This set of Power Plant Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Air Preheaters, ESP and Deareration”.
1. The relative efficiency is defined as?
a) ratio of thermal efficiency to rankine efficiency
b) ratio of brake power to the indicated power
c) ratio of heat equivalent to indicated power to the energy supplied in steam
d) product of thermal efficiency & Rankine efficiency
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Explanation: The ratio of thermal efficiency to rankine efficiency is called Relative efficiency.
2. Lancashire boiler is ___________
a) stationary fire tube boiler
b) horizontal boiler
c) internally fired boiler
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: Lancashire boiler is a stationary fire tube, horizontal & internally fired boiler.
3. The heat balance sheet for the boiler shows the ___________
a) steam formed by combustion of hydrogen per kg of fuel
b) moisture present in the fuel
c) complete account of heat supplied by 1 kg of dry fuel & the heat consumed
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: The heat balance sheet for the boiler shows the complete account of heat supplied by 1 kg of dry fuel & the heat consumed.
4. A compound steam engine in which piston rods of high pressure & low pressure cylinders are attached to two different crank sets at 1800 to each other, is called ___________
a) Tandem type compound engine
b) Receiver type compound engine
c) Woolf type compound engine
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: A compound steam engine in which piston rods of high pressure & low pressure cylinders are attached to two different crank sets at 1800 to each other, is called Woolf type compound engine.
5. The actual vacuum in a condenser is equal to ___________
a) barometric pressure – actual pressure
b) barometric pressure + actual pressure
c) gauge pressure – atmospheric pressure
d) gauge pressure + atmospheric pressure
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Explanation: The actual vacuum in a condenser is equal to barometric pressure – actual pressure.
6. The high steam and low water safety valve is used to blow off steam when the ___________
a) steam pressure exceeds the working pressure
b) water level in the boiler becomes too low
c) none of the mentioned
d) steam pressure exceeds the working pressure & water level in the boiler becomes too low
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Explanation: The high steam and low water safety valve is used to blow off steam when the steam pressure exceeds the working pressure & water level in the boiler becomes too low.
7. The performance of a boiler is measured by the ___________
a) dry flue gases
b) steam formation
c) moisture in fuel
d) unburnt carbon
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Explanation: The performance of a boiler is measured by the amount of dry flue gases exhausted.
8. Benson boiler requires ___________
a) 2 drums
b) 3 drums
c) 0 drums
d) 1 drum
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Explanation: Benson boiler requires no drums. It is a drum-less boiler.
9. The cylinder condensation or missing quantity may be reduced by ___________
a) keeping the expansion ratio small in each cylinder
b) superheating the steam supplied to the engine cylinder
c) the efficient steam jacketing of the cylinder walls
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: The cylinder condensation or missing quantity may be reduced by keeping the expansion ratio small, superheating the steam supplied to the engine cylinder, the efficient steam jacketing of the cylinder walls, etc.
10. In a Tandem type compound engine, the high pressure and low pressure cylinders ___________
a) have common piston rods
b) have separate piston rods
c) are set at 90 degrees
d) are set in V-arrangement
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Explanation: In a Tandem type compound engine, the high pressure and low pressure cylinders have common piston rods.
11. A device used in a boiler to control the flow of steam from the boiler to the main pipe and to shut off the steam completely when required, is known as?
a) fusible plug
b) superheater
c) stop valve
d) blow off cork
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Explanation: A device used in a boiler to control the flow of steam from the boiler to the main pipe and to shut off the steam completely when required, is known as Stop Valve.
12. The performance of a boiler is measured by the ___________
a) steam produced in kg/h
b) steam produced in kg/kg of fuel burnt
c) amount of water evaporated per hour
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: The performance of a boiler is measured by the rate of steam produced in kg/h, kg/kg & the amount of water evaporated per hour.
13. The high pressure and low pressure cylinders in a receiver type compound engine are regarded as having cranks at ___________
a) 180° to each other
b) 90° to each other
c) 0° to each other
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The high pressure and low pressure cylinders in a receiver type compound engine are regarded as having cranks at 90° to each other.
14. Throttle governing of steam engines is a method of controlling the engine output by varying ___________
a) volume of intake steam
b) pressure of intake system
c) temperature of intake system
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: Throttle governing of steam engines is a method of controlling the engine output by varying pressure of intake system.
15. What is the aim of a compound steam engine?
a) to reduce the ratio of expansion in each cylinder
b) to reduce the temperature range in each cylinder
c) to reduce the length of stroke
d) all of the mentioned
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Explanation: The aim of a compound steam engine is to reduce the ratio of expansion in each cylinder.
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