since the advent of MRI on the basis of the presence of a thickened stalk or swollen posterior pituitary imitation of a pituitary tumor.

14. Which among the following disease is sometimes seen in association with infundibuloneurohypophysitis?
a) Adenohypophysitis
b) Granulohypophysitis
c) Agranulomoketosis
d) Septohypophysis
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Answer: a
Explanation: Treatment of neoplastic patients with prednisone may develop a diagnosis if there is a decrease in stalk size, and this decrease may occur spontaneously as well. Adenohypophysitis and infundibuloneurohypophysitis coexist in certain instances.

15. In the diagram given below which shows a pattern called triphasic DI, what is the second phase which is thought to be due to unregulated release of vasopressin?

a) Antidiuretic phase
b) Antihistamine phase
c) Anti DI phase
d) Anti Luteal phase
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Answer: a
Explanation: Patients can exhibit a pattern known as triphasic DI with the full stalk segment. The second phase is an antidiuretic phase; it was originally defined as a natural interphase, but it is not normal and is assumed to be due to the uncontrolled release of vasopressin from hormone stores in the posterior pituitary degenerating axons.

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