Power Plant Questions and Answers – Chemical & Nuclear Reactions – II

This set of Power Plant Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Chemical & Nuclear Reactions – II”.

1. Which of the following may be used to measure the rate of nuclear disintegration?
a) Geiger-Muller Counter
b) Cold Chamber
c) Cyclotron
d) Van De Graph Generator
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Answer: a
Explanation: Geiger-Muller Counter is used to measure the rate of nuclear disintegration.

2. The second underground nuclear test was conducted by India at __________
a) Pokhran
b) Narora
c) Jaisalmer
d) Kalpakkam
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pokhran was the place where the second underground nuclear test was conducted by India.

3. Which of the following may not need a moderator?
a) Candu Reactor
b) Fast Breeder Reactor
c) Homogeneous Reactor
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fast Breeder Reactor may not need a moderator.

4. The mass number of an element is not changed, when it emits __________ radiations.
a) α & γ
b) α, β, & γ
c) α & β
d) β & γ
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Answer: d
Explanation: The mass number of an element is not changed when it emits β & γ radiations.

5. Which of the following is not a naturally occurring nuclear fuel?
a) Uranium-238
b) Thorium-233
c) Plutonium-239
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Plutonium-239 is an artificial nuclear fuel.

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6. Which is the most commonly used molten metal for cooling of nuclear reactors?
a) Zinc
b) Sulphur
c) Sodium
d) Manganese
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sodium is the most commonly used molten metal for cooling of nuclear reactors.

7. One amu is equivalent to?
a) 931 MeV
b) 93.1 eV
c) 9.31 eV
d) 931 J
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Answer: a
Explanation: 91 MeV constitutes one amu.


8. Fast breeder reactors do not __________
a) use molten sodium as coolant
b) use fast neutrons for fission
c) use Th-232 as fissile fuel
d) convert fertile material to fissile material
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fast breeder reactors do not use Thorium-232 as fuel.

9. A boiling water reactor is the one, in which the __________
a) pressurised water is pumped into the core.
b) coolant water, after being heated in the reactor core, generates steam in a boiler
c) fuel and the coolant are thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous solution
d) coolant water is allowed to boil in the core of the reactor
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Answer: d
Explanation: A boiling water reactor is the one, in which the coolant water is allowed to boil in the core of the reactor.

10. Commercial power generation from fusion reactor is not yet possible, because __________
a) it is difficult to initiate fusion reaction
b) the fuel required (e.g. deuterium and tritium) is scarce
c) it is difficult to control fusion reaction
d) quantity of fuel required for initiating fusion reaction is prohibitively high
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Answer: c
Explanation: As fission reactions are hard to be controlled, the commercial power generation is not yet possible.

11. Which is a fertile nuclear fuel?
a) U-233
b) U-235
c) Pu-239
d) Th-232
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Answer: d
Explanation: Th-232 is the only fertile nuclear fuel amongst all the mentioned nuclear fuel.

12. Thermal shield is used in high powered nuclear reactors to __________
a) absorb the fast neutrons
b) protect the walls of the reactor from radiation damage
c) slow down the secondary neutrons
d) protect the fuel element from coming in contact with the coolant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thermal shield is used in high powered nuclear reactors to protect the walls of the reactor from radiation damage.

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