This set of Power Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Introduction of Nuclear Power Plant”.
1. The best capable alternative source which can meet the future energy demand is _____________
a) thermal power plant
b) nuclear power plant
c) hydroelectric power plant
d) geothermal power plant
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Explanation: Demand of electrical energy is increasing at fast rate owing to booming increase in the population and industrial growth. The reserves of fossil fuel i.e., coal, oil and gas are fast depleting. There are many alternative sources of energy but they are not enough to supply such huge demand, only nuclear power plants are capable of doing that.
2. How much coal is required to generate energy equivalent to the energy generated by 1 kg of uranium?
a) 30000 tonnes of high grade coal
b) 300 tonnes of high grade coal
c) 10000 tonnes of high grade coal
d) 3000 tonnes of high grade coal
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Explanation: One of the main attention for nuclear fuel is the huge amount of energy that can be released from a small quantity of active nuclear fuel. The energy obtainable by completely using 1 kg of Uranium would give energy equivalent 3000 tons of high grade coal i.e. Uranium has three millions times the energy of coal.
3. Nuclear fuel in reactor lasts for ________________
a) more than 5 months
b) few weeks
c) few days
d) more than 5 years
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Explanation: Very small amount of nuclear fuel can produce very high amount of energy. Nuclear fuel may remain in a reactor for more than 5 years.
4. Cost of nuclear fuel in nuclear power plant economics is considered as __________
a) running cost
b) maintenance cost
c) capital cost
d) development cost
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Explanation: Nuclear fuel in a nuclear reactor may remain for more than 5 years. So the cost of fuel injected initially is taken as capital cost and may be a few crore rupees.
5. In economics of nuclear power plant taxes and insurance charges are taken as _______
a) operating cost
b) maintenance cost
c) capital cost
d) fixed cost
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Explanation: The life of reactor plant may be taken as between 15 to 20 years. For the other parts of the plant equipment the life may be taken as 30 years. The fixed cost would be interest, depreciation, taxes and insurance charges.
6. Which of the following are not taken as operation and maintenance cost in economics of nuclear power plant?
a) Taxes and insurance
b) Salaries and wages of staff
c) Cost of waste disposal
d) Cost of processing materials
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Explanation: Taxes and insurance are taken as fixed costs. Salaries and wages of operation and maintenance staff, cost of waste disposal and cost of processing materials are the operation and maintenance cost.
7. What is the overall efficiency of nuclear power plant?
a) 20 to 25%
b) 25 to 30%
c) 30 to 40 %
d) 50 to 70 %
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Explanation: The overall efficiency of a nuclear power plant is around 30 to 40%. Efficiency is higher at high road factors. Therefore, a nuclear power plant is always operated as a base load plant.
8. The land area required for installation of nuclear power plant is ________
a) more than thermal power plant
b) less than thermal power plant
c) equel to thermal power plant
d) depends on type of construction
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Explanation: Nuclear power plants need less area as compared to any other plant of same generation capacity. A 2000MW nuclear power plant needs about 80 acres whereas the coal fired steam power plant of same generation capacity needs 250 acres of land.
9. All of the nuclear fuel reserve will be ended in about 400 years.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: There are larger deposits of nuclear fuel available all over the world. Therefore, such plants can ensure continued supply of electrical energy for thousands of years.
10. With respect to the load centre which location is suitable for stablishment of nuclear power plant?
a) Load centre
b) Near load centre but at reasonable distance
c) Far away from load centre
d) Near chemical industries
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Explanation: These plants can be located near the load centre because of the negligible cost of transportation of fuel. But there should be a reasonable distance between the nuclear power plant and the nearest populated areas from point of view of safety against danger of radioactivity. It is highly undesirable to choose a site adjacent to chemical industries oil refineries PWD works hospitals and schools.
11. Operating cost of nuclear power plant is less than thermal power plant.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Cost of fuel in nuclear power plant is taken as the capital cost. The the total operating cost involves wages and the salaries of operating and maintenance staff only, cost of disposal of waste etc.. The cost of transport and handling of coal for conventional thermal power plant is much higher than the cost of nuclear fuel.
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