This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Marine Silicon Biotechnology”.
1. Megascleres and gemmoscleres are _________________
a) spicules
b) diatom species
c) sponge species
d) corals
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Explanation: Megasceleres and gemmoscleres are isoforms of functionally and morphologically different spicules. Spicules give structural support to the organism as well as deter predates. Megascleres refers to the visible large spicules while microscleres are smaller and microscopic.
2. Living cells can be encapsulated in silica gels.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: To maintain the biological activity of a diverse range of living cells and proteins, they have been encapsulated in silica gels. Convention method of silica gel preparation is the sol-gel method that results in remnants of alcohol reducing the effectiveness of the technique.
3. The silicateins can accelerate formation of silica from __________________
c) H2O2
d) NO
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Explanation: Physiologically produced or produced using recombinant DNA technology, the silicateins can accelerate formation of silica from tetraethoxysilane (TEOS), a colorless liquid that degrades in water.
4. E. coli produced silica in the presence of ___________________
a) silicic acid
b) methoxysilane
c) silicon dioxide
d) alkoxysilane
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Explanation: Recombinant DNA technology has been used to mass produce silica for industrial applications. E. coli expressing the gene for silica grew with silica covering itself in presence of silicic acid in the medium.
5. Silicon is essential for mineralization of vertebrate bones.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Silicon is essential for vertebrate bone mineralization, for this reason it is increasing being used in tissue scaffolds, and bone implants. Recombinant DNA technology is an efficient way to produce naturally occurring silica.
6. Polydimethylsiloxane is a product of ____________________
a) silicatein polymerization
b) alkoxy silane condensation
c) silicon dissolution
d) silica deposition
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Explanation: Polydimethylsiloxane is silicon based organic polymer having wide range of medical applications. It has been synthesized by silicatein catalyzed condensation of alkoxy silanes at neutral pH.
7. Ti(BALDH) is ______________________
a) toxic
b) cannot be synthesized
c) non-reactive
d) water stable
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Explanation: Titanium bis(ammonium lactate) dihydroxide is a water stable, alkoxide-like compound that can produce titanium dioxide (TiO2) by silicatein catalyzed polycondensation and hydrolysis.
8. A polycysteine sequence incorporated with recombinant silicatein has an affinity for ______________
a) gold
b) zirconia
c) silver
d) xylene
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Explanation: A polycysteine sequence incorporated in recombinant silicon has an affinity for gold. This has been exploited to generate silicatein-patterned gold surface using micro-contact printing methods.
9. Polylactide (PLA) is a _________________
a) perovskite
b) polymer
c) axial filament protein
d) cell wall component
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Explanation: Polylactide (PLA) is a biocompatible and biodegradable polymer that can be derived from renewable resources and is recyclable. Silicateins derived from marine organisms are known to catalyze the polymerization of PLA.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Marine Biotechnology.
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