Marine Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Transgenic Technology in Marine Organisms – Set 3

This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Transgenic Technology in Marine Organisms – Set 3”.

1. Cecropins are ______________
a) anti-oxidants
b) plasmids
c) anti-microbial peptides
d) anti-foaming agent
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Answer: c
Explanation: Cecropins belong to family of anti-microbial peptides that evolutionary conserved between from insects through mammals. Originally identified in Cecropia moth, these possess a broad range of activity against microbes and viruses.

2. CF-17 is a synthetic peptide.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: CF-17 is a designed analog of cecropin P1¸both have been used to prevent propagation of such fish diseases as infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV).

3. Which aspect of fish growth characteristics cannot be improved using transgenic technology in aquaculture?
a) Initial growth rate of fry
b) Enhanced somatic growth
c) Improvement of feed conversion efficiency
d) Male to female ratio
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Answer: b
Explanation: Three aspects of fish growth characteristics can be improved using the transgenic technology in aquaculture. These are increase initial growth rate of fry for early head-start; enhanced somatic growth in adults using the GH gene; and improvement of fish conversion efficiency.

4. Fish produced with altered body color can be used to detect environmental changes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The main motives of producing fish with altered body color include – generation of novel varieties with rare colors for rearing as pets; and using the change of body color as indicators of environmental fluctuations.

5. Which is a skin-specific gene used in transgenic technology for ornamental fish?
a) Krt8
b) Krt4
c) Mylz2
d) Mylz4
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Answer: a
Explanation: Many fluorescent protein genes and genes driven by tissue-specific promoters are used in the production of ornamental fish. Krt8 is a skin-specific gene while mylz2 is a muscle-specific gene which is generally used.

6. _____________ is the source of melanin-concentration hormone (MCH).
a) Chinook salmon
b) Medaka
c) Chum salmon
d) Zebrafish
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Answer: c
Explanation: Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) is the source of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) used in transgenic technology of ornamental fishes. It has been used to produce transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes) with altered body color.

7. The main organ of function of tau proteins is _____________
a) liver
b) kidney
c) intestine
d) nervous system
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Answer: d
Explanation: In humans tau proteins function to stabilize the microtubules of neurons in central nervous system. Any alterations in these proteins lead to dementias of the mind. Using transgenic technology the early consequences of defective tau proteins can be studied using the zebrafish.

8. _______________ is not a biological parameter impacted by environmental pollution in fish.
a) Glutathione peroxidase
b) Ascorbic acid
c) Glutathione
d) Riboflavin
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Answer: d
Explanation: Various parameters in fish are measured using assays to access the environmental pollution. These include DNA damage, defense enzymes (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase), genes inducible by pollutants and factors that regulate redox potential.

9. Which is not a class of enhancer elements used in transgenic technology to detect aquatic environmental toxins?
c) PCR
d) MRE
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Answer: c
Explanation: Aromatic hydrocarbon response elements (AHRE), electrophile response elements (EPRE) and metal response elements (MRE) are used in transgene constructs to enable detection of environmental pollutants and toxins.

10. “Trojan gene effect” hypothesis was proposed using ____________
a) mice
b) medaka
c) rabbit
d) zebrafish
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Answer: b
Explanation: “Trojan gene effect” is a key concern associated with risks of transgenic fish. It proposes that a genetically modified fish may outcompete or reproduce equally against the wild fish which can lead to complete extinction of the latter.

11. Inactivation of which gene in fish leads to double muscling?
a) Myostatin
b) Keratin
c) Myogenin
d) Ankyrin
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Answer: a
Explanation: A mutation in the myostatin gene results in muscle hypertrophy in animals as well as fish. This hypertrophy is called double muscling that leads to drop in body fat and elevated skeletal muscle size.

12. Sterilization technology assesses possible __________ impacts.
a) environmental
b) aquaculture
c) agricultural
d) production
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sterilization is the process of producing sterile progeny (mostly males) that are not capable of infecting the wild organisms. In case there is an accidental release of GM in the wild populations, prior sterilization will preclude any undesirable impacts.

13. Which is useful for the identification of fish species?
a) Pigmentation pattern
b) Size
c) Nuclear genome
d) Mitochondrial genome
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mitochondria is inherited from the mother alone, in fish it is an important criteria to identify fish species and strains. Mitochondria and nucleus have their separate genes that encode for proteins.

14. What is the fundamental basis of fish genetic diversity?
a) Environmental isolation
b) Predation
c) Change of environment
d) Accumulation of mutations
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Answer: d
Explanation: Accumulation of mutations and their propagation as a result of reproductive isolation is the basis of all genetic diversity in the fish. The genetic resource however is in danger due to increasing aquaculture practices, pressure from capture fisheries and environmental pollution.

15. ____________ is highly dynamic in fish and other organisms.
a) Transcriptome
b) Genome
c) Chloroplast
d) Mitochondria
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Answer: a
Explanation: Transcriptome is highly dynamic in an organism as opposed to the genome that remains relatively stable. Transcriptome is the whole set of messenger RNA prevailing in an organism at a given point of time.

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