Marine Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Fish Genetics – Broodstock Development – Set 2

This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fish Genetics – Broodstock Development – Set 2”.

1. Achieving sexual maturation and spawning at a particular time of the year is called _________________
a) controlled reproduction
b) vaccination
c) immune-stimulation
d) bioremediation
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Answer: a
Explanation: Accomplishing timely sexual maturity and spawning of the fish eggs of fish under captive conditions (of an aquaculture setup) is the objective of controlled reproduction. This is the basis for high health brood-stock development.

2. Gonadal gamete release can be achieved by ____________________
a) hormonal supplementation
b) vaccination
c) probiotics treatment
d) heat shock
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gonadal gamete release can be achieved by injecting mammalian gonadotropins or pituitary extracts from common carp or salmon to surge the natural release of gonadotropins in fish.

3. In oviparous animals the source of nutrition for embryo is ____________________
a) pellet feed
b) yolk
c) live feed
d) wheat bran
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Answer: b
Explanation: In oviparous animals like zebrafish (Danio rerio) the process of vitellogenesis is a seasonal/ cyclic phenomenon. The embryos depend on egg yolk for their nutritional requirement for till a few days post-fertilization.

4. The gonadotropin releasing factor is synthesized in the ______________________
a) hypothalamus
b) pituitary
c) liver
d) hepato-pancreas
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Answer: a
Explanation: The gonadotropin releasing hormone is synthesized in the lateralis tuberis of the hypothalamus. The releasing hormone stimulates the release of gonadotropins from pituitary gland.

5. In fish, hypothalamus regulates the function of the pituitary gland.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Environmental cues entail a response from the hypothalamus of the brain. The release of hormones from the hypothalamus further stimulates the pituitary that release hormones for gonadal development.

6. The missing step in the figure is undertaken by ______________________

a) pituitary gland
b) androgenic gland
c) X-organ
d) Y-organ
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Answer: a
Explanation: After the release of hypothalamic peptides from the hypothalamus in the brain, the releasing hormones stimulate pituitary glands to release gonadotropins. The surge in gonadotropin levels can be attained artificially by hypophysation.

7. In the figure a), b), and c) are _____________

a) Y-organ, X-organ, Androgenic gland
b) Y-organ, Androgenic gland, X-organ
c) X-organ, Androgenic gland, Y-organ
d) X-organ, Y-organ, Androgenic gland
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the shrimp diagram near the eye stock X-organ is located; on the opposite sides near the pereiopods (walking legs). The X-organ contains the sinus gland that secretes gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone.

8. Acetone drying can preserve the pituitary extracts up to 6-7 years.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Acetone drying is a preliminary step in the process of cryopreservation, under which compounds are desiccated and frozen. Pituitary gland extracts from various fish are used to induce reproduction during brood-stock development.

9. ________________ refers to fertilization of fish sperm and egg in vitro.
a) Stripping
b) Hypophysation
c) Induced spawning
d) Controlled reproduction
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stripping refers to collection of the eggs and sperms from fish following hypophysation, and fertilizing them in vitro. Stripping is also done when ovipositors of gravid females are plugged with eggs, precluding their spawning.

10. Which is the method of choice for preservation of fish gametes?
a) Stripping
b) Cryopreservation
c) Crystallization
d) Vacuum drying
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cryopreservation is the method of choice for preservation of fish gametes, when the gonadal maturation of male and female fish is not synchronous. In this process gametes are stored at -196°C.

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