Molecular Endocrinology Questions and Answers – Placental Hormones and its Metabolic Role – Set 2

This set of Molecular Endocrinology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Placental Hormones and its Metabolic Role – Set 2”.

1. Which among the following hormones is produced in the largest amount during pregnancy?
a) Estriol
b) Estradiol
c) Estrone
d) Progesterone
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Answer: a
Explanation: Estriol is formed by the placenta when a female is pregnant. The placenta is an endocrine-related organ which develops and keeps the mother and baby healthy during pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy, plasma concentrations of estradiol, estrone and estriol steadily increase. Estriol is produced in the greatest quantity.

2. DHEA and DHEA SO4 produced by the adrenal cortex of the fetus are converted to 16 α-OH derivatives by which organ?
a) Fetal kidney
b) Fetal liver
c) Fetal brain
d) Fetal intestine
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Answer: b
Explanation: A significant growth site of the human immune system is the foetal liver. The adrenal cortex of the fetus produces DHEA and DHEA SO4, which are converted by the fetal liver to 16 alpha-OH derivatives. These are eventually transformed by the placenta to estriol.

3. Which hormone levels are measured to analyze the feto-placental function?
a) Urinary Estradiol
b) Urinary Estrone
c) Urinary estriol
d) Progesterone
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Answer: c
Explanation: The estrogen hormone produced by the placenta is estriol. As a feto-placental function test, the measurement of urinary estriol concentrations is being used. The placenta provides the foetus with a supply of blood, supplying blood to the foetus in the event of hypotension, and vice versa.

4. Estriol hormone is excreted through urine after conjugating with glucuronides in the fetus.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: After maternal drug administration, the glucuronide metabolites of many commonly used medications are found in foetal plasma. After estriol forms, it travels to the maternal liver through the placental circulation. Then the glucuronides are conjugated and afterwards it is excreted in the urine.

5. Failure of urinary estriol may indicate imminent fetal death or placental insufficiency.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The integrity of the feto-placental unit is indicated by the failure of urinary estriol or total increase in estrogen concentration in the late pregnancy. And this may suggest imminent fetal death, e.g., preeclamptic toxemia, or placental insufficiency.

6. The fall in the titre value of which of the following hormones is critical during pregnancy?
a) Urinary pregnanediol
b) Urinary estrogens
c) Urinary TSH
d) Urinary FSH
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Answer: b
Explanation: Estrogen, released by the ovaries and later by the placenta, helps the uterus expand, retains the uterine lining, controls other essential hormones and activates the development of the organs of the infant. Urinary pregnanediol (or plasma progesterone) only represents placental activity, just as plasma placental lactogen estimation does. A fall in urinary estrogen or plasma placental lactogen is critical.

7. Increased urinary excretion of which of the following hormones is the basis for pregnancy test?
a) Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG)
b) Chorionic somatomammotropin (CS)
c) Progestins
d) Estrogens
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Answer: a
Explanation: Human chorionic gonadotropin is a maternal pregnancy recognition hormone formed by trophoblast cells surrounding a developing embryo that, after implantation, eventually forms the placenta. During early pregnancy (as early as the 10th day of gestation), increased urinary excretion of HCG occurs. This forms the basis for testing for pregnancy.

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